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<Final Destiny> | Herod-PVP | Semi-Hardcore | Raids Sun&Wed 9pm EST - LFM

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<Final Destiny> | NA | Herod-PVP  | Horde |  Semi-Hardcore | Sun&Wed 9pm EST

Final Destiny was founded at the beginning of TBC by vanilla veterans (including some members with Naxx clear experience). Final Destiny was the top guild on the US-Archimonde server until it was disbanded in Cataclysm. We decided to reform for Classic and have picked some friends and ex-rivals along the way. Outside of our Wednesday and Sunday night raids (8pm - 11pm Central) we are also involved in Group Instances, World PVP, and eventually organized BGs. We aim to be a progression based guild while allowing our members to live their lives and even raid retail. While we started with a strong 40 ready to raid the queue boss along with real life issues have caused us to pick up a few more members for pre-BiS guild dungeon groups and raids. 

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday & Sunday nights @ 8pm - 11pm Central (pre-BiS, etc other nights)

We'll be using a loot council (RCLootCouncil_Classic) addon with our officers and rotating raid members. Thunderfury will be defaulted to Main Tank. All other Legendaries will be voted on by the raid. We will have attendence and item history information publically available to help council members.

We are recruiting all exceptional players (preferably 50+), but have a higher need for the following classes/roles:

Rogue: High
Mage: ** Very High**
Warlock: **Very High**
(Resto) Druid: Medium
Resto Shaman: **Very High**
Holy Priest: **Very High**

Feel free to drop by our discord @ https://discord.gg/Q2BnyAq or contact an member / officer (Revir, Oomsie, Akakage, Dorgana, Nll, Yuuku, or Yumogho in game with any questions!

Website: https://www.final-destiny.net
Discord: https://discord.gg/Q2BnyAq

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