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Official Preview of Soulbinds and Conduits in Shadowlands

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Here comes the official preview of Soulbinds and Conduits in Shadowlands. We get to see a sample Soulbind tree with 8 rows (tiers), learn about switching between individual Soulbinds, and preview how they enhance your Covenenat Abilities

  • After picking a Covenant at max level, you will be able to choose your Soulbind (there are three Soulbinds per Covenant).
  • Each Soulbind has a tree with 8 tiers of passives to unlock that empower your Covenenat Abilities and combat prowess in various ways.
  • Each Soulbind also comes with Conduits. We can compare these to Legion Artifact Relics.
  • We are also shown a preview of the Warrior Conduits that are currently in development.

Let's look at the individual Soulbind trees in more detail.

Kyrian Covenant

Forgelite Prime Mikanikos

  • Charged AdditiveCharged Additive - Phial of Serenity also knocks nearby enemies away from you.
  • Forgelite FilterForgelite Filter - When reduced below 35% health, your Phial of Serenity automatically heals you and consumes a charge.
  • Hammer of GenesisHammer of Genesis - Damaging a new enemy grants you 2% Haste for 10 sec, up to 5 stacks.
  • Sparkling Driftglobe CoreSparkling Driftglobe Core - When reduced below 35% health, you stun nearby enemies for 3 sec. This effect may only occur once every 5 min.
  • Soulsteel ClampsSoulsteel Clamps - After 5 sec of standing still, incoming stun and incapacitate durations are reduced by 30%. Lasts for 5 sec once you start moving.
  • Regenerating MaterialsRegenerating Materials - Casting or receiving healing has a chance to improve the remaining durability on your armor.
  • Resilient PlumageResilient Plumage - Fall damage decreased by 20%, and after falling, damage you take is reduced by 20% for 15 sec.
  • Bron's Call to ActionBron's Call to Action - After using 120 spells and abilities, your next spell or ability summons Bron, who attacks and heals your targets.


  • Ascendant PhialAscendant Phial - Phial of Serenity renders you immune to Curse, Disease, Poison, and Bleed effects for 15 sec.
  • MentorshipMentorship - While above 90% health, you increase nearby party members' maximum health by 5%.
  • Resonant AccoladesResonant Accolades - When receiving healing or healing an ally, 5% of the healing is repeated on the target over 15 sec.
  • Bearer's PursuitBearer's Pursuit - Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to decrease your target's movement speed by 30% for 20 sec.
  • Pointed CouragePointed Courage - Critical strike is increased by 1% for every nearby enemy or ally, up to 5%.
  • Cleansing RitesCleansing Rites - After 5 sec out of combat, gain a shield for 10% of your health lasting for 30 sec.
  • Ever ForwardEver Forward - While above 90% health, your mounted movement speed is increased by 10%.
  • Valiant StrikesValiant Strikes - You and your nearby allies' critical strikes grant you stacks of Valiant Strikes, up to 40. At 40 stacks, you heal nearby allies for 5% of their maximum health over 10 sec.


  • Let Go of the PastLet Go of the Past - Using a spell or ability increases your Versatility by 1% for 10 sec. Using another spell or ability increases this amount by 1% when it is not a repeat of the previous spell or ability, stacking to 5.
  • Focusing MantraFocusing Mantra - Defeating an enemy lowers the cooldown on your Phial of Serenity by 1 sec.
  • Phial of PatiencePhial of Patience - Phial of Serenity heals you for 35% additional health, but all of its healing is done over 10 sec.
  • Bond of FriendshipBond of Friendship - Defeating an enemy reduces the cooldown on your steward's non-Phial services by 1 sec.
  • Road of TrialsRoad of Trials - Defeating an enemy grants you 10% movement speed for 20 sec. This effect is increased if defeating a powerful enemy.
  • Walk TogetherWalk Together - Pelagos periodically sends you crafting materials, increasing for every dungeon, raid, battleground, arena, and quest completed while soulbound.
  • Combat MeditationCombat Meditation - Activating your Kyrian class ability increases your Mastery by 5% for 20 sec and occasionally expels Sorrowful Memories. Walking through Sorrowful Memories extends this effect by 3 sec.


