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[US-Mal'Ganis][H] Name Not Final - 25M Recruitment

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<Name Not Final> is recruiting raiders for all current and future end game content.


Who We Are


We are a group of long-time raiders who have decided to come back together after a hiatus in MoP. Our Leadership and core of raiders has extensive experience in past content and are looking to continue this success in WoD. Past accolades range from World Top 15 Naxx 40 clears to World and US firsts throughout TBC and WotLK as well as hard mode progression throughout Cataclysm. 


As the game as aged, so have we. Unfortunately we no longer have the time to devote to raiding as we once did. With that said, we are looking to progress on a 2-3 day schedule and continue enjoying the game we have played for years.


What We Are Looking For


Exceptional players looking to raid on a compressed schedule. If you are a player who always strives to get the most out of your character, we want to talk to you. If you have a similar experience and just can't devote the time required for hardcore guilds, we want to talk to you. If you seek to be a part of a group of friends who have been playing WoW together for upwards of 7 years and plan to for years to come, we want to talk to you.


Contact Us!


Check our Recruitment Needs and put an app on our website at www.NameNotFinal.com

Contact myself (Tpz#1422) or an officer in game!

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