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Heroes of the Storm Balance Update Patch Notes: July 15th

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Blizzard today released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm. The Climate Phenomena Nexus Anomaly has been disabled, and there are plenty of balance changes for multiple Heroes. Check out the official patch notes for more information.

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Heroes of the Storm has just been updated with Hero balance changes! Read on for details.

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  • Nexus Anomaly - Climate Phenomena
    • The Climate Phenomena Anomaly has been disabled.

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Blaze Xul Kharazim Maiev Cassia
Cho Yrel Lt. Morales   Gall
Diablo   Rehgar   Greymane
E.T.C.       Mephisto
Garrosh       Tassadar
Johanna       Tychus

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  • Level 1
    • Adrenaline StimpackAdrenaline Stimpack [Active]
      • Additional functionality: While Blaze has over 80% Health, gain 25% bonus Attack Speed and 10% bonus Movement Speed.
    • Endurance StimpackEndurance Stimpack [Passive]
      • Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds.
      • Adjusted functionality: When damaged while below 30% maximum Health, Endurance Stimpack will automatically cast if it is not on cooldown.
    • Neural StimpackNeural Stimpack [Active]
      • Mana restoration increased from 30 to 40.
  • Level 4
    • Incinerator GauntletsIncinerator Gauntlets [Passive]
      • Moved from Level 7.
      • No longer causes Basic Attacks to light Oil Spills.
    • MeltdownMeltdown [Trait]
      • Damage reduction increased from 7% to 8% per stack.
  • Level 7
    • Adhesive PetroleumAdhesive Petroleum [W]
      • Moved from Level 4.
      • Slow amount increased from 30% to 35%.
      • Slow duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds.
      • Additional functionality: Now also causes Basic Attacks to light Oil Spills.
Developer Comment: We’re changing up many of Blaze’s early game talents to have some more unique use cases and to generally improve diversity. We’re also giving him some more reliable early-game wave clear by moving Incinerator Gauntlets to an earlier level and removing the effect of causing Basic Attacks to light Oil Spills and adding it to Adhesive Petroleum.

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  • Level 1
    • The Will of ChoThe Will of Cho [Trait]
      • Moved from Level 20.
      • New functionality: Killing enemy Minions grants 1 stack of The Will of Cho, and Hero Takedowns grant 10 stacks. Gain 1 Armor for every 30 stacks of the Will of Cho, up to a maximum of 10 Armor. This Armor bonus stacks with Ogre Hide.
  • Level 4
    • UppercutUppercut [Q]
      • Damage reduced from 7% to 5% maximum Health.
      • Additional functionality: Each Hero hit by Surging Fist reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds.
    • Seared FleshSeared Flesh [Passive]
      • Adjusted functionality: Attack damage bonus is kept when attacking different Heroic targets, and is only lost after 5 seconds or when a non-Heroic enemy is attacked.
  • Level 7
    • Power SurgePower Surge [Q]
      • New functionality: Enemy Heroes who are hit by Surging Fist are Slowed by 30% for 2.5 seconds. Gain 15% Movement Speed while charging Surging Fist and for 2.5 seconds after casting the Ability.
  • Level 16
    • Runed GauntletRuned Gauntlet [Passive]
      • Cooldown reduction increased from 5% to 6%.
  • Level 20
    • Fuel for the FlameFuel for the Flame [Passive]
      • Moved from Level 1.
      • New functionality: Basic Attacks against enemies cause them to explode, dealing 21 damage to them and 45 damage to nearby enemies. This damage is doubled against enemy Heroes.
Developer Comment: We’re making some of Cho’s talents more usable and experimenting with moving The Will of Cho to be a Level 1 questing talent. We like the talent, but it was coming online late into the game where he often couldn’t get much value out of it. We believe this iteration will give it more use cases, particularly when matched against the other talents on the tier.

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  • Shadow ChargeShadow Charge [Q]
    • Cooldown reduced from 13 to 12 seconds.
    • Mana cost reduced from 70 to 65.
  • OverpowerOverpower [E]
    • Cooldown reduced from 13 to 12 seconds.
    • Mana cost reduced from 40 to 35.


  • Level 4
    • Life LeechLife Leech [Passive]
      • Healing increased from 1.5% to 2% maximum Health when not at full Souls.
      • Healing increased from 3% to 4% maximum Health when at full Souls.
  • Level 13
    • HellfireHellfire [W]
      • Damage per second to nearby enemies increased from 15 to 17.
Developer Comment: Diablo is slightly underperforming compared to other Warriors, so we’re giving him some small base kit and talent buffs.

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  • Face MeltFace Melt [W]
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
    • Mana cost increased from 50 to 55.
Developer Comment: Due to its high number of use cases and ability to almost universally get E.T.C. out of sticky situations, we’re increasing the cooldown of Face Melt to give players a larger window of time to take advantage of after E.T.C. uses the ability.

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  • BloodthirstBloodthirst [W]
    • Ability Effects now occur at the start of the Ability’s cast, rather than at the end.


  • Level 1
    • Body CheckBody Check [Active]
      • Cooldown reduced from 16 to 15 seconds.
      • Slow duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Mortal ComboMortal Combo has been reclassified as an [E] talent.
    • Rough LandingRough Landing [Q]
      • Removed.
    • New Talent: Seasoned Soldier [Passive]
      • Gain 5% maximum Health, increase Groundbreaker’s Slow duration by 1 second, and Bloodthirst gains an additional charge.
  • Level 20
    • Death WishDeath Wish [R1]
      • Additional functionality: Increase the duration of Warlord’s Challenge by .5 seconds.
    • Deadly CalmDeadly Calm [R2]
      • Damage reduction increased from 25% to 40%.
    • Inner RageInner Rage [Active]
      • No longer causes the cooldown of Body Check to recharge faster.
      • Additional functionality: Increase the healing reduction of Body Check by an additional 45%.
Developer Comment: We’ve had some feedback that many of Garrosh’s late-game talents aren’t impactful enough and we agreed, so we’re making some improvements in this area.

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  • Iron SkinIron Skin [Trait]
    • Cooldown increased from 20 to 25 seconds.


