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[Archived] S20 Hearthsone Mid Budget Warrior Control Deck

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Guest jacoasso

I'm sorry but this deck is absolutely miserable.  You can't win a single game using this no matter what tactics you use.  Don't waste the dust it costs to make this deck, you'll be very disappointed.

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Guest Lubsu

I'm sorry but this deck is absolutely miserable.  You can't win a single game using this no matter what tactics you use.  Don't waste the dust it costs to make this deck, you'll be very disappointed.

Dunno what you babling bout. Im already rank 14 with this deck. You are just playing it wrong.

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I'm sorry but this deck is absolutely miserable.  You can't win a single game using this no matter what tactics you use.  Don't waste the dust it costs to make this deck, you'll be very disappointed.

I appreciate your comment, but there is no reason to be unable to "win a single game" with this deck. It's a solid deck, and like the poster below you, I took it out for a spin in Ranked mode and so far have won 5 out of 7 games (granted, this is at a low rank since I haven't played this season).


This deck will probably lose to decks with no budget restrictions, since coping with very strong legendaries one after another is tough. But at anything less than that, the deck will take you as far as your playing abilities will.


If you could be a bit more specific about the manner in which you are losing with this deck, or the problems you are encountering, I too could probably be more specific in addressing them.


Thank you.

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Guest Tony

Very solid deck, 9-4 ranked so far. It definitely requires more thinking compared to mindless all-in murlock decks. Sometimes it can be hard to deal with low mana early aggro decks (which are very common nowadays). You will spend all your mana in a turn trying to remove one minion or placing one yourself, which will then get killed off easily by your opponent, making it almost impossible to regain board control (mage and hunters especially). Your only hope is a lucky Brawl when theres 4 to 5 enemy minions. And if they're smart enough, there will always be some sort of removal saved waiting for your Garrosh

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Guest Piano Man

I too am having  a difficult time with this deck. There are only a few comments, so it seems that the ones who really like it must understand the cards much better than I. So far, when I can get my legendary out, I still have 10 hp left on my apponent. When they throw everything at him and kill him the next turn, I'm usually week with no minions and I get widdled down to a slow, agonizing death! 

I wanna learn how to play this deck better. I'd imagine that even if it is solid, most would agree that it's not easy to play, which is fine by me. I just wanna win! smile.png

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Guest Luke

This deck is very difficult to play for me. I'd like to learn how to play it better, but it seems beyond me. Clearly, a couple of you really like it. Perhaps if the creators did a better job at explaining how it really works, we'd have more luck. I am so stuck with this thing. 


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Guest Theobolt

This deck is very difficult to play for me. I'd like to learn how to play it better, but it seems beyond me. Clearly, a couple of you really like it. Perhaps if the creators did a better job at explaining how it really works, we'd have more luck. I am so stuck with this thing. 



He did explain, you should keep the table clear and win slowly biggrin.png J/K gonna try this out now, see if i understand it.

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Guest GrimSyN

You almost always need to mulligan for a Fiery War Axe early game. With a weapon in your hand you can control the board for 1-3 turns, which is plenty of time to place minions on the board. With that being said you don't want to waste a turn early game by using a weapon if there is no enemy minion.(you're just asking to be oozed) Try combos with your enraged minions/card draw minions. Personally, I prefer 2 Armani berserker over 2 Armorsmiths. I also replace; 1 Shield Slam with 1 Cleaveand, 1 Shield Block with Mortal Strike, and 1 Acolyte/ 1 Defender with 2 Arcanite Reapers. The reason I made those replacements is to further diversify my game, and ability to remove minions. You have to be patient with your play style if you can afford it. Playing around key mass removal is a top priority. Save your execute for the late game op-enemy minions. Be prepared to play longer games, and winning with little to no health. Hope this helps.

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Guest GrimSyN

By combos with your enraged/card draw minions I mean; utilizing Whirlwind and Cruel Taskmaster. Nothing is more amazing when you whirlwind with a Berserker and a couple minions on the field. Really increases your early game damage against opponents who don't have an immediate answer to your play.

