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[US-Barthilas] [H] <Victrix Mortalis>

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<Victrix Mortalis> is a newly formed friendly progression guild, we just transferred to [H] (Barthilas) server 2 weeks ago.. We are a bunch of ex raiders who just came back to wow to prepare for the new expansion.. The guild is active everyday and nights.. We currently have 2 groups running normal sOO at the moment and trying to form a group 3.. These are the the lists of our current groups raiding times.. We also need bench players for our core team..

--Team 1 (Weekend noon raiders) 12/14 in 2 weeks of raiding

Sat 11:00am - 3:00pm PST

Sun 12:00am - 4:00pm PST

team 1 is in need of bench players..

--Team 2 (Weekday night raiders) 5/14

Wed, Thurs, Sun 7:30pm - 10:00pm PST

Team 2 needs 1 mail agi dps and 2 healers for their core team..

--Team 3 is still building for new guildies.. Also looking for a raid leader!

We are very active and we do flexs runs on weekdays to get people geared up... We also run Academic runs for those people who just started or would like to know more about the raid mechanics..

We also have a couple of pvp leaders running a pvp team.. They will be running their RBG team nxt week..

And ofcourse, Casual or leveling players are also welcome!!! If you need more information.. Dont hesitate to contact me. Jc2ntice#1970 or simply just comment here! Thanks!

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