  • Level 20
    • Radiating FaithRadiating Faith [R2]
      • Blessed Shield Stun duration against all targets reduced from 2 seconds to 1.75 seconds.
Developer Comment: Similar to E.T.C., we’re increasing the cooldown of Iron Skin due to its ability to get Johanna out of a host of bad situations. This should give enemy teams a bigger window of time to plan and play around Iron Skin’s cooldown.

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  • Level 4
    • Echo of DoomEcho of Doom [W]
      • Damage increased from 54 to 60.
  • Level 10
    • Dark ConversionDark Conversion
      • Cooldown reduced from 80 to 60 seconds.
      • Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60.
  • Level 13
    • The Night BeckonsThe Night Beckons [E]
      • Slow duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds.
Developer Comment: Overall Mal’Ganis is doing well, but we saw an opportunity to adjust a few of his talents to be more competitive.

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  • Level 1
    • Heavy Pack [Q]
      • Cooldown reduction increased from .125 to .25 seconds.
  • Level 4
    • Crystallize [Trait]
      • Cooldown reduction reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
      • Duration of Spell Armor after Cryo-Freeze ends reduced from 2 to 1 second.
  • Level 10
    • Avalanche [R1]
      • Cooldown increased from 65 to 70 seconds.
    • Ice Wall [R2]
      • Cooldown reduced from 90 to 70 seconds.
  • Level 20
    • Cascade [R1]
      • Cooldown reduction increased from 25 to 30 seconds.
Developer Comment: Mei’s introduction to the Nexus has been very cool. Her crisp performance has solidified her as a powerful member of any team. She is doing well but is not showing signs of being too strong just yet, so we are primarily adjusting her talents to be in a more solid place.

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  • Thunder ClapThunder Clap [W]
    • Movement and Attack Speed Slows increased from 25% to 30%.
Developer Comment: For a long time Muradin has been a staple Warrior at nearly all levels of play, acting as a powerful front line for his team. Recently he has fallen off a bit compared to his peers, but we don’t believe he is too far off. We think he can benefit from a buff to Thunder Clap’s ability to control the fight for his team, which should set up for easier Storm Bolt hits as well as allow him to better counter enemies who rely on Basic Attacks for effectiveness.

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  • Health reduced from 3150 to 3060.
  • Health regeneration reduced from 6.56 to 6.38.
  • HookHook [Q]
    • Range increased from 11 to 12.
  • SlamSlam [W]
    • Mana cost reduced from 40 to 35.
    • Additional functionality: Deals 50% bonus damage to Minions and Mercenaries.


  • Level 13
    • Fishing HookFishing Hook [Q]
      • Bonus range reduced from 50% to 40%.
Developer Comment: For a long time we have held to the belief that one important aspect of what makes Johanna special is her ability to provide more wave clear for her team compared to other Warriors. While this is true, it has gotten to the point that it has begun to limit what kinds of effective team compositions can be made, as any team that wants to run heroes that don’t have a lot of wave clear really need Johanna to be competitive. To help open up more possible team compositions and to give Stitches a needed buff, we’re experimenting with giving him comparable wave clear, which also has the side effect that he should be able to land more Hooks due to the enemy Minions dying faster. We’re also removing our last Health buff that we gave him, as we believe leaning into this direction of giving him more wave clear and buffing his Hook range are more unique ways to bring Stitches to the forefront of Warriors that players want to bring to their team.

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  • Spectral ScytheSpectral Scythe [Q]
    • Damage reduced from 200 to 190.
  • Raise SkeletonRaise Skeleton [Trait]
    • Damage done when Skeletal Warriors die reduced from 46 to 40.


  • Level 4
    • JailorsJailors [Trait]
      • Movement and Attack Speed bonuses reduced from 30% to 25%.
  • Level 16
    • WeakenWeaken [W]
      • Damage reduction reduced from 40% to 35%.
Developer Comment: Xul is still a bit too powerful, so we’re reducing his overall effectiveness when it comes to his base kit and to overperforming talents.

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  • Level 1
    • Light of KaraborLight of Karabor [Q]
      • Healing bonus when hitting one enemy Hero increased from 40% to 45%.
      • Healing bonus when hitting more than one enemy Hero increased from 80% to 90%.
    • DauntlessDauntless [Passive]
      • Physical Armor reduced from 50 to 40.
    • Maraad's InsightMaraad's Insight [Passive]
      • Healing increased from 128 to 135.
Developer Comment: Yrel’s level 1 talent pick has over time become dominated by Dauntless since we buffed it many patches ago. To better even out the talents, we’re reducing its power and increasing the effectiveness of the other options on the tier.

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  • Breath of HeavenBreath of Heaven [W]
    • Healing increased from 276 to 285.
Developer Comment: Kharazim’s healing output is a little lower than other Healers, and we believe it could use a small increase. We don’t expect this to change too much about how he plays, but it should better reward Kharazim players and teams who are good about grouping around him to receive Breath of Heaven.

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Lt. Morales


  • SafeguardSafeguard [W]
    • Armor amount increased from 30 to 35.
Developer Comment: Safeguard’s benefit has largely diminished over time due to a combination of various Heroes being able to gain Armor in the 20-25 range and our change to make Armor not stack anymore. To make it stand out more and to give Lt. Morales a needed buff, we’re increasing its Armor amount so that it can be used more often to benefit members of her team.

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  • Level 10
    • BloodlustBloodlust [R2]
      • Duration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
      • Healing from Basic Attacks reduced from 40% to 30%.
Developer Comment: While we got Bloodlust in a good place in regards to its pick rate, it is too strong compared to Ancestral Healing, so we’re nerfing its life leech and duration. We think this will give enemy teams a larger opportunity to play around its powerful buff, as it makes effects like Stuns, Blinds, and Attack Speed Slows more significant when it comes to surviving the burst of power that it gives to his team.

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Melee Assassin



  • Level 1
    • Pursuit of VengeancePursuit of Vengeance [W]
      • Additional functionality: Each Hero hit by Spirit of Vengeance reduces the cooldown of Umbral Bind by 1 second.
  • Level 7
    • Bonds of CorruptionBonds of Corruption [W]
      • Additional functionality: Enemy Heroes pulled by Umbral Bind have their Movement Speed reduced by 20% for 4 seconds.
  • Level 10
    • Containment DiscContainment Disc [R1]
      • Cooldown reduced from 50 to 40 seconds.
      • Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50.
  • Level 16
    • Vengeful KnivesVengeful Knives [Q]
      • New functionality: Dealing damage to enemy Heroes causes the next cast of Fan of Knives that hits enemy Heroes to deal 1% maximum Health as bonus damage, up to 5%.
Developer Comment: Maiev’s talents are largely in a pretty good place, but there’s generally 1 talent on most tiers that is not favored compared to its counterparts. We’re making some adjustments to these talents in hopes that players will consider them more equal to their peers.

