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[Stormrage][A] <Fever> (8/8N 8/8H) Fever Clan is recruiting

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Fever - Stormrage Alliance is currently recruiting. We are rebuilding and combining guilds from multiple servers. Many players have moved on, and we need to fill some spots. We are currently looking for motivated player interested in progression. We believe an enjoyable atmosphere falls in line with progression. We don’t have or need screaming raiders, because we are a group of reasonable, fun, and self-motivated adults. We focus on supporting other players. We strive to make the most of our time while maintaining an atmosphere that few guilds can offer.


Make no mistake, we are focused on progression. We have clear goals and active leadership. We are interested in players 18+ years old that are motivated. We do not recruit for the bench. The best players get a progression spot, regardless of seniority.

Raid Nights are Friday and Saturday starting at 7 PM EST. M+ Nights are Monday and Tuesday starting at 7 PM EST.

You should apply if:

  • You want to progression at a high level but don’t have the time to commit like the high end guilds.

  • You’re looking for an active guild that solves problems proactively.

  • You want to enjoy the people you raid with.

  • You don’t enjoy raging raiders and toxic environments.

  • You enjoy seeing your hard work materialize into progression.

  • You are internally motivated to actively improve your play.

  • You’re tired of apathetic raiders.

  • You are present and focused when it comes to raiding.

  • You understand that your meters mean less than consistency.


Applications are handled on our website. When you apply, your application will be screened and you will be asked to complete an interview. If this interests you, apply today at feverclan.com.


Contact: BadFishSC#1926

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