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Very solid deck, 9-4 ranked so far. It definitely requires more thinking compared to mindless all-in murlock decks. Sometimes it can be hard to deal with low mana early aggro decks (which are very common nowadays). You will spend all your mana in a turn trying to remove one minion or placing one yourself, which will then get killed off easily by your opponent, making it almost impossible to regain board control (mage and hunters especially). Your only hope is a lucky Brawl when theres 4 to 5 enemy minions. And if they're smart enough, there will always be some sort of removal saved waiting for your Garrosh


You are right that this is not a deck that can be played mindlessly. Every move needs to be planned and thought-through. But it is a rewarding deck when you get it working ;)



I too am having  a difficult time with this deck. There are only a few comments, so it seems that the ones who really like it must understand the cards much better than I. So far, when I can get my legendary out, I still have 10 hp left on my apponent. When they throw everything at him and kill him the next turn, I'm usually week with no minions and I get widdled down to a slow, agonizing death! 

I wanna learn how to play this deck better. I'd imagine that even if it is solid, most would agree that it's not easy to play, which is fine by me. I just wanna win! smile.png

This deck is very difficult to play for me. I'd like to learn how to play it better, but it seems beyond me. Clearly, a couple of you really like it. Perhaps if the creators did a better job at explaining how it really works, we'd have more luck. I am so stuck with this thing. 


GrimSyN makes a very good explanation of the deck below (even if you don't make the card swaps he was referring to).


I'll make a few points.


Grommash is your big finisher (and basically your only finisher, aside from Gorehowl). This means you should not waste Grommash. Typically, do not play him unless you can enrage him on the same turn (with Inner Rage, Cruel Taskmaster, Whirlwind, Slam, Shield Slam). Sometimes, you can play him without enraging, but if the opponent has a good answer, he will be wasted.


Playing minions that react to damage taken simultaneously is a good idea. So, for example, Armorsmith + Frothing Berserker or Acolyte of Pain. This not only forces your opponent to deal with the minions, but it also means that whatever your opponent does, you still gain benefit.


Remember that you can use Slam to damage your own minions, which can be very helpful when you need to draw an answer (especially if you Slam your Acolyte of Pain, for instance).


Use your weapons to take out minions, but if you've got another weapon ready, you can also go to the face with them a bit to bring the opponent in kill range.


Save Execute for minions that you cannot get rid of with your weapons or spells, or for breaking through taunts when you are about to kill your opponent. Do not waste it on a damaged Harvest Golem or something like that.


You almost always need to mulligan for a Fiery War Axe early game. With a weapon in your hand you can control the board for 1-3 turns, which is plenty of time to place minions on the board. With that being said you don't want to waste a turn early game by using a weapon if there is no enemy minion.(you're just asking to be oozed) Try combos with your enraged minions/card draw minions. Personally, I prefer 2 Armani berserker over 2 Armorsmiths. I also replace; 1 Shield Slam with 1 Cleaveand, 1 Shield Block with Mortal Strike, and 1 Acolyte/ 1 Defender with 2 Arcanite Reapers. The reason I made those replacements is to further diversify my game, and ability to remove minions. You have to be patient with your play style if you can afford it. Playing around key mass removal is a top priority. Save your execute for the late game op-enemy minions. Be prepared to play longer games, and winning with little to no health. Hope this helps.



By combos with your enraged/card draw minions I mean; utilizing Whirlwind and Cruel Taskmaster. Nothing is more amazing when you whirlwind with a Berserker and a couple minions on the field. Really increases your early game damage against opponents who don't have an immediate answer to your play.


Thank you for your posts!

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What is a good alternative to Grommash Legendary for a temporary time. I just need a little more dusts to craft one. I have everything else for the deck.

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I didn't have all the cards (missing that legendary) to build this deck so instead I build this up


2x Fiery War Axe
2x Heroic Strike
2x Frothing Berserker
2x Warsong Commander
1x Mortal Strike
2x Arathi Weaponsmith
2x Kor'kron Elite
1x Brawl
1x Gorehowl
2x Leper Gnome
2x Faerie Dragon
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Loot Hoarder
2x Novice Engineer
2x Shattered Sun Cleric
1x Leeroy Jenkins
2x Argent Commander
Been able to rank to 9 with it. It's very aggro, with some draw power and ironbeak to break taunts or cards with nasty effects. 
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What is a good alternative to Grommash Legendary for a temporary time. I just need a little more dusts to craft one. I have everything else for the deck.

Grommash is pretty strong and can be a solid finisher, other legendary cards such as Ragnaros or Ysera could work, however if you don't have any solid late game finishers, the card you will swap in wont have much impact on how your deck works. You could try squeezing in Berserkers + Wild Pyromancers and make the deck more aggressive.


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Guest Ukyo

I have a Ysera, any cards I should take out for that?

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I have a Ysera, any cards I should take out for that?

I'd swap the Inner Rage for that if something. Cruel Taskmasters should be enough to enrage Grommash and for removal.


