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Totemic Recall weak auras

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I am looking for some weak auras for Totemic Recall for HST, HTT, Elemental totems. I would prefer to have icon and a sound alert. Could anybody help me out? I haven't found any strings that have worked for me yet.

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Yeah, we can do that, but we require a bit more information;

  • How long do you need as warning before the totem runs out? Will 3s do?
  • Do you want a popup telling you when, or more of a permanent "my totem is active" aura while the totem is alive?
  • Would you like a countdown to the end of the totem lifetime?

This is the kind of thing you need to take into consideration when designing a good WA. :)

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If i were gonna go that route id want one that dings at 50% of the totems duration.


btw using your recall action uses a gcd, but macroing a right click doesnt. i dont know how to macro it and i think its one of those macros that goes by totem number, so you have to glyph the minor glyph that drops all 4 totems to get it to work mostly.


a good enh would know how to macro that, because they use it for tremor all the time.

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Thank you for the responses. Yes, 3 seconds is perfect. I would like it to make a sound, and also use the icon of the totem that is counting down so I am clear. A countdown isn't necessary though. Maybe a pulse would be nice.

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btw using your recall action uses a gcd, but macroing a right click doesnt. i dont know how to macro it and i think its one of those macros that goes by totem number, so you have to glyph the minor glyph that drops all 4 totems to get it to work mostly.


Usually the point in recalling is to take advantage of the 50% mana return, which for Resto can be a really big deal if you're running on a low regen build.


I'll see if I can grab time to make it tonight. If not, might have to wait until Friday.

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This functionality is built into Elvui if you use that at all. When you drop a totem it will have an icon on the screen that you can move around to your liking and it will have a countdown on that totem's icon. This won't give any sound notification or anything like that but it is readily visible. I use it so I can see when my fire elemental is gone and I can put down a searing (resto spec)


I don't use totemic recall very often because even with a low regen build, our healing comp has 3 mana cool downs that we rotate through to keep everyone okay on mana. Also with 25s we can usually work it out with the other healers if we needed to stop casting for a bit of regen (potion of focus, etc)


I did read somewhere that good use to recall can really help out in mana and for 10 mans this could be a game changer, so I hope you get what you need.

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This functionality is built into Elvui if you use that at all. When you drop a totem it will have an icon on the screen that you can move around to your liking and it will have a countdown on that totem's icon. This won't give any sound notification or anything like that but it is readily visible. I use it so I can see when my fire elemental is gone and I can put down a searing (resto spec)


I don't use totemic recall very often because even with a low regen build, our healing comp has 3 mana cool downs that we rotate through to keep everyone okay on mana. Also with 25s we can usually work it out with the other healers if we needed to stop casting for a bit of regen (potion of focus, etc)


I did read somewhere that good use to recall can really help out in mana and for 10 mans this could be a game changer, so I hope you get what you need.

If you don't use Totemic Recall glyph, what would you replace that glyph with? 

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If you don't use Totemic Recall glyph, what would you replace that glyph with? 

I use glyphs with kind of a category ranking system:


Fire Elemental is almost always inscribed, HST and Riptide are common as well


I rotate others through such as Water Shield (think Thok), Chaining (I'm learning to love this glyph), SWG has some situational use. 


Glyphing riptide is sometimes controversial. I don't do it for a throughput increase, but more so to get as close to 100% on the tidal waves as I can and as a way of making sure i have a tank, a ranged, and a melee with a RT on at all times so that chain heal is stronger. Also, I watch the "healing required" module in Skada and make sure to keep a RT rolling on the highest targets as they are probably standing in something or not obeying a mechanic.


My advice to you is to try out glyphs, and see how they fit you. You'll learn that there is no one size fits all approach and you might use a different set up than the next resto. The important thing is that you understand how those glyphs affect your personal play style and rotation and play to their strengths.


Finally, back to the topic at hand. Glyphing recall can be a huge boon if you are using a low regen build, especially in a 10 man environment where mana cool downs will be much fewer than in a 25 man set up. I don't glyph recall because we have 3 mana cool downs and with them rotating through the encounter there is always one available when you need it. 