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Ranged Assassin



  • Basic Attack damage reduced from 130 to 125
  • Health reduced from 1700 to 1660
  • Health Regeneration reduced from 3.54 to 3.46.


  • Level 1
    • Charged StrikesCharged Strikes [Passive]
      • Bonus Attack Speed reduced from 20% to 15%.
      • Bonus Basic Attack damage reduced from 20% to 15%.
  • Level 4
    • Plate of the WhalePlate of the Whale [Trait]
      • Bonus Health Regeneration reduced from 7 to 6.
      • Bonus Health Regeneration when fully charged reduced from 14 to 12.
  • Level 7
    • Surge of LightSurge of Light [Trait]
      • Damage reduced from 300 to 285.
Developer Comment: Cassia shot up in effectiveness a little too much after our last round of buffs to her. These changes are intended to slightly tone both her and some of her more powerful talents down to more appropriate levels.

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  • Level 4
    • Double BackDouble Back [W]
      • Removed.
    • Rising DreadRising Dread [W]
      • Moved from Level 13.
      • Additional functionality: Re-activate Dread Orb to reverse the third bounce.
  • Level 13
    • Psychotic BreakPsychotic Break [Passive]
      • Moved from Level 20.
      • Additional functionality: Increase Gall’s damage to enemy Heroes by 10%.
  • Level 20
    • New Talent: Twilight Frenzy [Active]
      • Activate to reduce the cooldown of Shadowflame and Dread Orb to 2 seconds for the next 6 seconds. 30 seconds Cooldown.
Developer Comment: We’re making some changes related to Gall’s W talents to help streamline the build, which should help with some awkwardness when choosing between Rising Dread and Twilight Nova.

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  • Level 10
    • Cursed BulletCursed Bullet [R2]
      • Damage reduced from 40% to 35% maximum Health.
Developer Comment: We’re toning down Cursed Bullet’s damage due to it being tuned so high to the point that it is shutting down many Warriors from being able to do their job of being the front-line members of their team, particularly at higher levels of play.

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  • Lightning NovaLightning Nova [W]
    • Damage reduced from 45 to 43.


  • Level 1
    • Furious SparkFurious Spark [W]
      • Damage reduced from 72 to 65.
  • Level 13
    • Abhorred SkullAbhorred Skull [Q]
      • Spell Power bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
Developer Comment: Mephisto is generally performing a little bit too well, particularly when it comes to playing with Furious Spark at Level 1. We’re making some small nerfs to him to bring him in line with other casters.

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  • Level 7
    • Beam AlignmentBeam Alignment [Q]
      • No longer increases Tassadar’s Basic Attack range.
      • Additional functionality: Reduce the Mana cost of Shock Ray from 55 to 45.
    • Arc DischargeArc Discharge [Passive]
      • Additional functionality: While Resonance Beam is fully charged, increase Tassadar’s Basic Attack range by 1.
  • Level 10
    • ArchonArchon [R1]
      • Shield amount reduced from 40% to 30% maximum Health.
Developer Comment: Tassadar is in a fairly good place, but Archon is a little too powerful compared to Black Hole, largely due to its ability to allow Tassadar to effectively get around one of his main weaknesses, which is being vulnerable to dive. We’re reducing its power in this aspect, as well as making some small adjustments to his Level 7 talents in order to make Arc Discharge more competitive.

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  • Various talents have been reordered to follow normal convention [Q, W, E, etc.]
  • Level 7
    • Relentless SoldierRelentless Soldier [Passive]
      • Armor amount increased from 25 to 30.
  • Level 13
    • Spray 'n' PraySpray 'n' Pray [Q]
      • Additional functionality: Overkill also Slows enemy Movement Speed by 25%.
    • Neosteel CoatingNeosteel Coating [Active]
      • Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
  • Level 16
    • Lead RainLead Rain [Q]
      • Removed.
    • Sizzlin' AttacksSizzlin' Attacks [Passive]
      • Moved from Level 20.
    • Armor Piercing RoundsArmor Piercing Rounds [Q]
      • New functionality: Each time Overkill hits an enemy, its damage against them is increased by 15%, stacking up to 60% bonus damage.
    • Titan GrenadeTitan Grenade [W]
      • Additional functionality: Each enemy Hero hit by Frag Grenade reduces its cooldown by 1 second.
  • Level 20
    • New talent: Can Do This All Day [Q]
      • Reduce Overkill’s cooldown by 4 seconds. While Channeling Overkill, Tychus gains 40 Armor.
Developer Comment: Many of Tychus’s late-game talents aren’t as exciting as we would like, and we believe we can do better in regards to giving him a meaningful power spike. We’re giving him loads of compelling options, which we think will give players something better to look forward to as they progress through their games.

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Bug Fixes


  • Ana
    • Fixed an issue where Ana could get quest progress with Vampiric RoundsVampiric Rounds through Blinds and Evasion.
  • Artanis
    • Fixed an issue where Phase PrismPhase Prism had an incorrect Mana cost when cast during Blade DashBlade Dash.
  • E.T.C.
    • Fixed an issue where Guitar HeroGuitar Hero's cooldown effect was active without the talent needing to be taken.
  • Tassadar
    • Fixed an issue where OracleOracle did not reveal Creep Tumors.
  • Whitemane
    • Fixed an issue where Saintly GreatstaffSaintly Greatstaff worked on non-Heroic targets.

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Not registered in the patch notes, but the new patch also adds the Maiev and Cho'gall skins that were found in the Mei patch datamining.


Edited by Valhalen

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Well, I appreciate that they recognise that Tychus needs something. But I don't think trying to buff Overkill is the way to go. What he needs is more range, and some shields on his Odin instead of the 25 armour buff which never realistically feels like it exists. Sure he's actually got a surprising amount of HP on paper, but it never feels that way because he has a ridiculously short range and has to be right up in front of someone to use Minigun, which is his primary source of damage. His range is so poor it's worse than Valla, and how often has Valla's range been a problem?

