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Patch 8.3 Visions of N'Zoth Content Hub

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Visions of N'Zoth is Battle for Azeroth's final major content patch, where we take the battle to N'Zoth himself and visit Ny'alotha. Our hub covers everything you need to know about Patch 8.3 and helps you stay on track if you haven't been playing the game for a while.

Patch 8.3 Release Date

Blizzard revealed after BlizzCon that Patch 8.3 will go live in January 2020.

Game Director Ion Hazzikostas talked about Visions of N'Zoth in the latest Content Preview on October 7. We learned pretty much everything about the new patch, and in the following section, you're going to find its main features:


Invasions return to the game once more, and this time, they're called Assaults. The Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Uldum will be periodically under assault by N'Zoth's forces, and your goal is to drive them back by completing quests and interacting with various objectives to complete the "emissary." Blizzard uses technology and everything they've learned from Mechagon and Nazjatar in this new iteration of Assaults to ensure dynamic replayability. Assaults are mandatory if you want to enter Horrific Visions.

Horrific Visions

Described as alternate realities where N'Zoth's power is ascendant, these are 1-5 player "scenarios" of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, where you need to complete various objectives for rewards. Horrific Visions revolve around a new mechanic called Sanity, which starts draining as soon as you enter a Horrific Vision. Your goal is to complete as many side objectives as possible and defeating the mini-boss before your Sanity is completely depleted.

To help you with that, we've got Wrathion with a new Legendary Cloak and a Titanic Research Archive for Horrific Visions with perks that gradually trivialize the feature. You will be also able to buy various items from Wrathion after completing the Black Empire intro questline.

Ny'alotha, the Waking City

We will be facing N'Zoth in Ny'alotha, the new twelve-boss raid located in Uldum. It comes with a raid skip quest after you defeat the first boss.

Check out the sets you will be able to obtain in the new raid:

In the raid, we find out N'Zoth's true size and interesting loot which revolves around Corruption:

We've also covered the continuation of the story in Patch 8.3 and what happens in the raid in the articles below:

N'Zoth's in-game model has been updated multiple times and you can check out N'Zoth's VO as well if you're interested what the Old God has to say based on the latest sound files.

Rewards Updates

Visions of N'Zoth comes with two new factions, six new Essences, a brand new Mythic Season, a new Seasonal affix, Profession updates, and more that we'll cover soon. On top of that, Essences from Mechagon and Nazjatar will be easier to acquire for alts. You can also add your own sockets to gear which currently does not have any, and more.

Heart of AzerothHeart of Azeroth will have a new Minor slot, two Stamina nodes, the maximum level increased to 85 (was 70). Coming in a later PTR update, Blizzard will be adding an infinite progression slot to aid you against N'Zoth's corruption at max level. Heart of Azeroth progress stops at Level 80 and Blizzard decided to get rid of the infinite trait.

New Factions

Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms will be under attack by N'Zoth's forces and both zones host new factions. You'll learn more about the Rajani in Pandaria and Uldum Accord resides in Ramkahen.

New Allied Races: Vulpera & Mechagnomes

Another pair of Allied Races will become available in Visions of N'Zoth. Alliance players will be able to recruit Mechagnomes, and their Horde counterpart are the Vulpera of Vol'dun.

New Heritage Armor: Goblins & Worgen

Goblins and Worgen received new models and animations in Patch 8.2.5, but no Heritage Armor, which is added in Patch 8.3.

Auction House Overhaul

The Auction House will be completely revamped. No more lag caused by the system being clogged with single stacks. Stackable items are no longer purchased or sold in stacks; copper is no longer displayed in the Auction House, but used for calculations. If you regularly forget the name of goods, you can create a shopping list, and more!

The Alternative of Titanforging

The Corrupted Items System is the alternative to Warforging and Titanforging in Patch 8.3. Items that would Warforge/Titanforge will drop with a +Corruption stat which grants side effects at various Corruption Levels.

Class Changes

No patch would be complete without some class changes, and you can find all class changes planned for Visions of N'Zoth here.

Allied Race & Pandaren Death Knights

We found encrypted sound files of Bolvar and Mograine together with Death Knight creature textures for Allied Races and the Pandaren, and new Death Knight Swords of the Ebon Blade.It was confirmed at BlizzCon that all races will be able to roll Death Knights in Patch 8.3. The new Allied Races Death Knights will have a slightly updated starting experience similar to intros of Allied Races.

Mythic Season 4

A brand new Season awaits in Visions of N'Zoth and players will be able to earn a title and a mount!

New Mounts

As usual, with every content update, multiple mounts are coming with placeholder descriptions, sources, and whatnot.

Island Expedition Vendors

In Patch 8.3, you will be able to purchase Island-specific and Invasion-specific crates for Dubloons.

3 New World Bosses

Blizzard is adding three new world bosses to the game, which drop item level 445 loot.


Other minor things planned for Patch 8.3 include:

  • A new PvP event where players can serve N'Zoth, similar to Talon's Vengeance.
  • Heroic difficulty for the Darkshore Warfront.
  • Division of Operation: Mechagon into two wings, each with Heroic and Mythic Keystone difficulties.
  • Darkmoon Arcade, allowing you to play your favorite mini-games at the Darkmoon Faire.
  • Deepwind Gorge updated to be a capture point map.
  • New Battle Pets and Pet Battle Dungeon - Blackrock Depths.
  • New Story Quests: Rise of N'Zoth

...and more! We'll be periodically updating this hub with more details!

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Can you maybe present the talent tree of the legendary cloak? "this titan research archieve" thingy. Ive seen it named so much. And no where on wowhead.com or youtube.com (respecitvely icy-veins.com neither) there is the talents described. I really wanna see if the talent progression is any fun or if I stay absent from this game till 9.0 (since playing alts is not wished by blizzard).

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I think there was a screenshot of it in one of earlier news, it looked like rather straightfoward tree. Supposed to help with scenarios, but outside of them it's nothing special.

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1 hour ago, Arcling said:

I think there was a screenshot of it in one of earlier news, it looked like rather straightfoward tree. Supposed to help with scenarios, but outside of them it's nothing special.

I know the screenshot. It is literally everywhere to be found. What I meant is description of each talents as in what does each of them do. There is a video in which u can catch a glimpse of two of them (because he is hovering with mouse above them) but thats it.

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52 minutes ago, Amateurpeeweeeeh said:

I know the screenshot. It is literally everywhere to be found. What I meant is description of each talents as in what does each of them do. There is a video in which u can catch a glimpse of two of them (because he is hovering with mouse above them) but thats it.

I see, it looks like there aren't more details for now. Most of these will have to do with sanity loss prevention and making scenarios easier, doesn't look like it's going to be something complicated and interesting.

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18 hours ago, Amateurpeeweeeeh said:

Can you maybe present the talent tree of the legendary cloak? "this titan research archieve" thingy. Ive seen it named so much. And no where on wowhead.com or youtube.com (respecitvely icy-veins.com neither) there is the talents described. I really wanna see if the talent progression is any fun or if I stay absent from this game till 9.0 (since playing alts is not wished by blizzard).

15 hours ago, Arcling said:

I see, it looks like there aren't more details for now. Most of these will have to do with sanity loss prevention and making scenarios easier, doesn't look like it's going to be something complicated and interesting.

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5 hours ago, Stan said:

Thanks for quoting me. This whole new grind seems rather sad to me since I really enjoy playing multiple characters (which is totally doable since mythic+ exists). 

Even essences are doable since I just dont get the best (who cares in mythic+ anyway, I am not going higher than 20 anyway). 

But as said the new grind of cloak seems horrible if there is no solution for alts. 

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