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By lacriminal
Hey dear fury friends,
i always used Azshari Salad, as my buff food for the tempo buff. Now as mastery pulls ahead of haste in the stat weights, i asked myself whether i should just use the Nightborne Delicacy Platter for a flat mastery buff, while maintaining around ~27% Haste.
I read the guide from Archimtiros, and i think both buff foods are fine, but do u switch your buff food at a certain point? Or is it depending on the encounter (single target vs. multiple targets)?
Greetings lacriminal
By DarthMurdock
I dont know what im doing wrong, ive have the right talents, and doing my rotation in order, and yet i am doing horrible dps.
I am currently using the rotation stated on icy-veins.
ive been out dpssed by other warlocks from my guild, pugs and in lfr (i know, but still) and i dont know what i am doing wrong.
this is the profile of a guildie, who does a ton more dps than me. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/stormrage/hulabaloo
If someone has some advice, it's greatly appreciated..
I hope i have provided the details required, otherwise please inform me what i need to add.
By DarthMurdock
I dont know what im doing wrong, ive have the right talents, and doing my rotation in order, and yet i am doing horrible dps.
I am currently using the rotation stated on icy-veins.
ive been out dpssed by other paladins pugs and in lfr (i know, but still) and i dont know what i am doing wrong.
If someone has some advice, it's greatly appreciated..
I hope i have provided the details required, otherwise please inform me what i need to add.
By Kumunyo
So here I am, consulting Icy Veins forums. I am a Frost Death Knight, with an iLevel of 885 that is REALLY struggling with my dps. I'm running a BoS build because it was recommended to my by other Frost Dks. I have done a ton of research about this issue to no avail and I really need some professional help.
Here's my armory and my charts for my last Heroic Nighthold with my guild
Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dalaran/Kumunyo/simple
Dps Charts: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/21405978/latest#
Note: I do see that my Haste is incredibly high, I'm currently working to get the 4-piece tier gear.
By Rexene
I am looking for critiques of my custom stat weights. I want to improve it and get advice if there is a better way of calculating my numbers. If you see basic errors with my number crunching, please let me know.
Naked_Normal - 4608
Naked_Crit - 9216
Naked_Ticks - 6
Naked_Extra_Tick - 0
Naked_Tooltip_Rejuv - 26382
Naked_Actual_Rejuv_with_4.8%_Mastery - 27648
Naked_Actual_Rejuv_w/o_4.8%_Mastery - 26381.6 [Calculated by (Naked_Actual_Rejuv_with_4.8%_Mastery / 104.8%) = 27648 / 1.048 = 26,381.6]
1421_Int_Trinket_Normal - 5502
1421_Int_Trinket_Crit - 11002
1421_Int_Trinket_Ticks - 6
1421_Int_Trinket_Extra_Tick - 0
I used a 1421 Int Trinket and ignored the crit procs. We have 4.8% Mastery, which adds 4.8% to our healing even with no gear. I divided by 1.048 to try to get to the base healing.
Int_Weight = (6 x (1421_Int_Trinket_Normal - Naked_Normal) / 1.048) / 1421 [1421 in the amount of Intellect on the Trinket]
Int_Weight = (6 x (5502-4608)/1.048) / 1421
Int_Weight = 3.602
1165_Mastery_Ring_Normal - 4685
1165_Mastery_Ring_Crit - 9369
1165_Mastery_Ring_Ticks - 6
1165_Mastery_Ring_Extra_Tick - 0
I used a 1165 Mastery and crit ring and then ignored the crit procs.
Mastery_Weight = (6 x ((1165_Mastery_Ring_Normal - Naked_Normal) / 1.048)) / 1165 [1165 is the amount of Mastery on the Ring]
Mastery_Weight = (6 x ((4685 - 4608) / 1.048)) / 1165
Mastery_Weight = 0.3784
406_Leech_Ring_Normal - 83
406_Leech_Ring_Crit - 165
406_Leech_Ring_Ticks - 6
406_Leech_Ring_Extra_Tick - 0
I used a Ring with 406 Leech, 745 Mastery and 1626 Crit.
Leech_Weight = ((6 x 406_Leech_Ring_Normal - 745 * Mastery_Weight) / 1.048) / 406 [406 is the amount of Leech on the Ring]
Leech_Weight = ((6 x 83 - 745 * 0.3784) / 1.048) / 406 [406 is the amount of Leech on the Ring]
Leech_Weight = 0.5079
945_Haste_Ring_Normal - 4608
945_Haste_Ring_Crit - 9216
945_Haste_Ring_Ticks - 6
945_Haste_Ring_Extra Tick - 1
945_Haste_Ring_Extra_Tick_Amount - 583
I used a Ring with 945 Haste and 1626 Crit and ignored Crit procs.
Haste_Weight = (945_Haste_Ring_Extra_Tick_Amount / 1.048) / 945 [945 is the amount of Haste on the Ring]
Haste_Weight = (583 / 1.048) / 945
Haste_Weight = 0.5887
1055_Versatility_Trinket_Normal - 4710
1055_Versatility_Trinket_Crit - 9420
1055_Versatility_Trinket_Ticks - 6
1055_Versatility_Trinket_Extra_Tick - 0
I used a Trinket with 1055 Versatility and no other stats.
Vers_Weight = (6 x ((1055_Versatility_Trinket_Normal - Naked_Normal) / 1.048)) / 1055 [1055 is the amount of Versatility on the Trinket]
Vers_Weight = (6 x ((4710 - 4608) / 1.048)) / 1055
Vers_Weight = 0.5535
UI tooltip crit percentage increase for a 6518 Critical Strike with my gear before 6% bonus is 16.30%
Crit_w_Gear - 16.3%
Crit_Weight = 6 x (Naked_Crit - Naked_Normal) x (16.3% / 6518) [6518 is the total amount of Crit on my gear]
Crit_Weight = 6 x (9216 - 4608) x (0.1630 / 6518)
Crit_Weight = 0.6597
I am going to increase my mastery weight since I primarily use HOTs and you have a 10% Mastery bonus for every HOT you have on a target. I am going to increase my Mastery weight arbitrarily by 25% to account for this (choose your own weight as you prefer).
Int_Weight = 3.602
Mastery_Weight+25% = 0.3784 * 125% = 0.4730
Leech_Weight = 0.5079
Haste_Weight = 0.5887
Vers_Weight = 0.5535
Crit_Weight = 0.6597
Total_Weight = Int_Weight + Mastery_Weight+25% + Leech_Weight + Haste_Weight + Vers_Weight + Crit_Weight
Total_Weight = 3.602 + 0.4730 + 0.5079 + 0.5887 + 0.5535 + 1.0690
Total_Weight = 6.3848
Int = Int_Weight / Total_Weight x 100% = 3.602 / 6.3848 x 100% = 56.41
Mastery = Mastery_Weight+25% / Total_Weight x 100% = 0.4730 / 6.3848 x 100% = 7.41
Leech = Leech_Weight / Total_Weight x 100% = 0.5079 / 6.3848 x 100% = 7.95
Haste = Haste_Weight / Total_Weight x 100% = 0.5887 / 6.3848 x 100% = 9.22
Versatility = Vers_Weight / Total_Weight x 100% = 0.5535 / 6.3848 x 100% = 8.67
Critical = Crit_Weight / Total_Weight x 100% = 0.6597 / 6.3848 x 100% = 10.33
My weights
Int= 56.41
Mastery = 7.41
Leech = 7.95
Haste = 9.22
Versatility = 8.67
Critical = 10.33