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Recommended Addon & Guide

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Here in this thread you will find various additional addons that might be very useful for certain criteria. Here I will not discuss or show other popular addons such as Tukui,Elvui,DBM and other. Take in mind also, these are my favorite addons and maybe there are a lot more addons out there that I miss or haven't try yet or perhaps you already know the addons listed here Posted Image


My favorite addon : Satchel Queue

Download [[ Here ]]

Description: This addon will help you get satchels! It queues for dungeon call to arms (cta) when available for your role.

How to use?

Open Dungeon Finder ( " I " ) and click on " Satchel " button

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It keep track what you get too!

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Gathermate2 + Gathermate2 Data

Download [[ Here ]] & [[ Here ]]

Description : Help to track the location/spawn point of Mining Nodes, Herb, Fishing School and many more.

How to use?

Simply type /gathermate and you will see the option. For first time using it, I recommend to "import" the data.

Go to "Import" sub-tree tick any database you would like to import and click "Import Gathermate2Data" on bottom.

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Bonus: Did you know the camel ability_mount_camel_gray.jpgReins of the Grey Riding Camel, Yeah the camel that drop by "Dormus the Camel Hoarder". With Gathermate2, you can easily know the spawn location for the Mysterious Camel Figurine.

How to do it? Simple enough:

Paste these code into chat box


/run MyCaFi="222642246600254512262652286636298206298250302628306602310662316694320452326478330600330718332282332628332678338254342198342214370642386548400386402432408498452158462448472768482466492758502720504736506316518706520510522278646304700582720440"

2. Run this to finally inject the coordinates and show the fake inv_misc_shadowegg.jpgNetherwing Egg (i.e. Mysterious Camel Figurine) in Uldum

/run local g,t,s,x,y=GatherMate2,MyCaFi,6 if g then for i=1,t:len(),s do x,y=t:sub(i,i+2),t:sub(i+3,i+5)g:AddNode(720,x/1000,y/1000,0,"Treasure","Netherwing Egg")end g:GetModule("Display"):UpdateMaps() else print("GatherMate2 not found!") end MyCaFi=nil

Credit: Rinor@WowHead


Npcscan + Npcscan Overlay

Download [[ Here ]] & [[ Here ]]

Description : _NPCScan tracks seldom-seen rare mobs that can be seen within your view range while _NPCScan.Overlay is an addition to _NPCScan that adds map overlays for rare mob patrols.

. How to use?

Type /npcscan and tick " Search for completed achievement NPCs ". Next go to Overlay sub-tree and tick for "Always show all path ". The reason I recommend to tick "Search for complete achievement NPCs" if you find for example Zul'drak Sentinel ( achievement_zone_dragonblight_09.jpgFrostbitten ), it wont alert you in future if you come across this npc again

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Anyway, Once a mob is “found”, _NPCScan won't be able to find it again until your cache is cleared. If you find a rare mob's corpse—Dirkee for example—you would have to clear your cache before _NPCScan would find Dirkee again. Thankfully, clearing your cache is a safe and simple matter. This also include any rare tameable pet like Loque'nahak if you found it your main city or dungeons.

Clearing Your Cache

To clear your cache, follow these straightforward steps:

Exit World of Warcraft.

Delete the “Cache” sub-directory inside your World of Warcraft folder.

For example on a standard Windows XP installation, you would delete the folder

“C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache”.

Advanced users can delete “C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb” specifically to improve log-in times.



Download [[ Here ]]

Description : Tools and tweaks to make the lives of players seeking Achievements a little bit easier.

How to use?

Open your achievement information/tab ( " Y " ) and you will notice several new tabs on bottom.

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Raid Achievement

Download [[ Here ]]

Description : Reports in chat (or with sound) when group or raid achievement that you can't track is failed or when all criteria of the achievement are fullfiled and you need to kill boss. Informs about achievements when you enter the instance or take boss to the target.

How to use?

It will automatically track for you when you get into instances/ dungeons.

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Download [[ Here ]]

Description : Simply scan/check your raid members for any missing buff/flask. Will announce during ready check.

How to use?

Type in /RSC and you can check the tab at the bottom.

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Archy - Archaeology Assistant

Download [[ Here ]]

Description : Archy is an assistant for Archaeologists that want information at their finger tips.

How to use ?

Type /archy and there will be a few additional command line available. Best to pair with TomTom addon!

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Download [[ Here ]]

Description : Loremaster helps you locate any quests you are missing from any Loremaster achievement

How to use?

Open your Quest Log and click on Loremaster button for more information .

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Bagnon has an awesome feature where it tells you how much you have of a given item (taking into account bank and alts).

Another cool addon is Easy Mail by Cosmos ;)

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Bagnon has an awesome feature where it tells you how much you have of a given item (taking into account bank and alts).

Another cool addon is Easy Mail by Cosmos Posted Image

Once before I use bagnon, but since I use elvui, i feel no longer need bagnon :P

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Just a quick update, although I knew most of the spawn points / paths for the rares in Outland / Northrend I was always lazy. NPCscan overlay makes life soooo much easier.

Grabbed about 8 outland rares and 2 northrend rares in the past 2 days :D

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I'm using altoholic everytime I'm looking for some recipes I miss, as I can quickly see if some of my characters can learn it, without having to log out and in many times. Good for checking your mounts (all mounts you have, with different characters), thinking about account-wide mounts.

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NPCScan and overlay were very helpful, on my main toon Phobuu ont he server Velen I have the ach for all the rares in outland and northrend, still unlucky on the time lost proto though. I also use an addon that makes life easier in the AH called double click buyout, For professions I like advanced tradeskill window.

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