If he had Jimmy's range so many of the problems with that character would be fixed. Just trying to buff Overkill lategame (and even then not really because the Armour Piercing Rounds talent change is actually a nerf) wont cut it.

He needs a full fat rework.

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He should sweep his minigun back and forth quickly for explosive rounds then take time to cool the gun. Another time he would fire at a single target and hit targets directly behind for a short piercing burst, again taking time to cool the gun after. Combined with his dash and grenade, I think that would make him much more fun. He has a split personality right now. Is he hit and run or spray and pray? He needs to be better configured for one or the other.

The new skins are awesome. Finally something for Maeiv and Cho'Gall's 12 nipples are mesmerizing. :p

I might have to turn on the old laptop to get a Gall teammate to play with.

Edited by Morcalivan
  • Haha 2

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2 hours ago, Apologised said:

Well, I appreciate that they recognise that Tychus needs something. But I don't think trying to buff Overkill is the way to go. What he needs is more range, and some shields on his Odin instead of the 25 armour buff which never realistically feels like it exists. Sure he's actually got a surprising amount of HP on paper, but it never feels that way because he has a ridiculously short range and has to be right up in front of someone to use Minigun, which is his primary source of damage. His range is so poor it's worse than Valla, and how often has Valla's range been a problem?

If he had Jimmy's range so many of the problems with that character would be fixed. Just trying to buff Overkill lategame (and even then not really because the Armour Piercing Rounds talent change is actually a nerf) wont cut it.

He needs a full fat rework.

Well, they did add Bob and WeaveBob and Weave as Storm Talent to help with that. And now you can even combo it with Sizzlin' AttacksSizzlin' Attacks for some late game meltin'.

That said, I tried the Overkill build and it's surprisingly good against teams that might punish you for being still or stack blinds on the late game. And it doesn't stop you from picking The Bigger They Are...The Bigger They Are..., actually has synergy with it, because you can use Minigun to get their health low and finish it with Overkill.

  • Thanks 1

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4 hours ago, Apologised said:

Well, I appreciate that they recognise that Tychus needs something. But I don't think trying to buff Overkill is the way to go. What he needs is more range, and some shields on his Odin instead of the 25 armour buff which never realistically feels like it exists. Sure he's actually got a surprising amount of HP on paper, but it never feels that way because he has a ridiculously short range and has to be right up in front of someone to use Minigun, which is his primary source of damage. His range is so poor it's worse than Valla, and how often has Valla's range been a problem?

If he had Jimmy's range so many of the problems with that character would be fixed. Just trying to buff Overkill lategame (and even then not really because the Armour Piercing Rounds talent change is actually a nerf) wont cut it.

He needs a full fat rework.

Tychus is a character that is really hard to balance due to his ability to melt anything with MinigunMinigun, specially in the late game (Master AssassinMaster Assassin + Sizzlin' AttacksSizzlin' Attacks is absurd). Back in the old beta days he was 200% meta because he didn't pose a threat just for tanks, but for everything

But yeah, nowadays he feels very underwhelming, and I agree that he needs a buff to his basic attack range, because unless there is a lot of CC and a solid frontline to protect him, he is just a worse Raynor / Valla. Maybe shift a bit his power into more basic attack range would solve the problems.

And I agree that buffing Overkill won't do anything because no one ever builds for it, since he has much better talents. Overkill always felt like a weird ability to use and I honestly don't see it being useful for anything aside waveclear.

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I feel that with the addition of Mei and this - albeit slight - nerf to ETC, he'll drop out of the meta spot when also comparing him with the other tanks that now received changes.

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5 hours ago, Morcalivan said:

The new skins are awesome. Finally something for Maeiv and Cho'Gall's 12 nipples are mesmerizing. ?

I like how disgusting it is. Also nice idea to make Gall's head actually a separate character, a small goblin sitting on his shoulder.

As for Tychus, I do feel he needs his old range back. He used to be very strong with lots of sustain, but they nerfed some of his talents since then, like his "That's the Stuff!"(it used to heal him for the duration of minigun, now only heals him after it's over). Same goes for Master Assassin, so now he could use some more range, as it's harder for him to survive and some of his talents aren't as strong as they used to be.


