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[EU-Auchindoun][H]<Stratagem>13/14HC 25 man. Wed, Thurs & Mon.

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Stratagem is a recently transferred guild to Auchindoun that combines a variety of players many of whom have played in very high-end guilds over the years.


Our two ten man teams (13/14 & 10/14) have merged and we are now pushing through SoO 25 man with comparative ease. However we are looking for players to come in, compete and complement our raid team.


Raid Days:

We run a strict 3-day schedule, and rarely raid on any other days than this. The days are as follows: Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday


Our raid times are 19:30 - 23:30, server time (GMT +1). We rarely go over times, however if we are close and players are able to stay we will push.


Loot System:

We use a semi-based loot council. We try to balance loot distribution on the aims to gear the raid to allow the fastest progression possible, alongside rewarding players for good performance and consistency.


What we expect of you:

Our members pride themselves in getting the most out of their gear/class and performing at a consistent and high level. A basic requirement of this is that we expect all of our players to use the best enchants / gems available and full consumables when we raid. Good raiding skills are also considered essential. Understand that a raid is a team of 25 people, not 24 people supporting your aspirations in this game.


A working and reliable internet connection is essential.


Although we are a very multilingual guild, our common language is English and in order to be successful here you must be able to communicate effectively in English, in both writing and on TS.


If you are accepted, we expect that your performance should be on par with our existing members. You should be actively looking for ways to improve your DPS / Healing / Tanking. We will be forced to replace if you don't come up to the standard required.


Current Recruitment:

Please take your time when making your application and make a good first impression. All applications should include logs, raiding experience and solid background to judge your character from.


In all cases we are looking for players who will improve our lineup.


We will always consider exceptional applicants of any class. Feel free to contact one of our officers for the latest recruitment status.


If you feel as if you would be a good addition to our raiding squad, simply visit our website and make an application. Any questions/concerns please contact Matty on the forums or Matt, Cody or Santuzi within game.



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