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Shadowlands Alpha 9.0.1 Build 33978

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The first dataminable Shadowlands Alpha 9.0.1 Build 33978 has arrived!

UPDATE: Shadowlands comes with hints of gamepad support!

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Source: Marlamin // Twitter

New Achievements

Allied Race Unlock Requirements - The Exalted reputation requirement has been removed for all Allied Races.

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The Master of Revendreth - Complete the Revenreth storylines listed below.

Venthyr Campaign - Venthyr Campaign

Awaken, Ardenweald - Complete the Ardenweald storylines listed below.

Sanguine Depths - Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depths.

Heroic: Sanguine Depths - Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depths on Heroic difficulty.

Mythic: Sanguine Depths - Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depths on Mythic difficulty.

Mythic: Sanguine Depths Guild Run - Defeat General Kaal in Sanguine Depthts on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.

Blade of the Primus - Complete the Maldraxxus storylines listed below.

9.0 - Covenant - Night Fae - Soulshape Selected - Soulshape form currently selected if you have joined the Night Fae covenant.

NPE - Sold Item

New Player Experienced - Complete the new player quest experience.

Tea Tales - Hear every side of the story at Theotar's tea party.

Kyrian Campaign - Complete the Kyrian Covenant campaign.

9.0 Shadowlands - Expansion Quest Launch - Prologue - 

WoW's 16th Anniversary

Best Bud With Benefits - Earn Stonehead's friendship in Revendreth.

Crypt Kicker - Open 50 Atonement Crypts in Revendreth.

Absolution for All - Help 100 fugitive souls complete a ritual of absolution in Revendreth.

It's Always Sinny in Revendreth - Defeat the following inquisitors in Revendreth.

The Accuser's Avowed - Complete the Revendreth achievements listed below. Title Reward: The Cryptkeeper

Necrolords Campaign - Complete the Necrolords Covenant campaign.

Loremaster of Shadowlands - Complete the Shadowlands quest achievements listed below.

The Path to Ascension - Complete the Bastion storylines listed below.

Night Fae Campaign - Complete the Night Fae Covenant campaign.

New Artifacts

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Instruments of Justice

Wings of War

Bastion's Stalwarts

Lightfoot Vanguard

Righteous Vengeance

Creed of Revendreth

Creed of Revendreth

Creed of Revendreth

Creed of Revendreth

Creed of Revendreth

Broadcast Text

The initial Shadowlands Alpha build comes with broadcast text of Bwonsamdi and Vol'jin. Spoiler alert!

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You are a soldier of the noble Alliance, a coalition of nations dedicated to upholding the ideals of peace and justice across Azeroth.

Two weeks ago, an Alliance expedition sent to explore an uncharted island in the Great Sea disappeared without a trace.

A rescue mission led by Captain Victoria Garrick has set sail from Stormwind City with you aboard.

Fools! Did you think I would retreat so easily after your puny ritual?

The Tarragrue? I hoped you would get deeper into the Maw before that beast caught your scent.

Be wary. It moves slowly, but if you tarry for too long, it will find you!

Hand over the Eye of Fire and we will not be required to take it by force.

You still stand. Your little ritual actually managed to weaken me.

The Tarragrue? I hoped you would get deeper into the Maw before that beast caught your scent.

Be wary. It moves slowly, but if you tarry for too long, it will find you!

Behold, the true power of the Eye of Fire!

Hah! I know fully well how to reverse your little spells. When I return, you will be reduced to cinders.

Now, it is time for you to die. Do not despair, for I shall ensure your allies meet the same fate.

Hold onto the gryphons, they're trained to avoid all sorts of danger. Hopefully it also includes fire from a dragon's artifact!

I'm gonna get meself to Camp Bronzebeard te see how they're doin'. I'll meet up with the rest of ye later!

We'll have to leap off the gryphons when we get to the camp and get to work as fast as possible with whoever is left there.

I'm goin' ahead te make sure Camp Bronzebeard is safe. For the Alliance!

The recruits back at Stormwind are never going to believe this!

Let's hope whoever has the shield up lets us in, or this will be one short ride!

Hang on!

Deal, now hold on tight!

