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[H - draenor - eu] <gordian knot> recruiting! Ny’alotha 7/12m

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Guild name: Gordian Knot
Faction: Horde
Realm: Draenor (EU)
Realm Type: Normal - PVE
Current progress: Ny'alotha 6/12M
Raid days: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday
Raid times: 20.00-23.00 CET
Website: https://gordian-knot.eu/
(Full application details on website)


High Demand

Medium Demand:

Low Demand

Also, in order to be able to join our main team straight away, you need to meet the requirement for our current progress, which are around 468+ item level equiped, around 85+ levels on your necklace and the least rank 15 and 71 corruption resistance on your cloak.

We are also open to discuss a possible merge and get a smaller group or guild that is struggling to get their raids goins, or that they want to advance to the next level. Most of us are versatile people and we can possibly reroll to achieve a good compasition after a merge.

Any social and friendly person who wants to join us for kicks and giggles is welcome. Just poke any of our officers online and you will get an invite for a social spot (no raiding spot).


Gordian Knot is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that consists of experienced raiders with some of them having raiding experience as far back as Vanilla.

We are a friendly group who enjoys World of Warcraft and loves raiding. We have fun and joke around but when bosses need to go down then all is serious! We wish for all our members to enjoy the game as much as we do and we expect raiders to maintain a 80% attendance per month.

We also enjoy a variety of other activities such as running a lot of Mythic+ dungeons doing alt-runs, achievement runs etc.

We generally aim to push Mythic+ to get +15 keys done for the weekly chests. We do this in spirit to help everyone in the guild getting their highest possible gear reward from their weekly cache (socials included).

There are a few things we hold in high value but above else we value friendliness and politeness towards guildies and other players and skillfulness when it comes to the more serious parts of the game.


We raid 3 nights a week, Wednesdays, Sundays and Mondays, from 20:00 till 23:00 server time.
Although we are a 20-man guild, we usually run an extra group in order to get more people to experience the joys of raiding, help new raiders learn the Knot’s way to down bosses and gearing up. Usually, these runs happen on Saturdays. Also, every Friday and sometimes Thursdays too, we’re on RBGs killing alliance scums or on other ingame activities!

Our current guild progress is 6/12 in Ny'alotha mythic, and we're focusing on getting further Mythic progress. Our aim is to always progress as much as possible but also to have a relaxed and fun atmosphere at the same time!

If you're interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at https://gordian-knot.eu/apply/, alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Skilhunter - SkilDome#2573
Varese - Mendes#21704

On Discord:
Leleko - Leleko#7934
Narweena - Narweena#7029
Skilhunter - Skildome#8766
Varese - Varese#6445

PS. We're always open to group applications or guild merging discussions.
We are also open and welcome social applications.

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