Bonesmith Heirmir

  • Serrated SpauldersSerrated Spaulders - Inflict 485 Shadow damage to your attacker over 5 sec when hit at melee range.
  • Resourceful FleshcraftingResourceful Fleshcrafting - Defeating an enemy reduces Fleshcraft's cooldown by 1 sec.
  • Heirmir's Arsenal: Ravenous PendantHeirmir's Arsenal: Ravenous Pendant - Defeating an enemy restores 1% of your maximum health after 3 sec. Stacks to 5.
  • Heirmir's Arsenal: GorestompersHeirmir's Arsenal: Gorestompers - Damaging or healing a target below 35% grants you 25% increased movement speed for 5 sec. May only occur once per 1 min.
  • Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed GemstoneHeirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone - After landing 10 critical strikes, you gain 20% increased Critical Strike for 10 sec. May only occur once per 1 min.
  • Runeforged SpursRuneforged Spurs - Mounted movement speed is increased by 5%. If attacked while mounted, mounted movement speed is increased by an additional 10% for 30 sec.
  • Smithing ExpertiseSmithing Expertise - You gain mining materials from completing activities that contribute to your Great Vault.
  • Forgeborne ReveriesForgeborne Reveries - Upon death, your armor continues to fight, allowing you to fight for an additional 10 sec. During this time, your damage and healing done is reduced by 50% and you cannot receive healing.


  • Emeni's Magnificent SkinEmeni's Magnificent Skin - When you use your Necrolord class ability or spell, gain a stack of Emeni's Magnificent Skin, stacking up to 4 times. Using Fleshcraft consumes your Emeni's Magnificent Skin to increase your maximum health by 5% per stack for 2 min.
  • Cartilaginous LegsCartilaginous Legs - After taking falling damage, the health lost becomes a shield lasting 15 sec.
  • Hearth KidneystoneHearth Kidneystone - You may attune your Hearth Kidneystone to any resting location and return to it. 24 hour cooldown, reduced by 5 min every killing blow.
  • Gristled ToesGristled Toes - Movement speed increased by 2% for every nearby enemy, up to 10%.
  • Gnashing ChompersGnashing Chompers - Gain 1% Haste for 20 sec after defeating an enemy, up to 5%.
  • Sulfuric EmissionSulfuric Emission - When reduced below 20% health, you fear nearby enemies for 3 sec.
  • Runescribed BoneRunescribed Bone - Each enemy you defeat grants you one stack of Runescribed Bone, reducing magic damage taken by 1% for 30 sec. At 5 stacks, your soulbind traits are empowered for 30 sec.
    • Emeni's Magnificent Skin: Releasing stacks deals [ 34.5% of Spell Power + 34.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to nearby enemies, increased by 1% per stack.
    • Cartilaginous Legs: Shield amount doubled.
    • Hearth Kidneystone: Cooldown reduction doubled.
    • Gristled Toes: Movement speed now increased by 3%, up to 25%.
    • Gnashing Chompers: Haste increase doubled.
    • Sulfuric Emission: Fear duration increased by 2 sec.

Plague Deviser Marileh

  • Volatile SolventVolatile Solvent - Using Fleshcraft with nearby corpses derives a benefit from a corpse, differing based on the creature's type.
  • Travel with BloopTravel with Bloop - While standing still, you slowly build stacks of Bloop's Wanderlust. At 10 stacks, your movement speed is increased by 10% for 2 min.
  • Ooz's Frictionless CoatingOoz's Frictionless Coating - When reduced below 50% health, Ooz courses over you, granting you a shield for 10% of your maximum health for 20 sec.
  • Plaguey's Preemptive StrikePlaguey's Preemptive Strike - Your first attack or spell cast on an enemy increases your damage done to them by 10% for 5 sec. Doesn't occur if Plaguey is busy Preemptively Striking another target.
  • Kevin's KeyringKevin's Keyring - Allows opening of locks that require up to 600 skill. Each second spent channeling Fleshcraft reduces Kevin's Keyring's cooldown by one hour.
  • Plagueborn Cleansing SlimePlagueborn Cleansing Slime - Defeating enemies has a chance to deploy your Plagueborn Cleansing Slime, which improves the remaining durability on your armor.
  • Ultimate FormUltimate Form - Fleshcraft renders you immune to crowd control.

