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WoW Classic Realms Population Report: August 23rd

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We're four days away from Classic launch. New realms are coming in both regions on August 26, and Blizzard will also be lifting the 3-character limit per server soon.

Check out our WoW Classic Realm Population hub for a full history of recent population changes!

EU Realms

Gehennas is now marked as Full. Both new German servers went from Low to Medium.

The following realms will open on August 26, 2019 at 19:00 p.m. CEST:

  • Flamelash - PvP - English
  • Gandling - PvP English
  • Mograine - PvP - English
  • Nethergarde Keep - Normal - English
  • Razorgore - PvP - English
Name Type Language Population
Firemaw *new* PvP English Medium
Gehennas PvP English High Full
Golemagg PvP English Full
Hydraxian Waterlords RP English Medium
Mirage Raceway Normal English High
Pyrewood Village Normal English High
Shazzrah PvP English Full
Zandalar Tribe RP-PvP English Medium
Auberdine Normal French Medium
Sulfuron PvP French High
Everlook Normal German Full
Lucifron PvP German Full
Razorfen *new* Normal German Low Medium
Venoxis *new* PvP German Low Medium
Хроми (Chromie) Normal Russian Medium
Пламегор (Flamegor) PvP Russian High

US Realms

The following realms will open on August 26, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PDT:

  • Incendius - PvP - Eastern
  • Bigglesworth - PvP - Pacific
  • Old Blanchy - Normal - Pacific
  • Westfall - Normal - Eastern
Name Type Time Zone Population
Atiesh Normal Pacific High
Blaumeux *new* PvP Pacific Low
Mankrik Normal Eastern Full
Myzrael Normal Pacific High
Pagle Normal Eastern Full
Skeram *new* PvP Eastern Medium
Stalagg PvP Eastern High 
Faerlina PvP Eastern Full
Fairbanks PvP Pacific  High
Herod PvP Eastern Full
Whitemane PvP Pacific Full
Bloodsail Buccanneers RP Eastern Medium
Grobbulus RP-PvP Pacific Medium
Thalnos PvP Eastern Full

Oceanic Realms

Name Type Time Zone Population
Arugal PvP Australian Eastern Time High
Remulos Normal Australian Eastern Time Medium

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They're adding servers at a pretty quick rate!  I wonder what their population estimates are for Classic now.  I have a feeling Classic is going to grow like they did back in vanilla so it should be interesting to see.  I think they're severely overestimating the percent of tourists as well.

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13 minutes ago, ClassicRaids said:

They're adding servers at a pretty quick rate!  I wonder what their population estimates are for Classic now.  I have a feeling Classic is going to grow like they did back in vanilla so it should be interesting to see.  I think they're severely overestimating the percent of tourists as well.

With the end of Legion and most of BFA feeling like an on-rails experience where the world is no longer the main character along with a crazy amount of Nostalgia from the original millions of subs...I think people will go hardcore with classic for a few months then itll dip hard with other new games coming out.

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Despite new servers being added, many people will likely stay on those marked as full. Better to deal with queues initially, than to end on a dead server.

Edited by Arcling
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      Testing Focus
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      Slaughter from the Shadows: Now reduces Backstab and Ambush cost by 30 (up from 20) and now also increases damage Backstab and Ambush do to non-player controlled targets by 60%. Mutilate is dominant in PvE and we know some players have a deep fondness for backstab so the intent here is to bring Backstab up with new synergies. This rune may be niche and situational due to the fact that it competes with Deadly Brew but we’ll keep an eye on usage. Unfair Advantage now also triggers on Parries, always hits your current target, and grants 1 combo point when it triggers. Developer’s Notes: This is to give tanks a way to get Combo Points to maintain their 2 maintenance finishers without having to completely rely on Honor Among Thieves. This accomplishes two things: 1) allows you to feel like Avoidance further increases your damage output. 2) Increases the potential for Rune combination diversity. You can do Honor Among Thieves + Carnage (with the Carnage change later on) or Combat Potency/Focused Attacks + Unfair Advantage to have a way to gain combo points, and a way to keep the energy flowing. Shiv has been replaced with a new rune: Cutthroat You no longer need to be behind your target to Backstab, Ambush, or Garrote, and you have a 15% chance when you Backstab to make your next Ambush not require being in Stealth. Known issue: These abilities still trigger an error stating you must be behind your target. This is visual only and we will correct that in a later update. Developer’s Notes: With the change to Poisoned Knife to have no dead zone, Shiv stood to fall even further behind compared to the other runes in this slot. With Saber Slash and Mutilate having their identities locked in with damage over time effects, we wanted to add a “Big numbers” option to this slot for those who enjoy Backstab and Ambush. Main Gauche now grants 100% Parry chance until you next Parry an attack instead of 10% Parry. Now also reduces the Energy cost of Sinister Strike by 20 for the next 10 sec. Combo points granted reduced to 1 (down from 3). Developer’s Notes: In line with theme of glove runes and dominance, we understand Mutilate has been essentially the default choice for many builds, and we want to open that up more. Creating a synergy with Sinister Strike made sense to us here, since Main Gauche is a longer cooldown and we don’t feel comfortable increasing the rate at which a Rogue will able to avoid attacks and accelerating rogues reaching a full avoidance cap which could prove problematic. We think this version of Main Gauche allows the player to control their avoidance, creates more energy play outside of just Adrenaline Rush, and may allow more builds to open up. This additionally keeps the efficacy against bosses with 2.0 attack speed essentially allowing the rogue to avoid 1 extra attack every 10 swings (10%). Carnage: Now also heals the Rogue for 40% of all damage done by Rupture (or Crimson Tempest). Developer’s Note: Adding some sustain to Rogue could be problematic, but we also feel like Rupture has two uses in an Envenom World – stop another Rogue from restealthing, and to bleed down a Plate wearer. Outside of that, Rupture doesn’t have a ton of great application. So instead of adding more damage to it, we want to push its identity out in a way it doesn’t compete 1 to 1 with other finishers. This also gives Tank Rogues an opportunity to opt into Carnage over Unfair Advantage and adding Rupture to their rotation. Fan of Knives damage reduced to 50% weapon damage (75% with daggers). Developer’s Note: Fan of Knives is an incredibly synergistic ability and there are more synergies than before for Rogues. This version may look weaker than say the Wrath of the Lich King version, but Focused Attacks is 50% more energy restored in SoD than in Wrath, Deadly Brew will apply Deadly and Instant Poison from both weapons on Fan of Knives, and occult poison will increase the damage of your instant poisons when you stack it up with longer AoE pulls. So, we feel very comfortable taking down the base damage of Fan of Knives without negatively impacting AoE threat or damage relative to similar AoE abilities. The three cloak runes are similar ways to do AoE damage, and with Carnage now working on Crimson Tempest for healing off AoE targets it now has distinct identity as well. We’ll continue to monitor these three runes and adjust as needed.
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