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Wrath Timewalking Returns (March 17th - March 24th)

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It's time for Wrath Timewalking this week and enter Wrath of the Lich King dungeons and Ulduar!

  • Complete five Timewalking dungeons for the weekly quest for a cache which contains a piece of gear from Normal difficulty Ny'alotha, the Waking City (item level 445).
  • You can get item level 425 loot from Timewalking dungeons.
  • Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake has a chance to drop from Skadi the Ruthless in Utgard Pinnacle.
  • Reins of the Infinite Timereaver Reins of the Infinite Timereaver has a chance to drop from all Timewalking bosses as Personal Loot.
  • Ulduar Timewalking is available too and rewards item level 445 gear.
  • The Timewalking vendor (Auzin) can be found in Dalaran (Northrend) and sells various items for Timewarped Badges including the Bridle of the Ironbound Wraithcharger Bridle of the Ironbound Wraithcharger.

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Yogg-Saron Awaits!

Ulduar Timewalking is now available and Yogg-Saron – the lucid dream, the monster in your nightmares, and the fiend of a thousand faces – awaits.

When: The Ulduar raid is available throughout the Wrath Timewalking event.
Difficulty: The difficulty is set to Normal and, like any Normal level raid, will not be available through Raid Finder.
Minimum Level: Players level 80 and above are Eligible to participate.

During Wrath Timewalking, you can assemble a raid group of between 1 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. The raid scales for your group size and your level and gear will be scaled to match the raid’s challenges.

Don’t have a regular group? The Group Finder (I) can help.  Create your own group in the ‘Premade Groups’ section or search for like-minded adventurers.

Looking to withstand the fires of Igniss the Furnace Master? Withstand the terrific tantrum of XT-002 Deconstructor? Or is it your very mind you want to test against the master of nightmares, Yogg-Saron? Opportunity awaits! Inside you can earn transmog sets, the pets you need to earn the Raiding for Leashes IV achievement, and more.


All week, open Group Finder (default hotkey: i) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown. When you hit ‘Find Group’, you’ll be matched up with other players and sent to one of the following Heroic dungeons:

Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 

Azjol-Nerub was an empire of great strength when the Lich King arrived in Northrend. Despite ferocious resistance, however, Scourge forces managed to overtake the subterranean kingdom and slaughter its inhabitants, the nerubians. Scarred by years of war and abandonment, this vast domain is now occupied on two fronts.

In the Upper Kingdom, undead nerubians patrol the ruins of their homeland, guarding clutches of eggs that will one day bring forth a new generation of Scourge warriors. Meanwhile, in the depths of the Old Kingdom, Ahn'kahet, another enemy stirs: the faceless ones. Little is known of these horrifying creatures, but rumor has it that they answer to an evil power lurking beneath Northrend. Destroying the undead nerubians and their tainted eggs will deal a great blow to the Lich King, but eliminating the mysterious faceless ones is also crucial to reclaiming the fallen empire.


  • Elder Nadox summons adds that should be taken down quickly.
  • Run away from :Prince Taldaram's Flame Spheres.
  • Kill Jedoga's Twilight Volunteers immediately.
  • Mushrooms appear all around Amaintar. Get away from the poisonous mushrooms and don't kill them.
  • Volazj seperates everyone. This is hardest on the healer, so prepare to pop yur cooldowns to stay alive.

Achievements and Reputation

If you haven't earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom and Heroic: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom

If you have a solid group you can also aim to earn the following achievements:


Upon departing Azeroth, the titans entrusted loyal protectors with safeguarding Ulduar, an enigmatic city nestled in the mountains of the Storm Peaks. Designated supreme among his brethren was the guardian known as Loken, but with the power of the titan complex in his hands, he turned to darkness and plunged the region into chaos.

Even so, the greatest threat to the region is rumored to lie undisturbed within the capital of the ice trolls' empire, Gundrak. In the depths of the city, the most sacred shrines are said to be steeped in the mojo of slain gods. Surrounded by this dark energy, twisted Drakkari high prophets grow in power, infusing their followers with incredible strength. If left undisturbed, the trolls of Gundrak may soon unleash their burgeoning might, plunging the entire region into chaos.


  • Slad'ran summons snakes. Keep them off your healer.
  • Stay out of the poison pools created by the Elemental form of Drakkari Colossus'. Move!
  • Definitely talk to your group about the Less-rabi achievement well in advance of pulling Moorabi.
  • Eck can spring toward anyone in your party. Tanks should prepare to regain aggro.
  • Gal'darah can be a complicated fight. In one phase, you want to stand back, but in the other, you should be very close to him.