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      Deathwing's Cataclysm no longer starts on Cooldown in Arena Mode. Map
      Braxis Holdout Fixed an issue that caused Archangel's visual effects to register as a pingable object. Volskaya Fixed an issue that caused the Triglav Protector's Shield Emitter Shields granted to allies to increase the Pilot's Self Healing score when absorbing damage. Heroes
      Abathur Level 10 Ultimate Evolution Clones of Kharazim that have selected Insight now treat the quest as completed. Alarak Level 10 Counter-Strike Now increases Alarak's Self Healing score for damage it absorbs. Ana Base Aim Down Sights [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Aim Down Sight's Healing Dart bonus to last after Aim Down Sights has ended. Activating Aim Down Sights will now also Dismount Ana from the Toy Train. Azmodan Base Summon Demon Warrior [W] Fixed an issue that caused Azmodan's Demon Warrior's aura damage to not behave similar to other aura damage effects. Brightwing Base Soothing Mist [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Smoothing Mist to activate around Brightwing when in Stasis. Dehaka Fixed an issue where Basic Attack's would potentially not consume evade stacks if attacking within .25 seconds of Drag ending. Jaina Level 16 Snowstorm Fixed an issue that caused Snowstorm's bonus to not apply correctly. Kael'thas Level 7 Sunfire Enchantment Fixed an issue that caused an active Sunfire Enchantment Spell Power buff to be removed when Kael'thas is killed. Kharazim Level 10 Divine Palm Fixed an issue that caused Divine Palm's Stasis to remove Damage Over Time effects from Kharazim. Fixed an issue that caused Divine Palm to not remove negative effects that were applied alongside the triggering effect. Leoric Base Drain Hope [W] Fixed an issue that caused Stasis on Leoric or Drain Hope's target to not break Drain Hope. Li Li Fixed an issue that caused Water Serpent to move at a reduced speed. Level 4 Surging Winds Fixed an issue that caused an active Surging Winds buff to be removed when Li Li is killed. Li-Ming Level 1 Power Hungry Fixed an issue that caused an active Power Hungry buff to be removed when Li-Ming is killed. Lunara Level 10 Leaping Strike Fixed an issue that caused Leaping Strike to stall game logic. Malthael Level 1 Fear The Reaper Fixed an issue that caused Fear the Reaper's duration indicator to not be tied to the ability button. The Butcher Fixed an issue that allowed The Butcher to disjoint while collecting Fresh Meat. The Lost Vikings Fixed an issue that caused Longboat to move at a reduced speed. Tychus Level 20 Focusing Diodes Now grants an additive damage bonus. Whitemane Level 10 Divine Reckoning Updated Divine Reckoning's mana restoration based off of damage dealt to display only one instance of floating text. Zul'jin Level 20 Forest Medicine Selecting Forest Medicine will no longer interrupt an ongoing Regeneration channel. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      Blizzard has released a new Heroes of the Storm patch today with additional changes based on PTR feedback. Here are the official patch notes with more details.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information.
      NOTE: Orange text indicates a change between PTR and Live notes.
      Quick Navigation:
      General Balance Update Bug Fixes General
      Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. Updated Shop Bundles and Items. NEW: Brawl Mode added! Brawls will rotate on the 1st and 15th of every month. Return to Top
      Balance Update
      Bestow Hope [Trait] Increased the amount of energy stored from 60% to 80% of damage to Heroes. Increased the amount of energy stored from 20% to 50% of damage to non-Heroes. Talents
      Level 1 Searing Light Now only deals damage to enemy Heroes. Level 7 Energized Cord Now increases Basic Attack range by 1.1. Level 10 Resurrect Delay before resurrection reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Quest bonus reduced from 75 to 55. Wrath of Heaven Armor reduction increased from 10 to 20. Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Chromie
      Level 1 Timewalker's Pursuit Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Level 5 Mobius Loop Slow reduced from 60% to 40%. Level 18 Unravelling Lingering Slowing Sands no longer consume Energy. Now also increases Slowing Sands cast range by 50%. Johanna
      Shield Glare [E] Mana cost increased from 45 to 55. Talents
      Level 1 Divine Fortress Health bonus starting value increased from 20% to 25%. Zealous Glare Damage bonus reduced from 75% to 70%. Level 7 Steed Charge Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Blessed Hammer Damage reduced from 74 to 65. Level 16 Holy Renewal Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Shrinking Vacuum Damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%. Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Slow increased from 25% to 30%. Tracer
      Level 4 Is That a Health Pack?! Healing from Regen Globes increased from 10% to 15% of maximum Health. Pulse Generator Healing reduced from 18% to 12%. Level 13 Jumper Cooldown refresh reduced from 150% to 100%. Shield reduced from 6.5% to 6%. Zul'jin
      You Want Axe? [Trait] Basic Attack damage increased from 94 to 96. Now has a limit of 50 stacks. Bonus from quest completion reduced from 1 to .25. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 15% to 10%. Level 10 Guillotine Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60. Taz'dingo! Cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 100 seconds. Mana cost increased from 75 to 80. Level 16 Let the Killing Begin Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Level 20 Buzzsaw Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Experience Globes can now path through gates. Fixed issues related to root visual effects. Updated decaying and ramping Slows to scale their speed with CC reduction effects. Heroes
      Alexstrasza Base Flame Buffet [E] Fixed an issue that caused Flame Buffet's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Azmodan Level 13 Chain of Command Fixed an issue that caused Chain of Command to not apply to Demonic Invasion's on-death explosion. Brightwing Base Phase Shift [Z] Fixed an issue with Phase Shift's Store Icon. Chen Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to not contest Capture Points. Wandering Keg Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to occasionally not be cast. Wandering Keg now acts like other instant Abilities and will cast as soon as possible. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho'Gall to contest points while Cho is in Stasis. Dehaka Base Brushstalker [Z] Fixed an issue with Brushstalker's Store Icon. Will now clamp the minimum cast range to Dehaka's radius. E.T.C. Level 7 Pinball Wizard Bonus damage updated to be additive. Level 13 Face Smelt Fixed an issue that caused Face Smelt's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Falstad Base Flight [Z] Fixed an issue with Flight's Store Icon. Level 10 Mighty Gust Fixed an issue that caused Mighty Gust's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Fenix Level 1 Arsenal Synergy Fixed an issue that caused Arsenal Synergy to not grant cooldown reduction for the primary target hit by Phase Bomb. Level 4 Inhibiting Energy Fixed an issue that caused Inhibiting Energy to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Imperius Level 20 Unrelenting Descent Fixed an issue that caused Unrelenting Descent's Heal to be delayed. Johanna Base Punish [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Punish to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Kel'Thuzad Level 4 Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad Announcements for Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad will now use team colors. Kerrigan Level 7 Boundless Fury Fixed an issue that caused Boundless Fury to refund charges against a target already marked. Kharazim Level 4 Spirit Ally Fixed an issue that caused Spirit Ally's heal FX to be visible in Fog of War. Lúcio Base Wall Ride [Z] Fixed an issue with Wall Ride's Store Icon. Lt. Morales Level 10 Medivac Dropship Announcements for Medivac Dropship will now use team colors. Lunara Base Crippling Spores [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crippling Spores to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Maiev Level 16 Armored Assault Fixed an issue that caused Armored