Night Fae


  • Field of BlossomsField of Blossoms - When Soulshape ends, you increase the movement speed of nearby allies by 15% for 15 sec.
  • Social ButterflySocial Butterfly - When at least 2 allies are within 8 yds, your versatility increases by 5% for 5 sec. When this expires, 2 nearby allies gain this bonus for 5 sec before passing it back to you.
  • Soothing VoiceSoothing Voice - When your roots, stuns, and incapacitating class effects end, your target's movement speed is reduced by 90%, decaying rapidly over 2 sec.
  • Empowered ChrysalisEmpowered Chrysalis - 10% of your overhealing received or done remains as a shield on the target up to 15% of the caster's health, lasting for 5 sec.
  • Faerie DustFaerie Dust - When falling farther than 20 yd, faerie dust slows your fall.
  • SomnambulistSomnambulist - Every 1 hour spent in a rest area grants you increased gold from the next World Quest you complete. Stacks to 5.
  • PodtenderPodtender - When you would take damage that would kill you, instead rejuvenate within a pod, regaining 30% of HP over 10 sec. If the pod takes more than 10,000 damage during this time, you die. This effect may only occur once every 30 min.


  • Horn of the Wild HuntHorn of the Wild Hunt - Soulshape increases the movement speed of allies within 40 yds by 10%.
  • Wild Hunt's ChargeWild Hunt's Charge - While out of combat, your Soulshape's teleport becomes a charge, stunning your target for 2 sec and ending your Soulshape.
  • Face Your FoesFace Your Foes - When in front of your target, your spells and abilities decrease the damage they inflict on you by 2% for 3 sec.
  • First StrikeFirst Strike - Damaging an enemy before they damage you increases your critical strike chance by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Hold the LineHold the Line - After 5 sec standing still, you take 10% less Physical damage until you move.
  • Vorkai Sharpening TechniquesVorkai Sharpening Techniques - Your weapon takes no durability damage.
  • Get In FormationGet In Formation - Your mounted movement speed is increased by 3%. Allies behind you within 40 yds gain this benefit.
  • Final MomentsFinal Moments - Your healing and damage to targets below 35% health is increased by 3%. When an ally dies, this benefit is increased by 500% for 30 sec. This enhancement may only occur once every 5 min.


  • Sylvari MantleSylvari Mantle - When Soulshape ends, you are concealed until you move.
  • Stay on the MoveStay on the Move - Defeating an enemy reduces Soulshape's cooldown by 1.0 sec.
  • Niya's Tools: BurrsNiya's Tools: Burrs - Your damaging attacks and spells have a chance to toss Niya's Spiked Burrs under your target. The burrs latch onto the first enemy to cross them, reducing movement speed by 20% and inflicting [ 60% of Spell Power + 60% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec.
  • Niya's Tools: PoisonNiya's Tools: Poison - Your interrupts apply Niya's Paralytic Poison to your target, dealing [ 174% of Spell Power + 174% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 30 sec. Targets with Niya's Paralytic Poison take an additional [ 100% of Attack Power ] Nature damage if interrupted once more.
  • Niya's Tools: HerbsNiya's Tools: Herbs - Your helpful spells have a chance to apply Niya's Invigorating Herbs, increasing the target's haste by 0 for 20 sec.
  • Care PackageCare Package - Niya periodically sends you herbs to aid you when you complete activities that contribute to your Great Vault.
  • Swift PatrolSwift Patrol - Movement speed increased by 20% for 2 min after defeating an enemy. Combat cancels this effect.
  • Grove InvigorationGrove Invigoration - When you use your Night Fae class ability or spell, gain 10% Mastery, slowly fading over 5 min.


General Draven

  • Anima InfusionAnima Infusion - Earning Anima improves your armor's remaining durability.
  • Expedition LeaderExpedition Leader - Leaving a resting area increases your mounted speed by 10%, and your out of combat regeneration by 100%. Lasts 10 min, and completing a World Quest refreshes the duration.
  • Built for WarBuilt for War - While you are above 80% health you gain 1% pri every 3 sec, stacking up to 5 times. If you fall below 50% health, this effect is lost.
  • Superior TacticsSuperior Tactics - Successfully interrupting an enemy or dispelling an ally increases your critical strike chance by 10% for 10 sec. This may only occur once every 30 sec.
  • Hold Your GroundHold Your Ground - Standing still for at least 4 sec grants you 10% increased Stamina, and 4% increased healing done. This effect persists for 4 sec after you start moving.
  • Enduring GloomEnduring Gloom - Door of Shadows grants you a shield that absorbs damage equal to 15% of your maximum health. Lasts 8 sec.
  • Move As OneMove As One - When a nearby ally gains temporary increased movement speed, you also gain the benefit, up to 30%.
  • Call to ActionCall to Action - Activating your Venthyr class ability grants 10% Versatility to you, and 4% Versatility to up to 4 nearby allies. Lasts 10 sec.

