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Demon Hunter Hungering Arrow with GoD

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On 7/7/2020 at 7:10 PM, Guest Narve said:

What about using the ring of royal grandeur in the cube and using the mantle of channeling instead of one set piece? 

Sure 200% from convention is great for burst but this build is about sustained damage so I think it would fit well..

Or am I missing something? 🙂

This build is about not taking damage at all. You should be always avoiding taking damage because of the Squirt's Necklace and you would be replacing 200% dmg to 25% damage.
give it a try and let us know.

Best regards,

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On 7/8/2020 at 7:44 AM, Guest Bazi said:


The build feels great but i have huge issues with survivabiltiy. Almost everything is one-hitting me, no matter if I have 20 stacks and shadow power active, all emeny attacks hit like a truck. Is there something i miss? So far i have no diamonds in chest and pants, but i doubt that will be enough to change anything. 


this build is about avoiding taking damage at all times. You should be attacking from a safe range and zooming through the enemies once you have vengeance and smoke screen or shadow power activated. 
it is recommended to have at least 500k of life as well. 

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On 8/4/2021 at 12:15 PM, Rae88 said:

So does it mean that crit chance % rolls on gear become less important? If so to what degree? I think that now crit dmg >>> crit chance (for example on gloves and jewellery). But what about helmet and quiver? Is it okay to roll of crit chance % for another toughness buff (all resist for example)? Since in high GR pushing with buriza every hit will sooner than later be a crit.

Yes! I think I have a line to that effect in the gear section of the guide; Crit Chance is way less important in S24 due to the Buriza power, and Crit Damage takes precedence. I think you can safely roll off 1-2 slots off Crit Chance at a minimum, starting with item slots that have lower roll ceilings - helm and bracers. I don’t have a hard rule for it, but dropping Crit Chance one piece at a time and “feeling” the build out in practice will probably yield your answer how far down you can go on Crit Chance.

1 hour ago, Guest imazevedo said:

i recently changed the build from Bane of the Stricken to Bane of the Trapped and changed my CDC (10%) to CDR (8%) on my neck to achieve 37% total CDR and 100% up-time on Vengeance.

Although, d3planner shows that my Effective DPS and DPH reduced drastically from DPS -> 54MM and DPH -> 33MM to DPS -> 33MM and DPH -> 20MM. 
Is that worth it ?

To change CDC to CDR in order to have 100% up-time of vengeance??? 

Also, D3planner show that Bane of the Stricken has a considerable more damage than Bane of the Trapped even though most of the videos say to use Trapped over Stricken. 

I guess the question here is if you have Buriza equipped, which would lower the value of Crit Chance in your build (which is something hard to gauge via the Planner simulation, I would imagine). Ideally you wouldn’t be dropping the “big” sources of Crit Chance (amulet, gloves, quiver) first, I think; feel out the performance of the build by dropping ChC from item slots with lower roll ceilings, such as bracers and helm. The 37% CDR breakpoint is so low that you ideally wouldn’t reach it with an amulet ChC sacrifice, to be honest. 

Bane of the Stricken is an amazing gem for one purpose only, pushing your uppermost GR limits. I think the planner assumes Stricken with a lot of stacks, check the gem stacks slider; in the majority of cases, you wouldn’t reach that number of stacks during the rift clear.

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34 minutes ago, Deadset said:

Yes! I think I have a line to that effect in the gear section of the guide; Crit Chance is way less important in S24 due to the Buriza power, and Crit Damage takes precedence. I think you can safely roll off 1-2 slots off Crit Chance at a minimum, starting with item slots that have lower roll ceilings - helm and bracers. I don’t have a hard rule for it, but dropping Crit Chance one piece at a time and “feeling” the build out in practice will probably yield your answer how far down you can go on Crit Chance.

I guess the question here is if you have Buriza equipped, which would lower the value of Crit Chance in your build (which is something hard to gauge via the Planner simulation, I would imagine). Ideally you wouldn’t be dropping the “big” sources of Crit Chance (amulet, gloves, quiver) first, I think; feel out the performance of the build by dropping ChC from item slots with lower roll ceilings, such as bracers and helm. The 37% CDR breakpoint is so low that you ideally wouldn’t reach it with an amulet ChC sacrifice, to be honest. 

Bane of the Stricken is an amazing gem for one purpose only, pushing your uppermost GR limits. I think the planner assumes Stricken with a lot of stacks, check the gem stacks slider; in the majority of cases, you wouldn’t reach that number of stacks during the rift clear.

Thanks a lot!!! You are right when you say that I could use the CHC on another item so I don’t need to sacrifice the amulet. I’ll let you know how it goes. 

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On 7/12/2020 at 3:53 PM, Guest foobar said:

Is it advisable to even keep a follower around while solo pushing GRs?