Not if I can help it, ye overgrown lizard!

We'll hold the dragon's attention! Ye best get te Camp Bronzebeard, they need yer help!

We will take your soul, and raise the dragon from the dead!

The full force of the Alliance will rain down upon you!

As a newly arrived soul you should know this is a place of torment and of penance.

Not to fear though, for as you see by these many sinstones, the road to redemption is possible.

Let's go. Those monsters have my son.

Henry? I didn't see him... but I'm sure he's still alive.

Each of these sinstones represents a soul who has come to this place and cleansed themselves of their sins, eventually moving on from this place or accepting the role of a venthyr.

Final judgement comes from the Master. It is he who commands this place. It is he who embraces souls to become venthyr, the tormentors and eaters of sin.

There are always those few who are unwilling to work for redemption.

Or don't agree with their sinstone.

Or are simply just a bunch of bad apples.

Thems get the boot. Down to the Maw and never to come back. Take this poor soul for example. He's on his final warning.

Won't even admit he did somethin' wrong. Still thinks he's someone important.

Hold, creatures. This is a guest, not a charge.

Quick, make yaself presentable. Lord Chamberlain is here.

Mother... I'm sorry. I tried to fight the ogres... but they were too strong.

Henry... always remember that you are more than your mistakes. Now, Private Garrick, I want a full situation report.

Yes, mother--Captain Garrick! The ogres are using necromancy to raise a dragon from the dead.

They need sacrifices like us to fuel their magic. They're about to start a ritual that--

It's already begun... they're going to use the life force they gathered to reanimate the dragon!

My children, I know the suffering you have endured.

The shortage of anima and the lack of new souls have inflicted terrible hardship upon us all.

I fear further sacrifices must be made if Revendreth is to survive this crisis.

Ah! The mortal who escaped the inescapable prison. A living soul restoring hope to the realms eternal.

This drought has left my people desperate...

But if you were to aid our cause, then I could gratefully provide the aid you seek.

Begging my Master's pardon.

Ravagers and thieves. Stop them before they raid what few anima reserves we have left.

Elune, please shield us from harm!

Hailing from the human kingdom of Stormwind, you follow in the footsteps of valiant knights, clever sorcerers, and legendary heroes.

Representing the stout and enduring dwarves of Ironforge, you have emerged from the mountain and stand ready to face any challenge.

As one of the ancient and elusive night elves, you have left the tranquil boughs of Teldrassil to aid your allies and defend the wilds.

The gnomes of Gnomeregan bolster the Alliance with their ingenuity and mechanical aptitude. You have opted for a more direct approach.

Your people, the draenei, arrived on Azeroth as refugees from another world. But this world is now your home, and you have sworn to defend it.

Like many pandaren, you have known a life of quiet harmony on the traveling isle of Shen-zin Su. But your intrepid spirit yearns for adventure.

Though the worgen curse decimated your home kingdom of Gilneas and turned you into a beast, your feral rage can be used for the good of all.

It is up to you to find the missing expedition members and bring them home. For the Alliance!

You two, dredgers, leave that mortal alone. They are under the protection of the Master.

Come, mortal, let us away from this place.

No doubt by now you have heard of the anima drought plaguing our reality.

My Master, the supreme Sire Denathrius, has a plan to see us through these dark times.

We face this challenge with dignity and remain united behind the Master. Revendreth remains resolute!

They claim he is hoarding aether when in fact he must ration what limited reserves we have left.

Rumors of a rebellion are greatly overstated. Everything is under control.

Lord Chamberlain! There's a commotion up ahead. Looks like a fight.

Rebels. Just drive either over or through them. They would not dare to- Aah!




He is your Master too, traitor! Release us at once.

As you command, Lord Chamberlain.

Champion deal with the Maw Walker!

Out of the way, little spiders!

These poor creatures... we cannot stop to help them.

By the Light, you're alive!

Ye did a good job, savin' those people and dealin' with those spiders.

Those spiders were victims, too. They just lost their home.

Yeah... well, I guess ye could see it that way.

The Light shines on all creatures. That does not mean I have to like them.

This mortal will not become another puppet of the Master.