Nadjia the Mistblade

  • Agent of ChaosAgent of Chaos - Door of Shadows disorients all nearby enemies at the target location for 8 sec when you appear.
  • Fancy FootworkFancy Footwork - Door of Shadows increases your movement speed by 80%, decaying over 6 sec.
  • Friends in Low PlacesFriends in Low Places - You loot 20% more Infused Rubies, and dredgers throughout Revendreth offer you an expanded selection of goods.
  • Exacting PreparationExacting Preparation - The benefits of Well Fed, Flask, and weapon enchant effects are increased by 15%.
  • Familiar PredicamentsFamiliar Predicaments - The duration of incoming interrupt, snare, and root effects are reduced by 25%.
  • Dauntless DuelistDauntless Duelist - The first enemy you damage in combat is marked as your Adversary. You deal 4% more damage to them, and they deal 2% less damage to you. You may only have one Adversary at a time.
  • Thrill SeekerThrill Seeker - While in combat, you gain a stack of Thrill Seeker every 2 sec, or 4 stacks on killing an enemy. At 40 stacks Thrill Seeker is consumed to grant you Euphoria, speeding up everything you do by 20% for 10 sec. Thrill Seeker decays rapidly while you are not in combat.

Theotar the Mad Duke

  • Watch the Shoes!Watch the Shoes! - Door of Shadows frees you from roots and snares.
  • Leisurely GaitLeisurely Gait - Door of Shadows is instant cast, but its cooldown is increased by 30 sec.
  • Refined PalateRefined Palate - The effects of combat potions last 10 to 100% longer.
  • Soothing ShadeSoothing Shade - Your spells and abilities have a chance to call Tubbins and Gubbins to your side for 12 sec, parasol in hand. Standing in the shaded area grants you 10% Mastery.
  • Token of AppreciationToken of Appreciation - Grant a shield that absorbs 800 damage to allies who aid you with healing or beneficial magic effects. You will only shield each ally once every 20 sec.
  • Life of the PartyLife of the Party - During the Ember Court, your Guests gain additional Happiness for each event completed. When the Court concludes, the effects of any Decrees bestowed upon you are increased.
  • Impeccable StyleImpeccable Style - Theotar will cover the costs of your Transmogrification.
  • Exquisite IngredientsExquisite Ingredients - Theotar will send you an assortment of flavorful herbs when you complete activities that contribute to your Great Vault.
  • A Matter of PerspectiveA Matter of Perspective - When you would suffer lethal damage instead gain Peculiar Perspective, preventing all damage dealt to you and healing you for 50% of the amount prevented for 4 sec. You may only benefit from this effect once every 8 mins.


Another layer of customization within the Soulbind trees comes in the form of nodes called Conduits. These are class-specific passives of three types: Survival, Throughput, Utility. They work just like Legion Artifact Relics. Each Soulbind provides seven Conduits. Here are some Conduit examples that were added recently on Alpha:


  • Ice Bite Ice Bite - Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen enemies by 10%.
  • Icy Propulsion Icy Propulsion - While Icy Veins is active, your critical hits reduce its cooldown by 3 seconds.
  • Shivering Core Shivering Core - Blizzard damage and snare increased by 5%.
  • Unrelenting Cold Unrelenting Cold - Frozen Orb damage is increased by 10%.


  • Ashen Juggernaut Ashen Juggernaut - Execute/Condemn increases the critical strike chance of Execute by 3% for 8 seconds, stacking up to 6 times.
  • Brutal Vitality Brutal Vitality - 6.0% of the damage you deal adds to your active Ignore Pain.
  • Cacophonous Roar Cacophonous Roar - Intimidating Shout can withstand 80% more damage before breaking.
  • Crash the Ramparts Crash the Ramparts - Overpower has a 6% chance to apply Colossus Smash for 3 seconds.
  • Indelible Victory Indelible Victory - Victory Rush/Impending Victory heals you for 400% of the damage it dealt over 8 seconds.
  • Inspiring Presence Inspiring Presence - Rallying Cry's duration and health granted are increased by 20%.
  • Iron Maiden Iron Maiden - Slam (Arms+Fury) or Revenge (Protection) has a 4% chance to refund a charge of Shield Block.
  • Merciless Bonegrinder Merciless Bonegrinder -Slam critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Ravager/Bladestorm by 1 second.
  • Safeguard Safeguard - Intervene reduces damage taken by the target by 10%.
  • Stalwart Guardian Stalwart Guardian - The cooldown of Die by the Sword (Arms), Enraged Regeneration (Fury), or Shield Wall (Protection) is reduced by 20 seconds.