Assault to not grant the full bonus to Umbral Bind's Cleave. Malthael Level 20 No One Can Stop Death Announcements for No One Can Stop Death will now use team colors. Mei Base Icing [E] Fixed an issue that caused Icing's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused Ice Wall to not apply Stopped to D.Va's Self Destruct. Muradin Level 4 Thunder Burn Tooltip has been updated to show Thunder Burn is a multiplicative reduction. Level 13 Thunder Strike Damage increase is now additive. Probius Base Worker Rush [Z] Fixed an issue with Work Rush's Store Icon. Rehgar Base Purge [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Purge to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Samuro Base Critical Strike [W] Fixed an issue that caused Critical Strike FX to persist if Samuro is killed while he has maximum Critical Strike stacks. Level 13 Kawarimi Fixed an issue that caused Kawarimi to create a Mirror Image with the incorrect starting Health. Sgt. Hammer Base Thrusters [Z] Fixed an issue with Thrusters' Store Icon. Stukov Base Weighted Pustule [W] Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule's increasing Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Sylvanas Level 1 Unfurling Shadows Fixed an issue that caused Unfurling Shadows to not grant quest progress for the impact damage of Shadow Dagger created by spread. The Butcher Base Hamstring [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Hamstring to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. The Lost Vikings Base Go Go Go! [Z] Fixed an issue with Go Go Go's Store Icon. Zagara Level 20 Pack Instinct Fixed an issue that caused Devouring Maw to gain more bonuses than intended from Pack Instinct. Zuljin General Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attack damage in Zul'jin's Target Info Panel to not increase while Berserker is active. Base You Want Axe? [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused You Want Axe to gain progress while at maximum Basic Attack bonus. Level 16 Wrong Place Wrong Time Fixed an issue that caused Wrong Place Wrong Time to not respect the stack cap of You Want Axe?. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      A new Heroes of the Storm patch is now available for playtesting on the PTR with many Hero changes and bug fixes. Check out the official PTR notes for more details!
      We expect the patch to be available for testing for one week before it goes live.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
      Quick Navigation:
      General Balance Update Bug Fixes General
      Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. NEW: Brawl Mode added! Brawls will rotate on the 1st and 15th of every month. Return to Top
      Balance Update
      Level 1 Searing Light Now only deals damage to enemy Heroes. Level 7 Energized Cord Now increases Basic Attack range by 1.1. Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Quest bonus reduced from 75 to 55. Wrath of Heaven Armor reduction increased from 10 to 20. Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Chromie
      Level 1 Timewalker's Pursuit Spell Power increased from 10% to 15%. Level 7 Mobius Loop Slow reduced from 60% to 40%. Level 20 Unravelling Lingering Slowing Sands no longer consume Energy. Now also increases Slowing Sands cast range by 50%. Johanna
      Shield Glare [E] Mana cost increased from 45 to 55. Talents
      Level 1 Divine Fortress Health bonus starting value increased from 20% to 25%. Zealous Glare Damage bonus reduced from 75% to 70%. Level 7 Steed Charge Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. Level 13 Blessed Hammer Damage reduced from 74 to 65. Level 16 Holy Renewal Cooldown reduction reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second. Shrinking Vacuum Damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%. Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Slow increased from 25% to 30%. Tracer
      Level 4 Is That a Health Pack?! Healing from Regen Globes increased from 10% to 15% of maximum Health. Pulse Generator Healing reduced from 18% to 12%. Level 13 Jumper Cooldown refresh reduced from 150% to 100%. Shield reduced from 6.5% to 6%. Zul'jin
      You Want Axe? [Trait] Basic Attack damage increased from 94 to 118. Bonus from quest completion reduced from 1 to .25. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness Basic Attack damage bonus reduced from 15% to 10%. Level 10 Guillotine Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Mana cost reduced from 70 to 60. Taz'dingo! Cooldown increased from 90 seconds to 100 seconds. Mana cost increased from 75 to 80. Level 16 Let the Killing Begin Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Level 20 Buzzsaw Kill window reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Experience Globes can now path through gates. Fixed issues related to root visual effects. Updated decaying and ramping Slows to scale their speed with CC reduction effects. Heroes
      Alexstrasza Base Flame Buffet [E] Fixed an issue that caused Flame Buffet's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Azmodan Level 13 Chain of Command Fixed an issue that caused Chain of Command to not apply to Demonic Invasion's on-death explosion. Brightwing Base Phase Shift [Z] Fixed an issue with Phase Shift's Store Icon. Chen Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, Fire Spirits to not contest Capture Points. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho'Gall to contest points while Cho is in Stasis. Dehaka Base Brushstalker [Z] Fixed an issue with Brushstalker's Store Icon. Will now clamp the minimum cast range to Dehaka's radius. E.T.C. Base Face Smelt [W] Fixed an issue that caused Face Smelt's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 7 Pinball Wizard Bonus damage updated to be additive. Falstad Base Flight [Z] Fixed an issue with Flight's Store Icon. Level 10 Mighty Gust Fixed an issue that caused Mighty Gust's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Fenix Level 1 Arsenal Synergy Fixed an issue that caused Arsenal Synergy to not grant cooldown reduction for the primary target hit by Phase Bomb. Level 4 Inhibiting Energy Fixed an issue that caused Inhibiting Energy to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Johanna Base Punish [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Punish to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Kharazim Level 4 Air Ally Fixed an issue that caused Air Ally's heal FX to be visible in Fog of War. Lúcio Base Wall Ride [Z] Fixed an issue with Wall Ride's Store Icon. Lunara Base Crippling Spores [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crippling Spores to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Maiev Level 16 Armored Assault Fixed an issue that caused Armored Assault to not grant the full bonus to Umbral Bind's Cleave. Mei Base Icing [E] Fixed an issue that caused Icing's Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused Ice Wall to not apply Stopped to D.Va's Self Destruct. Muradin Level 4 Thunder Burn Tooltip has been updated to show Thunder Burn is a multiplicative reduction. Level 13 Thunder Strike Damage increase is now additive. Probius Base Worker Rush [Z] Fixed an issue with Work Rush's Store Icon. Rehgar Base Purge [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Purge to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Samuro Base Critical Strike [W] Fixed an issue that caused Critical Strike FX to persist if Samuro is killed while he has maximum Critical Strike stacks. Level 13 Kawarimi Fixed an issue that caused Kawarimi to create a Mirror Image with the incorrect starting Health. Sgt. Hammer Base Thrusters [Z] Fixed an issue with Thrusters' Store Icon. Stukov Base Weighted Pustule [W] Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule's increasing Slow to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. Sylvanas Level 1 Unfurling Shadows Fixed an issue that caused Unfurling Shadows to not grant quest progress for the impact damage of Shadow Dagger created by spread. The Butcher Base Hamstring [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Hamstring to be instantly removed on targets with reduced duration on being Slowed. The Lost Vikings Base Go Go Go! [Z] Fixed an issue with Go Go Go's Store Icon. Zagara Level 20 Pack Instinct Fixed an issue that caused Devouring Maw to gain more bonuses than intended from Pack Instinct. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