Hah! Our dragon will crush them!

I shall tear this world apart!

No more excuses. The Master will have his tithe of anima or I will see to it that everyone in this miserable hamlet are exiled to the Ember Ward.



Dead end! Well, time to see if this amulet works.

Master! Master! The creature has arrived!

I know. I raised him to overcome any challenge.

We have other rituals to oversee. Savor the final moments of your life!

Then we need to move quickly. Recruit, Private Garrick, the Alliance never gives up hope, even in the face of disaster.

We'll put a stop to these rituals before the ogres can complete them. Let's go!

Foolish loa. I will feast upon your worshippers and be reborn!

Hah! I be callin' da shots... and you be under me command with dis little trick. Now... you be tellin' me everytin' dat ya did ta Ardenweald.

Ignorant loa... the undead come to this place as we speak. You will be overrun!

Heh heh... I... said... SPEAK!

AGH! I discarded the spirits in Ardenweald that refused to follow me into the Maw!

Oh? Good ting Bwonsamdi got a deal with someone who can be recoverin' dem spirits from dat place.

Haha... you think you can undo what I have wrought? The Jailer's work cannot be stopped now... especially not by an idiotic loa like yourself.

Azeroth is in ruins... and all because of one... little... whisper to a dying warchief.

What? No... de whisper dat told me to make Sylvanas warchief... it be you?

You played your part perfectly, troll. And I would have tortured you for eternity... if not for someone's intervention.

I be hearin' enough! I want ya ta be knowin' sometin' before I destroy ya, Mueh'zala.

Dere only be room for one loa o' death.

And it be Bwonsamdi.

What dis be? Bwonsamdi too busy ta be summonin' me heself now?

When dis starts, Mueh'zala gonna be drainin' de life outta me people. You gonna make sure dey don't get lost ta him.

Now... we be seein' what little secrets dis puny death loa has. Wake up, Mueh'zala!

Dat be for usin' me ta put Sylvanas in power.

We gotta hurry. We got spirits stuck in da Maw to rescue... for da Winter Queen.

Hold on, $n. I got sometin' ta be talkin' ta ya about.

I last heard you had gone somewhere with Bwonsamdi. Now you are here with these loa?

Hey dere Winter Queen! Ol' Bwonsamdi can be explainin'... see, I be findin' out dat Mueh'zala be takin' ya loa away.

So I be helpin' dis one find where dey be... deep in da Maw.

... Even if Ardenweald does not have the power to rebirth all spirits, they must all flow through here to try to be saved.

I will take these three spirits into our care. And you will find your way out of my land, Bwonsamdi.

Four spirits, if ya please.

I thought I sensed something special about your spirit. You have a loa within you... waiting to be reborn.

I cannot promise that you will survive... or what form of loa you will become. But I shall allow you a pod to be reborn.

Life be full o' mysteries. I be learnin' ta embrace dem and see what happens next.

Rezan be smarter dan I thought... but now dere be a new loa who be havin' a deal wit ol' Bwonsamdi. Heh heh heh...

You are a part of the powerful Horde, a united group of disparate races seeking to carve their own path within Azeroth.

Two weeks ago, a Horde expedition sent to explore an uncharted island in the Great Sea disappeared without a trace.

A rescue mission led by Warlord Breka Grimaxe has set sail from Orgrimmar with you aboard.

Your orcish blood thrives for adventure, and you seek to prove your strength and honor.

You bear the curse of the Forsaken, returned from the grave. It is your choice what you do with this second chance at life.

As a member of the wise and peaceful Tauren, you travel through Azeroth to preserve the balance of nature.

The ferocity and pride of the trolls are known throughout Azeroth. You set off for adventure to prove yourself amongst the many troll heroes.

You left the comforts of Silvermoon City to find power and greatness within Azeroth, like many blood elves before you.

As a goblin, you know there's no fame to be made sitting at home. You set out for adventure, glory, and gold!

It's up to you to find the missing expedition members and bring them home. For the Horde!

What in the name of the Master?

I humbly present... the Maw Walker.

Maw Walker, I am aware of your urgent request for anima. Under normal circumstances, I would of course oblige.