The official preview can be found below.

Blizzard Logo(Source)

During your travels in the Shadowlands, you’ll meet key members from each Covenant—Kyrian, Necrolord, Night Fae, and Venthyr—and, if you choose to walk in their path, you’ll be able to Soulbind with them. Soulbinding allows you to gain access to traits that provide bonuses or enhance your skills so you can effectively combat all who stand in your way.

After hitting max level, you’ll be able to choose to pledge yourself to a Covenant and forge a deep bond with some of their key members, who’ll lend their powers to use as your own. In practice, each Covenant will allow you to form this link with one of three Soulbinds. The first two Soulbinds are available as soon as you join a Covenant and do a little bit of questing—no other activity or currency required. The third Soulbind is unlocked when you complete the Covenant Campaign quest line.

Soulbind UI

Soulbinds have 8 rows of traits that augment your abilities or boost your combat prowess.

You can unlock new rows of power for your Soulbinds as you increase your trust with your Covenant through the Renown system . For example, if you join the Night Fae, reaching Renown Level 5 will unlock Niya’s third row of traits, and Renown Level 6 will unlock Dreamweaver’s third row. Similarly, a player who joins the Necrolords would get Marileth’s third row at Renown 5, and Emeni’s third row at Renown 6 as well. For the full list of current abilities Soulbinds have to offer, check out the Kyrian, Necrolord, Night Fae, and Venthyr Covenant previews.



The noble kyrian you befriended in Bastion will form a special bond with you if you join their Covenant. Below are descriptions of each along with example powers they can bestow upon you.

Pelagos trains diligently for ascension even in the face of challenge and adversity. Along with Kleia, his other soulbind, Pelagos is quick to befriend you as you seek an audience with the Archon and confront the Forsworn threat. Despite the trials he faces, Pelagos pushes ever forward, steadfast and optimistic.

Bond of Friendship: Defeating enemies slightly reduces the cooldown on your Steward’s non-Phial services per enemy defeated.

Combat Meditation: Using your Kyrian class spell or ability increases your Mastery slightly for a moderate amount of time and occasionally expels Sorrowful Memories. Walking through Sorrowful Memories extends this effect by a short time.

Kleia met you while she was still an aspirant. She demonstrated to her soulbound companion Pelagos and the rest of the kyrian that she wants to push forward and best any trials they faced. A caring mentor to Pelagos and you, she will do whatever she can to protect her friends and Bastion.

Ascendant Phial: Phial of Serenity renders you immune to Curse, Disease, Poison, and Bleed effects for several seconds.

Valiant Strikes: You and your nearby allies’ critical strikes grant you stacks of Valiant Strikes. Once you maximize your stacks, you heal nearby allies for 5% of their maximum health over 10 seconds.

Forgelite Prime Mikanikos, a steward of Bastion, showed promise from his earliest days and quickly rose to the rank of Forgelite Prime. He was the primary inventor of many of Bastion’s most iconic creations. Recognizing the potential of the Maw Walker, he became a formidable ally to help you solve the anima drought and other threats.

Charged Additive: Phial of Serenity also knocks nearby enemies away from you.

Bron’s Call to Action: After using a significant amount of spells and abilities, your next spell or ability summons Bron, who attacks and heals your targets.


The warforged necrolords you befriended in Maldraxxus will form a special bond with you if you join their Covenant. Below are descriptions of each along with example powers they can bestow upon you.

Plague Deviser Marileth is as eccentric as he is brilliant, he created some of the most efficacious potions in all of Maldraxxus. When the House of Plagues was destroyed, Marileth was driven mad in the aftermath. Marileth’s creative solutions prove vital to the war effort… despite the occasional side effect.

Travel with Bloop: While standing still, you slowly build stacks of Bloop’s Wanderlust. At maximum stacks, your movement speed is increased for a couple of minutes.

Ultimate Form: Fleshcraft renders you immune to crowd control.

Emeni, the Slaughter Daughter was assembled in the stitchyards of Maldraxxus. In life, she was a powerful noble who slaughtered hundreds of her siblings to claim the throne. She respects your strength and prowess as you work together to exterminate their mutual enemies. A legend in her own right, her notoriety rises even higher as she binds her soul to the Maw Walker’s.

