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MoP DK tanking guide

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Thanks for posting this, and for putting your guide together. It looks very promising.

I hope you can keep it updated as MoP gets closer, and especially after release. And that you let us know if you do any major revamps to it :)

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I'll definitely keep it as updated as best I can. If this ends up getting stickied then I will be keeping it updated throughout all various patches until i either stop playing or stop raiding as a blood DK (which will not be any time soon)

Edited by Reniat

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For those who saw the changes to Blood Boil and Heart Strike in the upcoming beta build and were wondering how that would affect how we use them, wonder no more.

With the changes to crimson scourge (+40% BB damage instead of +20%) and Heart Strike (170% weapon dmg up from 150% and 1482 normalized weapon dmg up from 1122) We now want to use Heart Strike for 3 or less targets until we reach a certain amount of AP, which causes BB to do more damage on 2 targets than Heart Strike. The AP value necessary to do this depends on the ilvl of the weapon you are using. You can find a spreadsheet showing the various APs needed to reach the 2 target threshold for various ilvls here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlV5XBlucdEhdElmV1VRdEo4c1ByYTMwVUVzaHF1RkE

For reference reaching ~200k AP in 25H progression isn't going to be unreasonable.

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