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554 Frost Mage Help/Questions

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Until recently, I have never played a Mage and have decided to start playing a Mage as a second main on the weekends. I have just reached a point to where I have lots of questions and only basic understand of how dps works in general.


Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/area-52/Acaldr%C3%A2/advanced


I have just coined BBoY and have replaced KTT. I have read that I need to snapshot my dots, but I seem to be confused as to what to snapshot because wouldn't it be a dps lose to refresh living bomb before the explosion? So what do I do what my trinkets proc? Do i track my Immerseus trinket too and snapshot for that as well?


Now I have read over a lot of the material and in terms of gear I am wondering if I stop stacking haste once I reach the 14k haste breakpoint and instead stack mastery? I am currently using askmrrobot to do all my gemming/reforging choices and had to input the haste breakpoint because it was having me stack haste past that point. 


Also if I could get my logs looked at that would be awesome! 



Any criticism would be appreciated! I really like my mage and would like to try and be great at it! smile.png


Edit: Forgot a few question, When the fight starts should i try to hold procs so i can pop all my cd's? and when alter time/cds come off of cd should i try and hold procs again so i can use all my cd's again to get max uptime? Because I have been holding on to procs alot and I feel like I waste them waiting for the stars to allign.


Was also 549 ilvl in those logs, I got a lot of upgrades this week!

Edited by Pyrae

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  On 2/2/2014 at 2:59 AM, Pyrae said:

Until recently, I have never played a Mage and have decided to start playing a Mage as a second main on the weekends. I have just reached a point to where I have lots of questions and only basic understand of how dps works in general.


Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/area-52/Acaldr%C3%A2/advanced


I have just coined BBoY and have replaced KTT. I have read that I need to snapshot my dots, but I seem to be confused as to what to snapshot because wouldn't it be a dps lose to refresh living bomb before the explosion? So what do I do what my trinkets proc? Do i track my Immerseus trinket too and snapshot for that as well?


Now I have read over a lot of the material and in terms of gear I am wondering if I stop stacking haste once I reach the 14k haste breakpoint and instead stack mastery? I am currently using askmrrobot to do all my gemming/reforging choices and had to input the haste breakpoint because it was having me stack haste past that point. 


Also if I could get my logs looked at that would be awesome! 



Any criticism would be appreciated! I really like my mage and would like to try and be great at it! smile.png


Edit: Forgot a few question, When the fight starts should i try to hold procs so i can pop all my cd's? and when alter time/cds come off of cd should i try and hold procs again so i can use all my cd's again to get max uptime? Because I have been holding on to procs alot and I feel like I waste them waiting for the stars to allign.


Was also 549 ilvl in those logs, I got a lot of upgrades this week!

If you don't understand snapshotting completely yet, then KTT will give you more number.

Since 5.2 Living bombs tick damage has been increased, while the explosion damage has been drastically decreased. So, no it is not a DPS loss. You gain more damage this way. You snapshot for every single int/haste proc. In fact, I usually don't bother with refreshing if the dot has more than 6 seconds on it. And if I know another trinket will proc in like 4 seconds, (so I will essentially have more even procs up) then I wait for that as well.


There are three possible gearing strategies. Read this post: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/3678-akraens-comprehensive-guide-to-54-frost-pve-advanced/


Don't hold back on CDs. Icy Veins will split your thingies into three which increases your chance to proc your trinkets and stuff. However, you should always use Alter Time along with Icy Veins. Usually, if until 6 seconds my thingies don't proc I just screw them and Alter Time.


Your logs seem good especially on Malkorok. I don't really see any issues. Knrokin stole your Water Elemental in the logs, so your DPS is actualy higher than you can see in the log. :)

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  On 2/3/2014 at 11:21 AM, Oltier said:

Don't hold back on CDs. Icy Veins will split your thingies into three which increases your chance to proc your trinkets and stuff. However, you should always use Alter Time along with Icy Veins. Usually, if until 6 seconds my thingies don't proc I just screw them and Alter Time.

I think two cases should be discerned here, AT on pull and midfight.


With the exception of PBoI and the tailoring cloak enchant, all procs are PPM. Meaning that their proc chance depends on the time since the last try to proc, so basically even if you can squeeze a million casts in 10 seconds or so, their proc rate remains the same, this also means that on pull their proc chance is very high so you don't need to work extra.

But since we're generally doing this to force PBoI (embroidery's proc chance is high enough as it is) then this approach is indeed good.


What all this text means? On pull, force PBoI by delaying AT deeper into IV (but not past the 6 seconds mark). During fight, unless PBoI aligns with AT, don't bother delaying AT for even one second past IV, just fire them both as soon as something useful procs.

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  On 2/3/2014 at 12:54 PM, lynx said:

I think two cases should be discerned here, AT on pull and midfight.


With the exception of PBoI and the tailoring cloak enchant, all procs are PPM. Meaning that their proc chance depends on the time since the last try to proc, so basically even if you can squeeze a million casts in 10 seconds or so, their proc rate remains the same, this also means that on pull their proc chance is very high so you don't need to work extra.

But since we're generally doing this to force PBoI (embroidery's proc chance is high enough as it is) then this approach is indeed good.


What all this text means? On pull, force PBoI by delaying AT deeper into IV (but not past the 6 seconds mark). During fight, unless PBoI aligns with AT, don't bother delaying AT for even one second past IV, just fire them both as soon as something useful procs.

Aggreed on this. :)

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Can i ask why you do not refresh the dot if it has more than 6 seconds? 


Alright so then, I refresh for every single int/haste proc when the bomb is under 6 seconds?


Can i ask how you know that you will get more procs?


Also I have been using the macro posted on the guide here and using IV with AT. Should I get rid of this macro and instead wait for my proc to start with IV or start the fight and immediately use IV? and then wait the 6 seconds for the proc's and if they do not happen within that 6 seconds to use AT? 


Thanks for all the help. I am sorry if I am not getting the concept right away. You would think after doing heroics for years I could understand snapshotting lol

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  On 2/5/2014 at 11:26 PM, Pyrae said:

Can i ask why you do not refresh the dot if it has more than 6 seconds? 


Alright so then, I refresh for every single int/haste proc when the bomb is under 6 seconds?


Can i ask how you know that you will get more procs?


Also I have been using the macro posted on the guide here and using IV with AT. Should I get rid of this macro and instead wait for my proc to start with IV or start the fight and immediately use IV? and then wait the 6 seconds for the proc's and if they do not happen within that 6 seconds to use AT? 


Thanks for all the help. I am sorry if I am not getting the concept right away. You would think after doing heroics for years I could understand snapshotting lol

6 seconds is a nice border. Most of your procs have a 10-15 seconds duration and if they don't proc at the same moment and you stick to the "snapshot everything" you might find yourself doing nothing for X seconds but having GCDs, refreshing your bombs. 




Some trinkets have an Internal CD that triggers at the same time when the proc triggers and this can be tracked. When they have the ICD up, they will surely not proc again for that duration. The other kind of trinkets with RPPM has a kind of "fixed" chance how they will proc. Ie.: 2,68 procs/minute. This is basically gambling.. :D


Yes, get rid of that macro. While I love our guides I still think that is a very misleading macro... And yep, the magical 6 seconds.

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