Runescribed Bone: Each enemy you defeat grants you one stack of Runescribed Bone, slightly reducing magic damage taken per stack. At max stacks, your Soulbind traits are empowered for a moderate amount of time.

Emeni’s Magnificent Skin: When you use your Necrolord class ability or spell, gain a stack of Emeni’s Magnficent Skin. Using Fleshcraft consumes your Emeni’s Magnificent Skin to slightly increase your maximum health per stack for a significant duration.

Emeni’s Magnificent Skin: Releasing stacks deals some Shadow damage to nearby enemies, slightly increased per stack.

Cartilaginous Legs: Shield amount doubled.

Hearth Kidneystone: Cooldown reduction doubled.

Gristled Toes: Movement speed now slightly to moderately increased.

Gnashing Chompers: Haste increase doubled.

Sulfuric Emission: Fear duration increased for a couple of seconds.

Bonesmith Heirmir is the Primus’s apprentice and among the oldest mortal souls in Maldraxxus. With eons of training and practice, she is the foremost expert on forging weapons and armor made of bone and steel. The arsenals she creates keep the House of the Chosen and you fully equipped to face the enemies that surround them.

Resourceful Fleshcrafting: Defeating an enemy slightly reduces Fleshcraft’s cooldown.

Forgeborne Reveries: Upon death, your armor continues to fight, allowing you to fight for an additional amount of time. During these seconds, your damage and healing done is reduced moderately and you cannot receive healing.


The cunning night fae you befriended in Ardenweald will form a special bond with you if you join their Covenant. Below are descriptions of each along with example powers they bestow upon you.

Niya is a sylvar who was tasked with guarding and caring for the wildseeds in her grove. You met her in a time of tragedy as her grove was left to wither so that its anima could be reclaimed. As she journeyed with you, Niya learned the hard truths of survival admidst the drought. An expert hunter and tracker, her skills will aid resolving the drought, and the other threats to Ardenweald.

Sylvari Mantle: When Soulshape ends, you are concealed until you move.

Grove Invigoration: When you use your Night Fae class ability or spell, gain a moderate amount of Mastery, slowly fading over a few minutes.

Dreamweaver is a calm and serene faerie who’s adept at peering into the dreams of nature spirits who slumber within the forest’s wildseeds as they await their rebirth. Dreamweaver helped you form a bond with one particular wildseed whose sleeping spirit reached out. His healing powers provide support as Ardenweald is besieged by outside forces.

Field of Blossoms: When Soulshape ends, you increase the movement speed of nearby allies for a moderate amount of time.

Podtender: When you would take damage that would kill you, instead rejuvenate within a wildseed, regaining a moderate amount of your maximum health over a few seconds. If the pod takes more than a certain amount of damage during this time, you die. This effect may only occur once every several minutes.

Korayn, a huntress of the Wild Hunt, is a strong-willed leader and ferocious fighter. Tasked with protecting the forest from the most dangerous and elusive threats, she will not rest until her quarry is slain and Ardenweald’s safety is secured. When Hibernal Hollow came under attack, it is Korayn’s leadership and resolve that helped win the day.

Wild Hunt’s Charge: While out of combat, your Soulshape’s teleport becomes a charge, stunning your target for a few seconds and ending your Soulshape.

Final Moments: Your healing and damage to targets below at low health is slightly increased. When an ally dies, this benefit is significantly increased for a moderate amount of time. This enhancement may only occur once every few minutes.


The proud venthyr you befriended in Revendreth will form a special bond with you if you join their Covenant. Below are descriptions of each along with example powers they can bestow upon you.

Nadjia the Mistblade is the self-proclaimed greatest duelist to ever wield a blade, who rebels at stagnation and longs for the next new experience. Wherever there is trouble, you can expect to find Nadjia there at the heart of it. She is ready to turn her skills to the defense of Revendreth at your command, and her entertainment.

Agent of Chaos: Door of Shadows disorients all nearby enemies at the target location for a few seconds when you appear.

Thrill Seeker: While in combat, you gain a stack of Thrill Seeker every couple of seconds, or some stacks on killing an enemy. When stacks reach their limit Thrill Seeker is consumed to grant you Euphoria, speeding up everything you do moderately for several seconds. Thrill Seeker decays rapidly while you are not in combat.