    • By Staff
      Master every Heroes of the Storm battleground with our detailed map guides, featuring strategies for objectives and drafting!

      Heroes of the Storm features a wide range of maps, each offering unique objectives and strategies. To help players excel in every battleground, we’ve created comprehensive guides that cover drafting, objectives, and gameplay for all maps.

      Alterac Pass: Free Cavalries from Prison Camps to fight alongside your team. Battlefield of Eternity: Secure Immortals to destroy enemy structures. Blackheart’s Bay: Collect Doubloons to fire Captain Blackheart’s cannons. Braxis Holdout: Control Beacons to summon powerful Zerg waves. Cursed Hollow: Gather Tributes to curse the enemy team and gain an advantage. Dragon Shire: Control Shrines to summon the mighty Dragon Knight. Garden of Terror: Collect Seeds to unleash Garden Terrors on your enemies. Hanamura Temple: Escort Payloads to deal damage to enemy structures. Infernal Shrines: Summon Punishers by defeating Guardians at Shrines. Sky Temple: Capture Temples to rain laser blasts on enemy structures. Tomb of the Spider Queen: Turn in Gems to summon Webweavers to assist your team. Towers of Doom: Capture Altars to damage the enemy Core indirectly. Volskaya Foundry: Control Capture Points to pilot the Triglav Protector. Warhead Junction: Collect Warheads to bombard enemy structures.
    • By Staff
      Blizzard today released a new Heroes of the Storm patch and here are the official patch notes!
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information.
      NOTE: Orange text indicates a change between PTR and Live notes.
      Quick Navigation:
      General Map Update Hero Updates Balance Update Bug Fixes General
      Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. Updated Shop Bundles and Items. Return to Top
      Map Update
      Snow Brawl has been added to Custom Games. Volskaya
      The Triglav Protector will now gain 25% increased energy regeneration and the Pilot and Gunner Abilities will both recharge 25% faster while both slots are occupied. Return to Top
      Hero Updates
      Level 10 Wandering Keg Wandering Keg updated to be a targeted forced Quick cast instead of a Self cast. Samuro
      Order of buffs in the Buff bar has been updated to match the order in which talents are gained. Samuro can no longer target a Mirror Image that is affected by launch effects (Example: Phase Prism). Samuro will no longer mirror Hearthstone and Mount commands on his Mirror Images if the command is sent while selecting a Mirror Image and not Samuro. Tooltips have been updated to reduce confusion. Base
      Image Transmission [Trait] Advancing Strikes will now copy Samuro's state for the following: creating a new Mirror Image, Image Transmission, Deflection, Press the Attack. Wind Walk [E] Wind Walk will no longer cancel move and attack commands in the command queue when activated. Critical Strike [W] Activating Critical Strike while Samuro's Basic Attack is being swung will now apply to that attack, rather than the next attack, and will carry the attack reset over to the next Basic Attack. Samuro can now see his Critical Strike progress below his Healthplate. Samuro can now see the remaining duration of Critical Strike's activation around the ability button. Critical Strike will now copy Samuro's state for the following: creating a new Mirror Image, Image Transmission, Deflection, Press the Attack. Talents
      Level 1 Way of Illusion Way of Illusion quest progress is now correctly mirrored between different Mirror Images and Samuro. Level 7 Burning Blade Burning Blade is now an additive modifier for both Samuro and his Mirror Images instead of just his Mirror Images. Level 13 Kawarimi Kawarimi Mirror Images will now clear their command queue of Hearthstone commands when created. Level 16 Harsh Winds Harsh Winds is now an additive modifier. Balance Update
      Level 13 Frost Strike Rework: If Death Coil hits a target Slowed by Frost Strike, they will be Silenced for 1 second. Rework: No Longer reduces the cooldown of Frostmourne Hungers. Level 16 Frostmourne Feeds Rework: The cooldown for Frostmourne Hungers now starts as soon as the first empowerment is used. Rework: The second Frostmourne Hungers empowerment now only applies after hitting a Hero and lasts for 4 seconds. D.Va
      Max Health increased from 2100 to 2150. Defense Matrix [W] Damage reduction increased from -50% to -60%. Talents
      Level 1 Liquid Cooling Bonus duration increased from 35% to 50%. Level 7 Get On The Point! Movement Speed increase duration increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. Timer reduced from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. Level 10 Bunny Hop Damage increased from 70 to 78. Proc bonus damage reduced from 100% to 80%. Micro Missiles Cooldown between charges reduced from 5 to 3 seconds. Cooldown per charge reduced from 20 to 19 seconds. Level 13 Target Locked Armor reduction and Slow are now refreshed in duration if the enemy Hero already has the debuffs. Reduced the amount of time that enemy Heroes need to be in the Defense Matrix from 1 second to 0.75 seconds. Level 16 Diverting Power Healing reduced from 35 to 31. Emergency Shielding Duration increased from 4 to 8 seconds. Shield increased from 280 to 290. Greymane
      Level 16 Lord Of His Pack New: Replaces Executioner. Basic Attacks against Slowed, Rooted or Stunned enemy Heroes deal 25% additional damage for 3 seconds, increased to 50% while in Worgen Form. Imperius
      Level 10 Wrath of the Angiris Rework: Damage reduced from 375 to 250. Rework: Now deals 20% additional damage for each Valorous Brand marker on the target when landing. Rework: Valorous Brand markers placed by Imperius will no longer be removed when launching the target into the air. These can still expire while in the air. Li Li
      Level 1 Free Drinks Can now reduce the cooldown multiple times per cast (Example: Combined with Two For One). Level 20 Shake It Off Armor now persists for 2 seconds after Stun, Silence, or Root expires. Medivh
      Level 20 Glyph of Poly Bomb Rework: Target an area to apply Poly Bomb to all enemy Heroes in the area. Poly Bomb activates a second time 1 second after. Murky
      Level 13 Egg Shell The Shield now regains an amount equal to 35% of Murky's current Health when Murky places a new Egg. Varian
      Level 20 Demoralizing Shout Cooldown of Demoralizing Shout and Parry are reduced by 2.5% whenever an enemy Hero affected by Demoralizing Shout deals damage to a Hero. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Fixed issues with Block and Basic Attacks that Ignore Armor. Map
      Cursed Hollow Fixed an issue that caused Cursed Hollow's Call for Help's Armor reduction to not be cleared by Stasis or Invulnerable. Heroes
