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Lunar Festival (January 24th - February 7th)

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Lunar Festival is back and we have a new quest line this year that lets you transmogrify your flower crowns all-year-round.

Lunar Festival Updates in 2020

Lunar Preservation is a new quest which requires you to perform the Rite of the Moon at the moonwells in Ashenvale, Felwood, Feralas, Moonglade, Stonetalon Mountains, Duskwood, and Mount Hyjal, without letting the Blessing of the Moon Blessing of the Moon expire. If you manage to bless the Staff of Moonflowers Staff of Moonflowers and transform it into Blessed Staff of Moonflowers Blessed Staff of Moonflowers, the druid will offer quests for your flower crowns so they never die, and you can transmogrify them year-round!

First, complete the Lunar Rocket introduction quest to teleport to Moonglade. Then, talk to Myrael Lunarbloom at 53, 36 in Moonglade to pick up the quest. Go to the first moonwell at 48, 33 and click the action bar to charge your Staff of Moonflowers Staff of Moonflowers. You will receive a 60-minute buff (Blessing of the Moon Blessing of the Moon) and must visit the following moonwells before it expires:

  • Ashenvale: 54, 46 and 60, 73
  • Duskwood: 49, 33
  • Felwood: 44, 28
  • Feralas: 60, 46
  • Hyjal: 61, 25
    • Note that you must first complete Magni's (A Fresh Trauma) quest line in Hyjal before charging up your staff, otherwise, it won't workWe're not sure if this is intended, but it's best to leave it here before it gets hotfixed.
  • Moonglade: 48, 33
  • Stonetalon Mountains: 42, 18

Recommended Path: Moonglade > Felwood > Hyjal > Ashenvale > Stonetalon Mountains > Feralas > Duskwood 

The timer on the buff will refresh to 60 minutes every time you charge up the staff, leaving you with plenty of time to finish the quest.


After finishing the quest, use your Lunar Festival Invitation Lunar Festival Invitation to head back to Moonglade tu turn in the quest.

You must have Crown of Courage Crown of CourageCrown of Dark Blossoms Crown of Dark BlossomsCrown of Good Fortune Crown of Good Fortune , or Crown of Prosperity Crown of Prosperity in your inventory to start the quest to upgrade the flower crowns to permanent cosmetics. Talk to Myrael Lunarbloom who won't have a "!" above her head, but she will still offer you the quests.

The new quest is not required for To Honor One's Elders To Honor One's Elders. Check out our Lunar Festival guide for more details about the event!

Blizzard LogoBlizzard (Source)

Every year the druids of Moonglade hold a celebration of their city’s great triumph over an ancient evil. During the Lunar Festival, citizens of Azeroth have the opportunity to honor their elders by celebrating their sage wisdom, sharing in magnificent feasts…and of course, lighting fireworks.

The celebration has begun in Moonglade, and your Lunar Festival Invitation is waiting. Join in the fun by dressing up in your Lunar Festival finery, launching fireworks, and paying homage to the Elders throughout Azeroth.

When: January 24 – February 7
Where: Moonglade, with camps in Ironforge, Stormwind, Darnassus, Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, and the Undercity*
Currency: Coin of Ancestry


The Lunar Festival is a time of celebration for the peoples of Azeroth. At the beginning of each year, elders of generations past manifest around the world to impart their wisdom upon all who listen. Should you encounter these venerable spirits in your travels and take the time to heed their words, they may even pass along tokens of their gratitude—Coins of Ancestry, the lessons of a past age in physical form. Gather enough Coins of Ancestry and the Cenarion Circle will open their stores of celebratory garb, fireworks, trinkets, and recipes!

The Cenarion Circle has good cause to celebrate, for the Lunar Festival marks the return of many Ancients that fell in battles past: Goldrinn, Malorne, Aviana, and Cenarius himself. But this celebration is darkened by the eternal torment of one of their own—Omen, a wolf Ancient blessed by the moon goddess Elune, has risen from the depths of Moonglade’s lake. Though Omen was once as noble and proud as any Ancient, he was driven mad by the Burning Legion’s tainted magics during the War of the Ancients. Omen’s immortality means that he is forever cursed to return in his maddened state at the advent of each new year—and this year, he has grown further in power.  Heroes level 20 and above must make haste to ease this tormented Ancient’s suffering, in the hopes that perhaps next year he will return with a clearer mind.


The great wolf Omen was once a hero of this world. An embodiment of strength and fortune, Omen fought beside the heroes of the War of the Ancients until he succumbed to demonic magics. Turning against his allies, he raged across Azeroth, leaving death and terror in his wake. Omen was finally defeated in Moonglade, and he now sleeps among the silt of Lake Elune'ara. But each year, at the beginning of the festival, he stirs...


The celebration begins with an introductory quest, The Lunar Festival. The Cenarion Circle has invited all denizens of Azeroth to take part in the celebration of the Lunar Festival. You can learn more about the event by meeting with the Lunar Festival Harbinger.

It wouldn’t be a celebration without fireworks. You’ll be asked to buy some Lunar Fireworks and Cluster Fireworks to launch and complete the quest Lunar Fireworks.

Once you’ve proven your pyrotechnic prowess, you’ll receive your Lunar Festival Invitation to travel to Moonglade and speak with Valadar Starsong in Nighthaven. With your invitation in hand, you’ll be able to travel quickly to Moonglade by standing within Greater Moonlight throughout the holiday.


The Lunar Festival features has 16 achievements and one meta-achievement.