Achievements and Reputation

If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Gundrak and Heroic: Gundrak. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:

Halls of Lightning

Desperate to save their kingdom from collapse, the trolls of Zul'Drak have turned on their ancient gods. The wild deities are now considered a source of untapped power, their potent blood providing the means to repel the Lich King's minions, who have overtaken parts of the troll nation. Heroes have recently journeyed to the beleaguered region to strike at the savage Drakkari and their maddened prophets.

The reasons for Loken's treachery and the fate of the other guardians remain a mystery, but there have been whispers of a great evil at work behind the fall of the titan city. For any heroes brave enough to seek out the truth, it lies within the corridors of the ancient compound. Thus far, however, few have braved the perils of Ulduar and returned to tell of their discoveries.


  • Watch Bjarngrim for a little while, and don't pull him while he's electrifying.
  • Stay away from Vlkhan's minions when they freeze up.
  • Ionar is all about the electricity. He chases you with it. He makes you explode it. Spread out!
  • Loken requires you to stay close together, even when it's time to run away.

Achievements and Reputation

If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Halls of Lightning and Heroic: Halls of Lightning. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:

The Nexus 

In order to reestablish his dominance over magic, the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos, has launched a ruthless campaign to sever the link between mortals and the arcane energies coursing through Azeroth. To this end, his blue dragonflight is redirecting the ley lines of the world to the Nexus, Malygos' towering lair.

In response to the blue dragons' offensive, the Kirin Tor, the elite magi of Dalaran, have allied themselves with the red dragonflight, who are charged with the preservation of life. Their combined forces are subverting the blue Aspect's offensive, but time is running out. The only question that remains now is... can Malygos be stopped before his crusade reaches its cataclysmic finale?


  • Get out of Commander's whirlwind attack, or die.
  • The Telestra fight is all about focusing fire. Communicate!
  • Omorok's spikes are dangerous. Stepping away from them is paramount.
  • Keristrasza will kill you if you don't keep moving. Jump for warmth.

Achievements and Reputation

If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award The Nexus and Heroic: The Nexus. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:

Utgarde Pinnacle 

Utgarde Keep was long thought to be abandoned, a relic of a lost civilization among the central cliffs of the Howling Fjord. Yet in recent days something has roused the fortress' slumbering residents, the vrykul.

Feared to be allied with the Scourge, the savage race now terrorizes nearby settlements. With ferocious proto-dragons at their command and unparalleled prowess in battle, the vrykul pose a direct threat to Horde and Alliance campaigns in Northrend. Perhaps the only way to break the will of Utgarde's denizens is to defeat their revered leaders - but any heroes who fail in this task will surely become trophies to line the ancient halls of the vrykul fortress.


  • During Svala's ritual sacrifice, you must focus fire on the Ritual Channelers.
  • Spread out when fighting Gortok's Ravenous Furlbolg!
  • Skadi sometimes drops Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake.
  • Prepare all your offensive and defensive dispels for King Ymiron.

Achievements and Reputation

If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Utgarde Pinnacle and Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:

Pit of Saron 

For many years, champions among the races of Azeroth have stood against the Lich King only to be slaughtered mercilessly and forced to serve in his army of undead horrors. In his ongoing struggle to stop the Lich King, Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade has joined forces with Darion Mograine of the Knights of the Ebon Blade in order to assault Icecrown Citadel with a unified army called the Ashen Verdict.


  • Stay out of Ick’s poison clouds to avoid damage. Run away from Poison Nova. Avoid Krick’s Explosive Barrage and any Exploding Orbs.
  • Forgemaster Garfrost’s Frost Aura debuff stacks and deals regular damage to the entire party. 
  • Stand behind the Saronite Boulder to remove the Frost Aura debuff.
  • Avoid Rimefang’s ice breath and the resulting ice patches he creates. 
  • Run away from Rimefang’s Hoarfrost to keep from being stunned.

Achievement and Reputation

If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Pit of Saron and Heroic: Pit of Saron. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:

Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon. For example, when you Timewalk through Utgarde Pinnacle, Skadi the Ruthless could drop the Blue Proto-Drake mount for you.

Look for the following all week long:

  • Chronicler Shoopa in Zuldazar and Chronicler Toopa in Boralus have a quest for you. You can also start the quest from within the Adventure Guide (Shift- “J”).
  • Quest requirement: Complete 5 Timewalking dungeons.
  • Rewards: Artifact Power and one loot box containing a piece of gear from Normal difficulty Ny'alotha, the Waking City.


The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.

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