I certainly don't know anything about pushing GRs I just noticed that followers seem to compromise my ability to generate density. Without follower I managed to complete another GR and it felt like I could maybe still do one more. (HC, ~GR118)

Using Soundrel follower you get a passive hability like awareness, you can use blind faith, Nemesis brace, Flavor of time and so on - check this link -> https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/scoundrel-follower-skills-and-gearing-guide it might help you. 

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Guest ShortbusMilitia

The first season that I used this set I noticed it was hard to keep hatred on difficulties lower than Tourment 7. There aren't enough mobs to keep it up at all times. Also change out spell abilities that give hatred on hit but keep the wolf. This will help you get the feel for the build and up to at least GR 90 with little effort. Any GR past that you need to follow this build a little closer.

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Guest NekoLeila

This page mentions how well the build does in greater rift speed farming but doesn't mention any alternatives to items from rift farming that are useless in greater rifts. (Side note that the greater rift farming rankings link to the main GoD page, but that page also doesn't include any mention of alternatives for speed farming)

It also mentions emanating Nemesis Bracers, but still includes Avarice Band on your character.

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On 8/18/2021 at 8:13 PM, Guest NekoLeila said:

This page mentions how well the build does in greater rift speed farming but doesn't mention any alternatives to items from rift farming that are useless in greater rifts. (Side note that the greater rift farming rankings link to the main GoD page, but that page also doesn't include any mention of alternatives for speed farming)

It also mentions emanating Nemesis Bracers, but still includes Avarice Band on your character.

Fair points, I'll try to clear up these shortcomings in the next iteration of the guide. For what it's worth, during GR speedfarming I would keep the Focus and Restraint ring combo, and would probably replace the Avarice Band during solo T16 farming with a Rechel's Ring of Larceny for the speed boost (either relying on its natural Fear on Hit roll for the proc, or running an alternative item setup with extra % chance for Fear items if I wanted to hyper-optimize).

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Guest Whomever

Echoing fury outperforms vallas bequest. if you have ncs equipped vallas bequest is unnecessary 

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Guest Heavy DH

I agree with Guest Whomever. With NCS cubed Vallas isn't needed, I run Calamity with dawn for flat rate 15% increase, and I drop BotS Gem For Gem of Efficacious Toxiz for another flat rate 10% from the rank 25 bonus, works good so far at Gr 120 but not sure about max potential 

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Guest mike51331

So, I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to how the +% damage bonuses are calculated.

When I was starting out this season, I wanted to work towards this build, and I sort of added in pieces whenever I could find them and scaled my Torment and GR Progression levels accordingly. While doing that, I ended up using Captain Crimson's 2-Piece (with RORG cubed for the 3-piece bonus instead of the COE), with the 3-Piece Set Bonus apparently providing +% damage increase based on CDR. The 20% CDR gained by the 2-Piece Captain Crimson's, plus all the OTHER various CDR's on different gear, I'm somewhere north of 50%, which the way I'm reading the 3-Piece Set Bonus for Captain Crimson's SHOULD THEORETICALLY provide a damage bonus at least equivalent to the effective 50% granted by COE (since the Cold bonus is only operative 1/4 of the time).

Also, I realize the 65% Vengeance CDR on Dawn is not considered "CDR" in this instance; I'm basing my assumptions solely on straight CDR from gear, Paragon levels, and the Captain Crimson's set bonus.

Initially I was using Captain Crimson's as a fill-in until I found the necessary GoD pieces to swap out (Belt and Pants in this case). At the moment I have the Hunter's Wrath effect cubed, with CC's belt and pants equipped. I realize the Depth Diggers bonus to Primary Skills is significant at 100%, and it may be that I'm losing out overall by foregoing that in order to have the Captain Crimson's bonus, but the NUMBERS seem like they would still more-or-less even out considering the apparent Damage Reduction based on RCR granted by CC's.

I guess what I'm saying is, I feel like numerically the trade-off SHOULD be more-or-less equivalent (a significant survivability boost, in addition to helpful extra CDR for Fan of Knives), but it doesn't SEEM to be in practice. Would an effective 50% damage increase (since I'm getting slightly over that right now, or at least I THINK I am, from the CC's damage bonus, and Depth Diggers gives 100%, I'd be gaining the 50% difference between them) really make THAT much difference to my DPS output?


I feel like maybe I'm not understanding something about how those +% damage bonuses are calculated (as in, WHAT the % is applied to...base damage, or is it after all the other bonuses are factored in, or somewhere in the middle of the calculation)? It got me curious as to where my logic went wrong, and also to gain a better understanding of how % damage bonuses work in general.


Any help with the above would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)!

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Guest Dakduif

Since the altar of rites provides a Passability skill at some point, what other legendary potion can you recommend? 

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