General Draven served Revendreth for eons as commander of the Stone Legion. He is on the frontline of any battlefield, will fight with honor to the very end, and never leaves a soldier behind.

Enduring Gloom: Door of Shadows grants you a shield that absorbs damage equal to 15% of your maximum health. Lasts 8 seconds.

Call to Action: Using your Venthyr class ability or spell grants some Versatility to you, and your nearby allies for a moderate duration of time.

Theotar the Mad Duke knows all too well that insanity is no excuse for bad manners! Exiled from traditional aristocratic circles so he formed his own court of outcasts to gossip with. Whether weaving powerful magic through his favorite teapot or animating dredgers to carry his umbrella for him, Theotar wields the incredible power of Revendreth in his own, eccentric way.

Watch the Shoes!: Door of Shadows frees you from roots and snares.

Soothing Shade: Your spells and abilities have a chance to call Tubbins and Gubbins to your side for a moderate amount of time, parasol in hand. Standing in the shaded area grants you some Mastery.


The Forge of Bonds also allows you to augment your Soulbinds with Conduits, socketed passives that enhance your Class and Covenant Abilities. Here are examples of Conduits for Warriors.


Warrior (all specs): Execute increases the critical strike chance of subsequent Executes for a moderate amount of time, stacking substantially.

Warrior (Kyrian, all specs): Spear of Bastion’s instant damage and Rage generation are significantly increased.

Warrior (Necrolord, all specs): Brandishing the Conqueror’s Banner (Covenant Ability) immediately grants you a moderate amount of Glory (used to prolong the duration of your banner), and while the banner is planted your Strength is moderately increased.

Warrior (Night Fae, all specs): Ancient Aftershock’s damage and Rage generation are significantly increased against the first target struck.

Warrior (Venthyr, all specs): Condemn’s damage dealt and prevented are moderately increased for each nearby enemy.

Warrior (Arms): Overpower has a chance to apply Colossus Smash for a few seconds.

Warrior (Fury): Recklessness now last moderately longer.

Warrior (Protection): Last Stand significantly increases your Rage generation.

Conduits are still in development and subject to change.


You can choose between Soulbinds in rested areas or with a Tome of the Clear Mind or Codex of the Clear Mind to vary your play style for the battle ahead. Soulbind traits and Conduits can only be changed at the Forge of Bonds, located inside your Covenant Sanctum.

We look forward to sharing more information as development continues, and we hope this preview excites you for the Soulbinds.

Soulbinds, Conduits, and Renown Levels are still in development and subject to change, so be sure to check back for periodic updates on worldofwarcraft.com as we approach the release of Shadowlands.

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    • By WoWF2P
      🤠(Author's introduction)🤠

      Introduction: Before I begin I want to clarify that I am an old explorer and curious connoisseur of these players who dedicated their lives for years to a style of play within WoW, known as WoW F2P, I want to clarify the doubt of who this person is and what he came to represent and what he continues to represent today for level 20 communities, looking for information and more information I can say that this is the summarized result of this player known as Saruski, also known by other nicknames with which I will also be willing to better summarize this matter.

      👀 (What were the beginnings?) 👀

      Beginnings: Saruski started playing WoW around 2012 or 2013, but officially dedicated herself to the F2P playstyle in 2014.
      She has videos on her YouTube channel where she talks about her early experiences in WoW F2P, including her time in the Alliance and later joining the Horde. These videos provide some insight into her beginnings in the game and how she became involved with the F2P community.
      👀 (What's it called?) 👀

      Name and character: Saruski, whose real name is Andrea, is a recognized figure in the World of Warcraft (WoW) community, specifically among players who play for free (F2P).

      👀 (What is it known for?) 👀

      Pioneering the F2P community: Saruski founded and led the first international WoW F2P community on the Blizzard app. This provided a central hub for F2P players to connect, share information, and organize groups.
      Advocating for F2P players: She has been a vocal advocate for F2P players, highlighting their achievements and contributions to the WoW community.
      Creating content: Saruski has created videos and content to share her knowledge and experiences with the F2P community.

      👀 (What does Saruski mean for WoW F2P?) 👀

      Community building: Her leadership in creating the first international F2P community helped to legitimize and unify the F2P player base.
      Inspiration and representation: Saruski has shown that F2P players can achieve a high level of play and contribute meaningfully to the WoW community.
      Education and guidance: Her content has helped many F2P players learn the ropes and improve their gameplay.