In fact, I am not THAT familiar with warriors, so you might want to waid for a more expert answer.

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Thanks Oltier!


I can't edit my post since I didn't register until just now, love your website just haven't registered haha.


I picked up some more cards yesterday so was wondering if I should swap out any of the current deck for: Leeroy, Onyxia, Ysera, and Sea Giant.


If so, which cards should I swap out for which?


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks Oltier!


I can't edit my post since I didn't register until just now, love your website just haven't registered haha.


I picked up some more cards yesterday so was wondering if I should swap out any of the current deck for: Leeroy, Onyxia, Ysera, and Sea Giant.


If so, which cards should I swap out for which?


Thanks in advance.

I would only consider Ysera in this deck. 


Instead of Leeroy, you have Grommash.

Onyxia is vulnerable to Unleash the Dogies.

Ysera, read above.

Sea Giant.. Doesn't really fit in my opinion. You will usually have a clear board. At least, you should. :)

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Guest slord

This deck is pretty awful.  No taunt - anyone with 2-3 taunt cards steamrolls me using this deck.

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This deck is pretty awful.  No taunt - anyone with 2-3 taunt cards steamrolls me using this deck.

If you want some taunts in it, then put some taunts in. However, you really shouldn't have much difficulty without them.

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Guest Mooninite

I agree I'm having lots of issues getting out of Rank 20/19 and the only thing I'm missing is a second Shield Slam and Hellscream. Tried adding in substitutes likes Upgrade! to make Gorehowl even more potent, or Rampage to make a Berserker even larger.  I've tried combining in a variety of other ideas as well like a Gadgetzan Auctioneer or Amani Berserkers as well.  Find a real problem when trying to get past decks with a lot of taunt.  Also I really don't think I can very often get full use of Defender of Argus since my board is almost always being wiped so getting him out effectively costs a lot of mana for a 2-3 card drop.

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Guest 7ithium

I was rank 16 today. Played 8 or so games with my tossed-together, self-made, value warrior deck (lol trump) and ended up back at rank 19. I was pretty raged so I dusted my golden deathwing and some other epics and crafted this set. I have gone 5 and 1 since and am back to rank 16. The only person I have lost to is an extremely answer-y control lock. (soulfire/hellfire/shadowbolt/hero-ability/more removal). He was able to burn me down with average minions before I could even think about Grommash.


As has been said, you really just have to use your noggin with this deck. You can't just toss crap out and hope to win. Combo frothing/acolyte/armorsmith is so key early game, but you can skate by even with cleave/whirlwind/firey axe and still make it out alive. The other thing I noticed is that you will routinely be at 15-10 hp by the time your opponent finally runs out of steam. I had numerous games where I was able to win from around 10 health with them having 30. Control with axes can be really costly if you can't find a way to armor up. Nevertheless, Gorhowl + enraged Grommash always makes them tap out very quickly. You need to realize how powerful those cards are and not waste your cards on going for their face instead of controlling the board first.


As the deck is named "control deck" you need to play a control style. Take care of all of their minions in one way or another. When they are depleted of cards (or answers) you wreck em with Grom/Gore. Ty for reading, hope I continue to have good luck with this deck. So far, totally worth the dust, as opposed to getting stomped by zoo / secret paladin all day.

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Just an update:

I went 4w/10L with this deck tonight vs a lot of legendary-type decks between rank 18 and rank 16 (they must just be heading their way up, because some of the decks I was facing were ridiculously expensive)


So I dropped an arathi weaponsmith (as it's incredibly frustrating to get 2 - battle cry 2/1 axe -, while already having a fiery war axe/gorehowl equipped) and dusted a bunch of stuff to craft 1 Alexstrasza. Since then I have gone 5w/0L and am up to rank 15.


Alexstrasza helps in two ways(obviously) in a control deck like this - if your opponent has tons of minions or is simply too aggressive and you lose your health too quickly, an Alex draw can boost you back up to 15 health, which should give you plenty of opportunity to re-armor/control/draw Grommash. =]


Conversely, if you have controlled your opponent well but have failed to chip off any health, bringing them down to 15 to set up for Gorehowl/Grommash is indispensible.


So If you don't have the dust to build the icy veins legendary warrior control deck but still want to up your mid-build deck, I would definitely shoot for Alexstrasza as your next card after this deck is built.

Edited by 7ithium

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Guest Norithin

I hate this deck. I find I am using my whole hand to clear the field and I end up not being able to play anything while the other player just sits there and destroys me. 

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