Sadly, you arrive in the midst of a violent rebellion. Our resources are stretched perilously thin.


...and some, even defiant.

We move. These monsters have my daughter.

The Horde will crush you and your dragon beneath its feet!

Mother... I tried stopping the ogres on my own, but I failed. I just don't have your raw strength to fight them.

You have your own strength, Shuja. Do not try to be anyone but yourself. Now, tell me what's going on here.

I understand. The ogres are using necromancy to raise a dragon from the dead.

They need sacrifices like us to fuel their magic. They're about to start a ritual that --

It has already begun. They're going to use the life force they've gathered to reanimate the dragon!

Then we must move. Remember, when times are difficult, the Horde remains strong when we stay together.

We're going to put a stop to these rituals before the ogres can complete them. Let's go.

Earth Mother, guide my steps so we may flee this wicked place!

The ogres and their vile servants have disrupted the balance of nature in this place!

By me ancestors, ya be alive!

Good job getting everyone out and blowing up that cave of spiders.

Those spiders did not deserve to have their home destroyed.

Returned for more, necromancer? I can do this all day.

My paragon, you do not stand alone!

Ah, you will work well.

Thanikos, no!

What... is happening...to me?


Y-yes... master...

A perfect reunion. Now please finish this matter, Thanikos.

Magnificent. Bron's strength is my strength. Our strength!

New Campaigns

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9.0 Shadowlands - Narrative Arc - Revendreth (ZTO) - Sire Denathrius may know the secrets to ending the anima drought. Venture into his realm of Revendreth to learn more.

9.0 Shadowlands - Covenant Campaign - Revendreth (ZTO) - The road to redemption for Revendreth is a long one, and the Dark Prince of Sinfall is ready to walk it. He will need your help if he is to wrest control of Revendreth from the clutches of the Master and his loyalists.

Bastion 9.0 Shadowlands - Narrative Arc - Bastion - GJC - TBD

9.0 Shadowlands - Covenant Campaign - Maldraxxus (MDE) - TBD

9.0 Shadowlands - Covenant Campaign - Ardenweald (KRB) - The groves of Ardenweald are dying. As each great celestial tree falls, the Winter Queen's desperation grows. The queen and her Court of Night will need your help to restore balance to Ardenweald.

9.0 Shadowlands - Narrative Arc - Maldraxxus - SJC - TBD

9.0 Shadowlands - Covenant Campaign - Bastion - GJC - TBD

9.0 Shadowlands - Narrative Arc - Ardenweald (ZTO) - TBD

New Currencies

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Progenitor Shard - TEST

Phantasma - This extinguished strand of anima can be used to gain power within Torghast. Leaving Torghast will destroy all Phantasma.

Freed Soul - With enough Freed Souls, you may be able to advance aspects of your Covenant Sanctum.

Soul Ash - Soul Ash powers the Pyres of Creation.

Enemy Damage - Dummy currency for Torghast UI

Enemy Health - Dummy currency for Torghast UI

Deaths - Dummy currency for Torghast UI

Stygia - The byproduct of the violent destruction of a Soul within the Maw.

Quest Experience - (Standard)

Shadowlands PvP Rated

Shadowlands PvP Unrated

Covenant Anima - Placeholder Resource

Shadowlands PvP Rated - Item Purchase - Use this to purchase Shadowlands Gladiator gear.

Kyrian - Grants reputation with the Kyrian.

Maldraxxus - Grants reputation with Maldraxxus.

Ardenweald - Grants reputation with Ardenweald.

Revendreth - Grants reputation with Revendreth.

New Dungeon Bosses

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Boss 2



Boss 4

Kryxis the Voracious

Executor Tarvold

Grand Proctor Beryllia

General Kaal



Warlord Boss


Lord Chamberlain

Boss 01

Hungering Destroyer

Boss 02

Boss 03

Boss 04


Amarth, The Reanimator


Nalthor the Rimebinder

An Affront of Challengers



The Manastorms

Hakkar, the Soulflayer


Ingra Maloch

Bat Gargoyle


Dealer G'exa

Halkias, the Sin-Stained Goliath


The High Priestess of Nathria


Broker Curator

Lady Inerva Darkvein

Sire Denathrius

Nurgash Muckformed

Oranomonos the Everbranching



Venthyr Nobility

Ember Court

Journal Encounter

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Kryxis the Voracious - Kryxis the Voracious sensed the anima stores deep within the Sanguine Depths, and his lust to consume this energy has driven him to madness. With the recent tear that has formed in Revendreth, Kryxis the Voracious has a found a way into these catacombs, and aims to drain every last drop of anima out of the subterranean storage house.