      👀 (When did he retire?) 👀

      Retirement: While Saruski retired from WoW in 2020, her contributions to the F2P community remain significant. She is remembered as a pioneer, leader, and advocate for F2P players.
      Saruski, a prominent figure in the WoW F2P community, while no specific reason was publicly stated, she did create a video titled "Wow Saruski Official F2p: End Of Story | 2013-2020 (English And Spanish)" which you can find on YouTube.

      👀 (Final summary) 👀

      Summarizing: There are many players today who deserve high recognition, but it could be said that Saruski is the most well-known player and the one who marked a before and after in WOW F2P, given her career in the game and on the internet some people call her the legend of WOW F2P, but there is nothing official to call someone like that, therefore that is up to each person's discretion.
      ❕ (Additional information) ❕
      ✅ YT - Saruski: Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ Wow Character: Saruski-Stormscale
      ✅ Wow Guild: The Last Legend
      ✅ TW Saruski: @Wow_Saruski_F2p
      ✅ FB Group Saruski: The Community Of Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ FB Page Saruski: Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ IG Saruski: wow.saruski.official.f2p
      🔴 Saruski's last video, his retirement: 

    • By Starym
      We have another triple entry in the hotfix ledger, as Radiant Echoes gets more improvements in retail, while Season of Discovery and Cata Classic get additional class changes.
       August 7  (Source)
      Steady Flight should no longer be removed after entering an Arena. Quests
      We tuned up the Prototype Shredder MK-03 so that “Eye for an Eye” can be completed. Radiant Echoes Event
      Increased Flightstone and upgrade Crest drop rates in the event. Reduced the HP scaling on all event bosses so that they should be killable in a more-reasonable timeframe. Developers’ notes: This includes both ‘minibosses’ (e.g. Hogger, Thorim) and final bosses (e.g. Remembered Onyxia, Ragnaros). Season of Discovery
      Hunter Heart of the Lion once again has a 100 yard range. Warrior The Focused Rage rune will now correctly reduce the cost of Meathook by 3. Cataclysm Classic
      Fixed an issue where Faerie Fire did not deal intended amounts of threat when used on NPCs targeting another unit.
    • By Stan
      Due to a bug introduced with the War Within pre-patch, some players are receiving item level 250 gear from the weekly cache.
      We've seen numerous reports on Reddit and the official forums that the Last Hurrah weekly quest on live servers drop low-level gear for some players. Apparently, the bug was first introduced with the War Within pre-patch two weeks ago and still hasn't been fixed.
      Here's an example of a low item level drop from the Cache of Awakened Treasures by Omnifox.

    • By Starym
      Week 2 brings quite a few changes, as Hunters in particular rise up, while Shadow has a really bad time. The top 3 remains the same and very consistent, so let's jump in and see what's going on.
      Warcraft Logs Points
      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      The top 3 remains quite stable with the Evoker-Paladin-Warrior trio reigning supreme. We see the first change of the week right after that though, as Frost DK continues its upward march in dungeons as well as in raids, taking 4th from Elemental. Both DKs are on the rise, as Unholy also moves a spot up, taking advantage of Shadow's precipitous 5-spot fall to the bottom of the top 10. Arms remains stable as two Hunters burst in, Beast Mastery taking 8th and Marksmanship 9th, as Frost Mage disappears down towards the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, Devastation gets some new roommates there, as Outlaw and Destruction fall and give Enhancement and Feral a break.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
      As with the top percentiles, the top 3 remains solid, but 4th is immediately changed, thanks to Shadow's massive drop in performance this week. The Priest loses even more ground here, falling 9 spots into 13th, opening 4th up for Arms. Beast Mastery moves even higher here, grabbing 5th and moving in front of Elemental and Frost DK, as Marksmanship brings up the rear and completes the Hunter sandwich in 8th. Affliction breaks into the top 10, just ahead of Unholy which dropped to the final spot.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Raw DPS U.GG DPS Rankings
      U.gg's rankings are based on actual DPS taken from Warcraft Logs data, focusing on the top players and span the past two weeks.
      Frost DK finds itself on top in the raw DPS rankings, as Augmentation isn't calculated properly here. Fury and Arms grab the next two spots, moving ahead of Ret, and the Fyr'alath wins continue in 5th, where Unholy finished the legendary axe streak. Even Survival joins the Hunter good times in 8th, where all three specs gather, just ahead of Balance who closes out the top 10.
      Mythic+ All Keystone DPS rankings by u.gg.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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