  • Elune's Blessing Elune's Blessing: Complete the Elune’s Blessing quest by defeating Omen.
  • Frenzied Firecracker Frenzied Firecracker: Shoot off 10 Festival Firecrackers in 30 seconds or less.
  • Lunar Festival Finery Lunar Festival Finery: Purchase a festive pant suit or festive dress with Coins of Ancestry.
  • The Rocket's Red Glare The Rocket's Red Glare: Shoot off 10 Red Rocket Clusters in 25 secons or less.
  • inv_misc_elvencoins.jpg Coin of Ancestry Coin of Ancestry
    • There are five achievements involving Coins of Ancestry: Receive a Coin of Ancestry, Receive 5 Coins of Ancestry, Receive 10 Coins of Ancestry, Receive 25 Coins of Ancestry, and Receive 50 Coins of Ancestry.

It's a good time to travel Azeroth, see the sights, and pay your respects to the various Elders. Visiting an Elder will reward reputation with select capital cities, a Coin of Ancestry, some experience and gold, and a Lucky Red Envelope.

  • Elders of Eastern Kingdoms Elders of Eastern Kingdoms (17): Honor the Elders located in Eastern Kingdoms.
    • Elder Goldwell in Kharanos, Elder Bellowrage in Blasted Lands, Elder Stormbrow in Goldshire, Elder Meadowrun in Western Plaguelands, Elder Starglade in Zul'Gurub, Elder Winterhoof in Booty Bay, Elder Silvervein in Thelsamar, Elder Skychaser in Sentinel Hill, Elder Rumblerock in Burning Steppes, Elder Dawnstrider in Flame Crest, Elder Highpeak in the Hinterlands, Elder Ironband in Searing Gorge, Elder Graveborn in Brill, Elder Obsidian in the Sepulcher, Elder Windrun in Eastern Plaguelands, Elder Snowcrown in Light's Hope Chapel, Elder Moonstrike in Scholomance
  • Elders of Kalimdor Elders of Kalimdor (21): Honor the Elders located in Kalimdor.
    • Elder Runetotem in Razor Hill, Elder Skygleam in Azshara, Elder Moonwarden in the Crossroads, Elder High Mountain in Vendetta Point, Elder Windtotem in Ratchet, Elder Bladeleaf in Dolanaar, Elder Starweave in Lor'danel, Elder Bloodhoof in Bloodhoof Village, Elder Riversong in Astranaar, Elder Grimtotem in Feralas, Elder Mistwalker in Dire Maul, Elder Nightwind in Felwood, Elder Skyseer in Freewind Post, Elder Morningdew in Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge, Elder Ragetotem in Tanaris, Elder Dreamseer in Gadgetzan, Elder Thunderhorn in Un'Goro, Elder Brightspear in Winterspring, Elder Stonespire in Everlook, Elder Primestone in Silithus, Elder Bladesing in Cenarion Hold
  • Elders of Northrend Elders of Northrend (18): Honor the Elders located in Northrend.
    • Elder Sardis in Valiance Keep, Elder Beldak in Westfall Brigade, Elder Morthie in Star's Rest, Elder Fargal in Frosthold, Elder Arp in D.E.H.T.A., Elder Northal in Transitus Shield, Elder Sandrene in Lakeside Landing, Elder Wanikaya in Rainspeaker Rapids, Elder Lunaro in Ruins of Tethys, Elder Bluewolf in Wintergrasp, Elder Tauros in Zim'Torga, Elder Thoim in Moa'ki Harbor, Elder Graymane in K3, Elder Stonebeard in Bouldercrag's Refuge, Elder Pamuya in Warsong Hold, Elder Whurain in Camp Oneqwah, Elder Skywarden in Agmar's Hammer, Elder Muraco in Camp Tunka'lo
  • Elders of the Alliance Elders of the Alliance (3): Honor the Elders located in the Alliance capital cities.
    • Elder Bladeswift in Darnassus, Elder Bronzebeard in Ironforge, Elder Hammershout in Stormwind
  • Elders of the Horde Elders of the Horde (3): Honor the Elders which are located in the Horde capital cities.
    • Elder Darkhorn in Orgrimmar, Elder Wheathoof in Thunder Bluff, Elder Darkcore in the Undercity
  • Elders of the Dungeons Elders of the Dungeons: Honor the Elders which are located inside the dungeons.
    • Elder Wildmane in Zul'Farrak, Elder Starsong in Sunken Temple, Elder Splitrock in Maraudon, Elder Stonefort in Blackrock Spire, Elder Morndeep in Blackrock Depths, Elder Farwhisper in Stratholme, Elder Jarten in Utgarde Keep, Elder Igasho in the Nexus, Elder Nurgen in Azjol-Nerub, Elder Kilias in Drak'Tharon Keep, Elder Ohanzee in Gundrak, Elder Yurauk in the Halls of Stone, Elder Chogan'gada in Utgarde Pinnacle
  • Elders of Cataclysm Elders of Cataclysm (9): Honor the Elders which are located in zones opened by the cataclysm.
    • Elder Stonebrand in the Temple of Earth, Elder Menkhaf in Uldum, Elder Sekhemi in Uldum, Elder Firebeard in Twighlight Highlands, Elder Darkfeather in Twilight Highlands, Elder Windsong in Hyjal, Elder Evershade in Nodrassil, Elder Moonlance in Vashj'ir, Elder Deepforge in Deepholm

Holiday Items


*Players who wish to travel to old Undercity will need to speak with Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades east of Lordaeron Keep, just outside of the burned scar near the road.

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