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Challenge Modes GOLD <Resto>

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This will be my online journal of lessons learned and how good I will do and more entertainingly how bad I do. So let's gather the combined knowledge f resto shaman in gold healing.

A few sections:

1) gearing, stats, trinks, etc.

2) group comp

3) cd timing on which pulls are managed easily with cooldowns

Consider this's. Favor to myself and in return I will publish a great guide, sourcing all of you

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It's pretty hard to do as a Healer, imo, but here are the few tips I know.


Don't be afraid to spam Healing Surge.  Your mana is worth less than keeping someone alive.


Remember Telluric Currents.  CMs are all about the trash, so you can spend a lot of bosses with just RT/Earth Shield on the tank, spamming Lightning Bolt.  Use them as regen phases.


If you're having issues with DPS times, consider going PE and using your elementals as aggressively as you can.  The Earth Ele can even help offtank.


Double Grounding Totems can be very valuable in instances like Scarlet Halls and Scarlet Monastery.  Try to work Call of the Elements into resetting both HST and Grounding.


For Stats, I ran around 3k spirit, running Int gems in red, Int Haste in yellow, and Int Spirit in blue, with a focus on Haste and Crit on equipment.  I also ran a Relic of Yu'lon and Horridon's Last Gasp.


For Glyphs, I ran Telluric, HST, and Riptide.  RT was used for gaming Tidal Waves; blanket RTing is too expensive if you can help it.

Edited by Hybrys

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Yeah i'm sure this will be the last great challenge of MoP. That's why I want to get it done. I've been spoiled lately and this could be just what I need to get back in the game.

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load up on klaaxi ambers and get a battle banner too. you can banner and use the amber the second you break combat as long as youre not in a boss fight.

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ele is so op for cmodes though, and you still do crucial healing. it may be easier on your friends if you just find a disc to heal and go ele.

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ele is so op for cmodes though, and you still do crucial healing. it may be easier on your friends if you just find a disc to heal and go ele.

I'd agree, but I think that it's a really fun challenge to try doing those as Resto.  Why not conquer something harder than Garrosh?

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I got 6/9 as resto and 3/9 as ele. I'd say just get as many gem sockets as possible from SoO and ToT LFR gear. Use a normal burning primal diamond as your meta. Go primal elementalist and use your elementals for dps on cool down. Use the glyph to halve fire ele cd. Your primary stat after spirit and int should be Mastery. Your mastery will save lives for days in CM. I greater healing waved with cds up for 700k on a dk with 20% hp remaining. Honestly healing as resto sham in cms was exetremely easy for me. It's all about having dps that know where to stand and a tank that knows how to mitigate. Also have an ELE spec ready for SSB cm.

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