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CM Trinket help

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Hey all,


So a group of us are working on CMs and while I am normally resto, the group has me ele for these for CL lovin.  I do not have a wide variety of trinkets available for this.  Currently I am using Light of the Cosmos for 1 slot.  The other slot I have the options of Contemplation of Chi-Ji, Ghost Iron Dragonling, or Prismatic Prison of Pride.


Does the straight 847 Int of Chi-Ji out weigh the 3% Amp on PPoP?  How does the 600 Haste/Mast/Crit stack up in comparison to either of those two?  Not going for realm bests or anything just wanting Golds for them all.  we are 5/9 with some of the harder ones left and I am looking to boost my dps a bit more for the team.  Beyond these is there a suggestion for another trinket to shoot for?  I see the DMF trinket mentioned a lot, but not really interested in getting something with that limited of use. 


*Side note, vaules given are for CM ilvl, not actual item stats.



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PPoP is crap.

Contemplation of Chi-Ji is crap.


Personally I used a Relic of Yu'lon and the Volatile Talisman of the Shadow-Pan Assault. Both of these were trinkets I just had laying around already.


From your options, I would use the LoC and the GID. The ONLY thing that CoCJ gives you is Int, and not even a lot of it. PPoP 3% gain isn't worth your time really, keep in mind that 3% is amping...almost no stats since it's all crushed down. For me, and I would assume you'd be about the same, 3% amp would give:


62 haste

30 crit

270 mastery

126 spi.


That's...worthless. And since it's a PPoP and not a PBI you're not getting the int proc nearly as smoothly as you want it. I don't know if PPoP procs off of tide and AG but even if it does, you're not using those enough to make it proc as much as PBI would.


If you have VP to burn, I'd grab a VTSPA. It's not an amazing trinket, but I would take it over a GID.

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are you alc? the alc stone is the best and you can upgrade it to 464. LotC is quite good, but i like the trink from sha of fear and the darkmoon fair trink. it would probably be worth trying to do any difficulty of toes for the sha of fear trink if you dont have the money for the dmf one. i hate the shadow pan trink because the proc is so short, you dont get much out of it in a cm.


i think there is an on-use int trink that is 463 from the heroic dungeons. this would also be pretty good. 

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I've been doing CM carries on my shaman lately, and I've found LotC to be a really awful trinket for us.  It only procs on periodic damage, which is very rare for us on trash, unless you waste the time to FS.


The best in slot is Relic of Yu'Lon and either the Zen Alchemy Stone or Black Blood of Y'Shaarj.


If you are on a large server, you should try to pick up Relic of Yu'Lon and run that plus LotC until you can get the Alch stone or BBoY.  If you're super against spending the 2-5k, the Dragon isn't an awful option.  1800 stats (Haste/Mastery/Spirit) w/ no lowering is nice.

Edited by Hybrys

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an rppm trink procs ever in cmodes?

Seems odd, right?  The PPM stays at ~0.9, and you can game it to proc off the bat for most bosses, and line it up with Ascend/EM.  That, along with the base stats, is pretty nice.


Woosh would be just as valuable, if we didn't naturally get enough hit w/ Spirit.

Edited by Hybrys

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