      Anubarak Level 20 Cryptweave Fixed an issue that caused Cryptweave's duration increase to be granted while Anub'arak is dead. Artanis Level 10 Purifier Beam Fixed an issue that caused Purifier Beam to last up to an additional 0.5 seconds. Azmodan Level 10 Demonic Invasion Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Invasion grunts to attack Stealthed enemies. Cassia Level 20 Titan's Revenge Fixed an issue that caused Titan's Revenge empowered Basic Attacks to consume Block charges. Fixed an issue that caused Titan's Revenge to not apply to Charged Strikes bounce attacks. Cho'Gall General Fixed an issue that caused Cho and Gall to become separated if Cho enters a Vehicle the moment the Vehicle expires. Deathwing Level 10 Bellowing Roar Fixed an issue to allow Deathwing to cast Bellowing Roar while Dragonflight is active. Diablo Base Black Soulstone [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Diablo's health gained from Black Soulstone to not be accurate. D.Va Base Self Destruct [E] Exploding Mech visibility has been updated from the detonation area to the expanding warning indicator area. Boosters [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Boosters to not be affected by cooldown reduction granted by Allied Heroes. Will now behave similarly to Defense Matrix and have a fresh cooldown when a new Mech is called. Level 16 Emergency Shielding Will now be properly reset when ability cooldowns are reset in Sandbox or Try Mode. Fenix Level 20 Unconquered Spirit Ability will no longer be shaded as though it is disabled when off cooldown. Will now be properly reset when ability cooldowns are reset in Sandbox or Try Mode. Gul'dan Base Drain Life [W] Added a range indicator for Drain Life. Hanzo Level 16 Piercing Arrows Fixed an issue that caused Storm Bow to not hit targets in close proximity to the first target hit with Piercing Arrows. Johanna Level 20 Indestructible Ability will no longer be shaded as though it is disabled when off cooldown. Will now be properly reset when ability cooldowns are reset in Sandbox or Try Mode. Junkrat Level 7 Dirty Trickster Will now be properly reset when ability cooldowns are reset in Sandbox or Try Mode. Leoric Level 1 Fealty Unto Death Healing increased from 31.85 to 32. Updated the tooltip to display number instead of percentage. Li Li Base Cloud Serpent [W] Fixed an issue that caused crit floating modifiers to not apply to Cloud Serpent damage. Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not apply to any Cloud Serpent damage. Fixed an issue that caused Spell Power to not apply to Cloud Serpent healing. Healing Brew [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Healing Brew to be disjointed if the target Teleports. Level 7 The Good Stuff Fixed an issue that caused The Good Stuff's Fast Feet healing increase to be multiplicative. Level 10 Jug of 1,000 Cups Fixed an issue that caused Jug of 1,000 Cups to instantly heal the target if the target Teleports while the jug is on its way to them. Level 13 Lightning Serpent Fixed an issue that caused Spell Power and other damage mods to not apply to Lightning Serpent damage. Level 16 Pick Me Up Fixed an issue that caused Pick Me Up's healing increase to be multiplicative. Lt. Morales Level 4 Trauma Trigger Will now be properly reset when ability cooldowns are reset in Sandbox or Try Mode. Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown displayed on the ability to show incorrectly. Maiev Level 4 Sudden Vengeance Fixed an issue that caused Sudden Vengeance to not activate Ruthless Spirit. Mal'Ganis Level 1 Winged Guard Fixed an issue that caused Winged Guard to lose Block charges to all effects that ignore Armor. Mephisto Level 16 Lightning Reaction Fixed an issue that caused Lightning Reaction to activate around Shades of Mephisto when Mephisto has not selected Mimic. Nazeebo Base Voodoo Ritual [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Voodoo Ritual and Vile Infection to display the incorrect total damage value in their tooltips. Fixed an issue that caused Voodoo Ritual to not grant stack progress if the target is killed by the last tick of Voodoo Ritual after completing Vile Infection. Level 10 Gargantuan Fixed an issue that caused Gargantuan Stomp damage to not display the correct values in the tooltip. Orphea Level 16 Dead Magic Fixed an issue that caused Chaos-empowered Basic Attacks from Dead Magic to consume Block charges. Rehgar Level 7 Purification When selecting Purification, Purge will now be able to target Unstoppable enemy Heroes. Rexxar Level 10 Unleash the Boars Unleash the Boars damage updated to have Rexxar deal the damage instead of each Boar dealing its own damage. Samuro Base Image Transmission [Trait] Fixed an issue that allowed Samuro to cast Image Transmission on a destroyed Mirror Image if it was queued to happen directly after Mirror Image was cast. If Samuro activates Image Transmission or if a new Mirror Image is created, any Mirror Images that are updated will copy Blessing of the Red if it is present on Samuro instead of increasing their maximum Health as if Blessing of the Red were cast on them. Level 7 Crushing Blows Fixed an issue that caused Crushing Blows to apply to the triggering Critical Strike. Level 20 Three Blade Style Fixed an issue that caused Three Blade Style to increase Mirror Image maximum health if Samuro gained Blessing of the Red between the Images being created and the talent being selected. Fixed an issue that caused Three Blade Style to reset the duration on an active Mirror Image when selected. Sgt. Hammer General Sgt. Hammer's level 1 talent icon changes have been reverted. Stitches Level 13 Meat Hook Fixed an issue that caused the refresh duration to not match the full duration of Meat Hook. Tassadar Level 7 Arc Discharge Will now be properly reset when ability cooldowns are reset in Sandbox or Try Mode. Fixed an issue that caused Arc Discharge to become disjointed when Tassadar stops attacking. The Butcher General Talent sorting for The Butcher has been updated to be the same as other Heroes. Base Fresh Meat [Trait] Fresh Meat is now referred to as stacks instead of charges. Thrall Level 13 Spirit Shield Fixed an issue with Spirit Shield's cooldown reduction from Frostwolf Resilience. Tyrande Level 1 Ranger Fixed an issue that caused Ranger to allow Sentinel to hit up to 3 targets. Level 4 Everlasting Light Added an indicator on targets that will receive additional healing from Light of Elune. Whitemane Base Inquisition [W] Added a range indicator for Inquisition. Fixed an issue that caused Inquisition to not be cancelled if the target leaves the radius while Stealthed. Zul'jin Level 16 No Mercy! Fixed an issue that caused empowered Grievous Throw Basic Attacks from No Mercy! To not activate Medivh's Raven Familiar. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.

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