Hazak the Unfallen

Amarth, The Reanimator - Amarth is the powerful, sadistic leader of the necromancers of Zolramus. He oversees the harvesting of corpses from atop his flying mount, the undead monstrosity Bonefang.

Surgeon Stitchflesh - Surgeon Stitchflesh is the mastermind behind the grisly abominations that are deployed from the floating fortress of Zolramus. He bends to his task with maniacal fervor, crafting the flesh of fallen enemies into undead constructs to be used in Maldraxxus' wars.

Bat Gargoyle - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, omnis ignota reformidans ius ad, cibo brute impedit te qui, stet sale forensibus usu no. Mel erat nonumy moderatius cu, enim nibh ne eos. Usu erant numquam aliquid eu, eum et facilisi adipisci assueverit, ad mei aliquip aperiam iudicabit. Dictas nostrud contentiones duo ut.

Dredger Giant - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, omnis ignota reformidans ius ad, cibo brute impedit te qui, stet sale forensibus usu no. Mel erat nonumy moderatius cu, enim nibh ne eos. Usu erant numquam aliquid eu, eum et facilisi adipisci assueverit, ad mei aliquip aperiam iudicabit. Dictas nostrud contentiones duo ut.

Blightbone - The corpulent mass of rotting flesh known as Blightbone was lovingly stitched together by Surgeon Stichflesh to lead the vanguard of the assault upon the Temple of Courage.

Nalthor the Rimebinder - As a commander of the House of Rituals, the conniving Nalthor the Rimebinder leads the attack upon the unwitting kyran forces.

An Affront of Challengers

Dealer G'exa - Dealer G'exa is a cunning aquisitionist, wielding an array of magical contrivances that she has collected over the millennia. She relies on spatial manipulation to stay one step ahead of the innumerable enemies she's made in her dealings.


Ingra Maloch - Cursed to exist outside the cycle of Life and Death, the Drust now seek to circumvent their fate using Ardenweald's mechanisms of Rebirth. Their would-be conquest has found its way to Tirna Scithe, where Ingra Maloch and his followers use foul magic to subjugate the local inhabitants.



Doctor Ickus - Amidst the fallout from the slime eruption, the deranged Doctor Ickus continues his mad experiments with ooze.

Stradama Margrave - Transformed due to the explosion that destroyed her house, Margrave Stradama is now the source of the plague that continues to ooze across Maldraxxus.


Halkias, the Sin-Stained Goliath - A massive sin-stone golem with stained glass windows on all four sides, infused with sin and anima, unfortunately awakened by the Depraved Venthyr's machinations.

General Kaal - General Kaal stands as one of Sire Denathrius's main generals overseeing his operations in Revendreth. Strong, agile and full of guile, General Kaal uses her agility and anima-infused nature to eliminate all who would stand against her master.

Hakkar the Soulflayer[PH]

The Manastorms


The High Priestess of NathriaWithin the Halls of Atonement, past the courtyard and gargoyles, is a church unlike any seen on Azeroth. A Venthyr Priestess presides over a congregation of spirits, spreading the dark word of the Nathrian religion.

Paragon of Loyalty

Lord Chamberlain

Oryphrion[PH] - Oryphrion is the firepower in the Paragon of Loyalty's vanguard. The Dark Colossus has dominated the invasion into the city with their Anima fueled artillery, and now fiercely defends the font of power before the Archon's seat.

Executor Tarvold - The depraved warden of the Sanguine Depths, Executor Tarvold, takes sick pleasure in tormenting the prisoners here. Freeing the prisoners of their sins and their anima.