Also, Look up Sonie's Weak Aura strings, I believe he has one already made that tracks the cool downs for you, not sure if it includes an audible alert or not though. Sonie plays on twisted nether EU and made his strings available for download. He's regarded as one of the best resto shaman's out there and has ranked on more fights than I can count.

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I don't use Totemic Recall for our progress simply because we have two Shadow Priests in the raid, meaning we have basically unlimited mana cooldowns: four Hymns of Hope and up to four Mana Tides in the fight.


I imagine I'd need to use it otherwise :)

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I made you a string that should do the job just fine:

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I made you a string that should do the job just fine:


Thanks dude!

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Always happy to help! Remember that us mods judge our value by likes, so anything you see that you want to see more of, like it and we will post more like that! :)

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I *love* the cat meow, my SO heard it for the first time yesterday and was like, "wtf is that?"  I could not stop laughing.




I have another aura which plays a phone ring when HST comes off cooldown. You never miss a single drop! :D

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Also, I have a little group of auras now which tells you when to recall your totems, and when to place Magma Totem, based on your Meta Gem procs. Tells you to withdraw when;

  • You have Magma Totem down but no other totems, and the LMG proc isn't up.
  • You have HST down but no others, and it's in its final second.
  • You have Magma Totem down AND HST in its final second, and no other totems are up.

And to place Magma Totem when you have no Fire totems up and the LMG proc is active.


Anyone interested in this one?

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Anyone interested in this one?

I would be interested in these. I don't use WA as much as I should due to having too many things on the screen that for me I don't want to track but gaming HST with recall might help me squeeze a bit more regen. I'm running about 12.5k spirit now in 25 man raiding. If I could drop that even lower, it'd be pretty awesome.


*Note* I do not recommend everyone go for that low of spirit in 25 man raiding. Consult with your co-healers and raid leader before doing this. We have a ton of mana cool downs with our unique composition so it works.

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I would be interested in these. I don't use WA as much as I should due to having too many things on the screen that for me I don't want to track but gaming HST with recall might help me squeeze a bit more regen. I'm running about 12.5k spirit now in 25 man raiding. If I could drop that even lower, it'd be pretty awesome.


I've been testing it to get me through with less mana use on Heroic fights. I run 13k and when we 2-heal it really feels tight. I haven't figured out if I think it's worth doing yet! So I'd be interested in you opinion.


Will post it when I get home.

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Here's the Recall aura, it's all of them put together in one group:




And here's the HST one which rings when it comes off cooldown:




Let me know what you think, and if you found that recalling regularly was useful. If it seems good, I'll recommend it to people more often.

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Well we have heroic SHA tonight, this fight always taxes my mana do to the large amount of single target heals, but i'm raid buffed to close to 40% crit so that should help. I'll see how it goes.

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I used it on a farm night last reset, but haven't got the chance to try it in Heroic yet - tonight!

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Stoove, I tried your wa-string for recalling totems and it worked like a charm. Weakauras and my new trinket made me have full mana at the end of Protectors hc last night :)

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I tried it on our farm kills of HC bosses 1-4 last night and progress on Galakras. Noticeably better mana situation! On Galakras progress especially I was seeing over 300k mana return over the course of the fight! That's less than Resurgence, but still a lot.


Found it helped least on Norushen and most on Protectors and Galakras. Will post precise numbers from recount soon.


I did find that the extra GCDs involved lowered my throughput a bit, but that was also because my co-healer is catching up on gear and competing with me more for heals! ^__^

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I did a bit of testing but not a consistent enough test. On Heroic sha I used it a few times. I seemed mana starved on the fight, mostly due to poor spell choice (a lot of healing surge) because it seemed like everything was coming in at once and I was still adjusting to mechanics. On heroic jugg and heroic protectors, mana was a non-issue. 12.4k spirit and I was able to keep Healing rain down most of the fight, HST on cool down and spam chain heal. I was raid buffing to over 40% crit though so resurgence was a god send on this fight. On heroic protectors progression I think I used MT a few times and i'm not sure I used it at all on the kill.


I need to better train myself to try these out more consistently so I can get good baseline #s from the logs.

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