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Please help I'm so lost

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Hey guys, 


Please please help Iv been offline for about six months, Before I went afk my dis priest was pretty good healer now I just seems to be the worst healer out there. Iv read all the forums I can Icy-veins Tank spot and Noxxic just to name a few in fact I think I'm suffering with information over load. Iv been though a number of different rotations and add on and no matter what I try I'm always at the bottom of the healing. Please help me fix this.



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Well on the plus side, you seem to be reforging and geming correctly.  (To those who will post after me, he doesn't have L.metagem so geming for spirit is OK.) 


Your TOP priority right now must be getting the legendary quest done ASAP.  The cape is ilvl 600, and even though the proc sucks for us (seriously, it's so bad I use the dps cloak) the extra stats on it are a big help.  What you want most though is the legendary metagem.  WIth it, you can abuse free shields to get free mana back from Rapture and then proceed to drop your spirit to ~9000 and get a boatload more crit and mastery.  Make sure you're doing everything you can every week to get that stupid legendary questline DONE.  


Also, your ilvl sucks, do more LFR/Flex.


Anyway I have no idea what your rotation is.  The ideal is probably a lot different than it was last time you played.  Upload some logs so we can see what you're doing. 

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For some reason I can't seem to get my wow logs to work. I will keep trying to get it to work. In the mean time can someone please explain the use of spirit shell to me.

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10m: Pop spirit shell, then cast PoH on group 1, group 2, group 1, group 2.  Those groups now have a crapload of absorbs on them.


25m: above but with 4 different groups. 


It's a very powerful raid cooldown and only 1m cooldown, but it requires you to look out for powerful boss abilities and start casting 10 seconds in advance.

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For some reason I can't seem to get my wow logs to work. I will keep trying to get it to work. In the mean time can someone please explain the use of spirit shell to me.


Here is the link to the forum thread for World of Logs.


Here is the link to the forum thread for Warcraft Logs.


The first is still the most widely used (for the mean time) but that the latter will offer a better comprehensive view of what you are doing, when, how, as well as positioning in relation to when you are using abilities. 

Edited by Gwenymph

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I recommend casting PoM more frequently.


Anyway I'm not sure Immersius is a good one to post logs for.  Show us Protectors, or Sha of Pride, or that metal scorpion, or Nazgrim.

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This Is my log from this weeks Norushen fight in LFR 


The advice Brutal gave you can still be applied to this fight in respect to PoM.  Set up a WeakAura or some other CD tracker to keep PoM more active.  It only had a 4% uptime (12 Casts).  You only used Inner Focus one time.  Unless a encounter approach you are implemting requires alternating IF and SS, it is good practice to use IF w/   PWS>IF>SS.  Even in lesser gear you will receive the IF benefit twice to start your SS absorbs.   You also have 14 casts of Heal and GHeal.  Replace these with Atonement or if the target is in dire need of a heal, hit them with a PWS.  You only used PWS 12 times.  To couple w/ the PWS usage, you only procced Rapture 9 times in a 8.5min fight.  Add that to your Tracker homework or snag Ingela's Rapture Tracker to get better use out of your Rapture for better Mana returns (and in your case more efficient PWS too).


Hope these few tidbits help



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