Ventunax - A Dark Kyrian construct, powered by Anima and honed to a razor edge. The Praetorian's movements are so quick she can seem to disappear before players' eyes, appearing behind them or in cover, and can cut through the air such that she generates tornados in her wake.

Mordretha, the Endless Empress

Broker Curator - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, omnis ignota reformidans ius ad, cibo brute impedit te qui, stet sale forensibus usu no. Mel erat nonumy moderatius cu, enim nibh ne eos. Usu erant numquam aliquid eu, eum et facilisi adipisci assueverit, ad mei aliquip aperiam iudicabit. Dictas nostrud contentiones duo ut.

Globgrog - A monstrosity formed from the fallout of the destruction of the Plague House.

Lady Inerva Darkvein[NYI]

Grand Proctor Beryllia - Grand Proctor Beryllia has spent an eternity studying the flows of anima in Revendreth. Her skill and knowledge has been put to the test learning about a very curious prisoner deep within the Sanguine Depths, the naaru Z'rali.


Domina Venomblade - A vile and sinister figure of the House of Many Eyes who fought her way to the source of the Plaguefall.

Sire Denathrius

New Factions

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9.0 Maldraxxus - Abominations

9.0 Maldraxxus - Lich

9.0 Maldraxxus - Warriors


Dark Kyrian

9.0 Maldraxxus - End Game

Stone Legion

Sinfall - Revendreth

Court of Harvesters - Revendreth


Night Fae - Ardenweald

Maw Broker

Torghast - Guard

Torghast - Prisoner

New Titles

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Pilgrim %s the Mallet Bearer

%s, As Themselves%s

%s the Cryptkeeper


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PH Gargon - PH

PH Epic Gargon - PH

PH Phalynx - PH

PH Epic Phalynx - PH

PH Runestag - PH

PH Epic Runestag - PH

PH Shadehound - PH

PH Gorm - PH

PH Horned Horse - PH

PH Horned Horse - PH

Gilded Prowler - Unparalleled apex predator of Bastion, this mighty larion has trained since birth to carry its rider across the Shadowlands.

PH Devourer Mite - PH

PH Dredbat - PH

PH Maldraxxus Chimaera - PH

PH Moth - PH

PH Death Roc - PH

Vicious War Spider - PH

Vicious War Spider - PH


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Torghast, Tower of the Damned

Plane of Torment

The Master of Lies

Darkmaul Citadel

The Blade of the Primus

The Path of Totality

Recovering Tyrande Whisperwind

Sanguine Depths

Sanguine Depths

Sanguine Depths

The Greater Good

The Ember Court

Assault on the House of Rituals

The Necrotic Wake

Spires of Ascension

Spires of Ascension

Halls of Atonement

Halls of Atonement

Halls of Atonement

The Necrotic Wake

The Necrotic Wake

Scenario Steps

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Torghast, Tower of the Damned

Ascend the Tower - The higher you climb, the more dangerous the enemies... but the more lucrative the rewards. Be cautious: too many deaths may awaken the Tarragrue!

Hurry Up! Your deaths have attracted the Tarragrue! Get to the next floor before he does!

Save the Prisoner - Save the Kyrian Prisoner before their soul is drained!

Powerful Foe - Defeat the powerful foe!

Plane of Torment

Investigate the Town Hall

Defeat the Monstrosity

Defeat the Deprivator

Take the Anima Stream

Find the Fragment of Jaina

Free the Fragment of Jaina

The Master of Lies

Awaken the Army - Awaken stoneborn who are loyal to Prince Renathal.

Rally at Dominance Gate - Meet Prince Renathal and your allies at Dominance Gate.

The Stone Legion Gauntlet - Reach the far side of Dominance Gate.

General of the Stone Legion - Defeat General Kaal

To Dam the Damned - Disable Anima Diverters

The Master - Confront Sire Denathrius.

The Blade of the Primus

Where the Pieces Fall - Break through the upper terrace

Heir to the Primus - Assist Bonesmeith Heirmir.

Unleash the Helhounds! - Free beasts of war.

The Highlord and the Lady - Regroup with the forces of Alexandros and Baroness Vashj.

Courage Guide Thy Blade - Escape the House of the Chosen.

Caustic Chemistry - Assist with Marileth's 'testing'.

Together, We Ride! Defend the Sanctum.

When One Door Closes... Defeat Margrave Krexus.

The Path of Totality

A Lost Cause - Investigate the memory.

A Desperate Gambit - Find the next memory.

A Peace Made - Find the next memory.

A Parting of Ways - Find the next memory.

A Sacrifice Paid - Find the next memory.

A Moon's Death - Relive the last moments of the Night Warrior.

Recovering Tyrande Whisperwind

Find Tyrande Whisperwind - Search Torghast for Tyrande Whisperind

Fend off Maw Warriors - Aid Tyrande in defeating Maw Assassins

Keep up with Tyrande Whisperwind - Tyrande is not stopping. Try to keep up with her.

Defeat Maw Ambushers - Tyrande charged ahead. Deal with the incoming Maw minions!

Catch up with Tyrande - Tyrande is up ahead, try to catch up with her!

Find an alternate route to Tyrande - Tyrande has pushed forward. Find another way to catch up with her.

Defeat Maw Monstrosity - Skuld stands in your way!

Catch up with Tyrande - Tyrande must be up ahead. Find her!

Defeat the Tortured Shade - The Maw has created an amalgam of tortured night elf souls. Help Tyrande fight them off.

The Greater Good

One Small Step - Push forward into the Citadel of Loyalty.

No Doubt - Clear the Courtyard.

Dark Machinations - Defeat Petris and Phaedra.

Attack of Opportunity - Push forward to the Truthbringer.

An Old Friend - Stop the Forsworn from activating the Truthbringer.

Follow the Path - Take the gateway to the Temple.

In Darkness' Domain - Confront Lysonia.

A Clever Ploy - Rally to Elysian Hold's defense!

The Greater Good - Defeat Lysonia once and for all.

The Ember Court

Opening Ceremony - Welcome guests and instruct your staff.

Refreshments - Attend Tubbins's tea party and ensure your guests enjoy it.

Party Crashers! - Repel the invaders attacking the Ember Court.

Entertainment - Ensure your guests have everything they need. Then, speak with Prince Renathal when you are done with entertainment.

Closing Ceremony - Ensure your guests are as happy. Then, speak with Prince Renathal when you're ready to accept tribute.

Tribute - Collect the tribute left by your guests.

An Unwelcome Guest - Your hasty defeat of the party crashers attracted a powerful and unwelcome guest.

Refreshments - Ensure your guests have fun with the divine desserts.

Refreshments (Maldraxxus) - Take a risk and enjoy the samplings of wild fungi.

Refreshments (TBD)

No Refreshments - Hopefully your guests won't be too disappointed.

Entertainment (Zoo)

Entertainment (Band)

Entertainment (TBD)

No Entertainment - Hopefully your guests won't bee too disappointed.

Assault on the House of Rituals

Into the Breach - Clear the way into the House of Rituals Fortress.

The Finale Lesson of Baroness Ninadar - Defeat Baroness Ninadar

The Prime Arcanum - Stop the Ritual at the Prime Arcanum.

Confronting the Margrave - Confront Margrave Sin'dane about Kel'Thuzad's treachery.

The Third Fall of Kel'Thuzad - End Kel'Thuzad's manipulations in Maldraxxus.

The Maldraxxian Armistice - Witness the First Maldraxxian Armistice.

The Strength of Maldracite - Secure the Halls of Rites.

The Prime Arcanum - Kill the Ossium Horror.

Halls of Atonement

Defeat the Lord Chamberlain and restore order to the Halls of Atonement in Revendreth.

Latest Shadowlands News

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9 minutes ago, Stan said:

Amarth, The Reanimator

I dont know, but i just had an imagination of dev's headbanging to Amon Amarth while finding ideas. I like it ?

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20 minutes ago, Baharok said:

I dont know, but i just had an imagination of dev's headbanging to Amon Amarth while finding ideas. I like it ?

Raise your horns , raise your horns to the sky !!!!!

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I'm definitely curious on how controller support would work for WoW, specially since few abilities are skillshots akin to other MMORPGs built with controller in mind.

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