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Rogue Deck Help

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Hello everybody!


I'll try to be as short as possible in telling you why i created this topic.

I'm kinda new to the Hearthstone world (played for about a month now) and I enjoy playing my Rogue low budget deck.

The thing is, given the fact that I will not spend money in the game till it goes out on iPad (just a way to ensure i'll keep playing the game for long enough to be worth it), i'm not sure if I should focus on my Rogue deck or just try to craft as many use-in-all-decks-neutrals.


For this matter, i have created the best rogue deck i could think of. Spoiler alert, it's not a Miracle Rogue.


I have put together a number of 28 cards, as follows:


2x Backstab

2x Deadly Poison

1x Betrayal

1x Balde Flurry

1x Bloodmage Thalnos

2x Eviscerate

2x Loot Hoarder

1x Sap

1x Edwin VanCleef

1x Fan of Knives

2x Harvest Golem

2x SI:7 Agent

2x Chillwind Yeti

1x Leeroy Jenkins

2x Assassinate

2x Azure Drake

2x Argent Commander

1x The Black Knight


I would like some help from you guys in testing this deck(if anyone has the resources necessary)or at least an opinion about it. Also, I would like to know what to fill the deck with. Any other suggestions, like card replacement or anything else is welcome.

Thank you for your time!

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Hey, Ivxy!

I'm not sure if you already own the cards you have included in the deck list or you simply wish to craft them, regardless, I'll try to provide feedback for both scenarios. 

If you still need to craft the legendary cards for your deck, I would suggest the following:

Leeroy Jenkins >= The Black Knight > Bloodmage Thalnos >= Edwin VanCleef

Leeroy will work great for you in a rogue as a finisher, while Black Knight's value is proportional to the amount of taunters you play against, which should be fairly high for as long as Defender of Argus is played in most decks. Bloodmage Thalnos is decent card, however it is not game breaking - as a rogue you can easily do without, although I have to admit that some early Backstab, FoK can make the difference, not to mention Eviscerate taking out a Yeti.Edwin VanCleef is alright, but in your current deck comp it will be mediocre at best, I think going for Cairne Bloodhoof would be a better choice, possibly even Sylvanas or Ragnaros.

About your deck list:
I think you have to decide what sort of rogue you wish to play. Your deck comp gives the impression that you wish to have some level of aggression although you run a lot of cards that focus on solid mid-late game.

1x Betrayal (I really dislike Betrayal, as a rogue, you will often attempt to keep pressure on your opponent while efficiently dealing with their minions. Betrayal is not efficient, it works only when your opponent has 3 minions and if he is not a completely bad, he will most likely anticipate a Betrayal and have optimal board placement. I would take Betrayal out of the deck)
1x Blade Flurry (Blade Flurry is great. Having 2x Blade Flurry is situational and you should only consider using your 2nd if the meta game is full of really aggressive decks)
1x Sap (Sap works well in aggressive rogue, I used to run 2 of them as there were amazing against controls - 1 should generally be more than enough, but its one of the adjustments you can make depending on the meta game)
1x Fan of Knives (FoK is situational at best, it can be great, however I think that in most cases it will slow down your game rather than allow you to gain board advantage because of it)
2x Assassinate (aggressive rogue? get rid of it... control? maybe 1 at most... )

Cards you should consider:
Argent Squire - I always play it in any rogue I make. Its ideal for triggering combos in early-mid game and is generally really annoying early game drop. Blood Knight can cause problems and even destroy your game if played by your opponent at the wrong time, which is why you always need to keep that in mind in case you run with Argent Squire.

Defender of Argus - Should you decide to put some aggression to your deck and focus your play more towards early game, I would definitely consider Defender of Argus. 

Perdition's Blade - I would play at least one. Works great on its own and can be outstanding with Blade Flurry.

Shadowstep - When you play aggressive deck, Shadowstep can be amazing. Leeroy as a finisher - 12 damage on turn 6... Attack with your SI:7 Agent, re-play it with Shadowstep, works like a Backstab (without the undamaged part)

Cairne Bloodhoof - if you play mid-range rather than fully aggressive, I think Cairne can be great, often 2-for-1 or better.

Ragnaros - Outstanding finisher if you decide to focus on late game, personally I dislike it as I only play aggressive rogue versions. 

I would start theorycrafting about your deck like this:

Cards to Keep:
2x Backstab
2x Deadly Poison
1x Blade Flurry
2x Eviscerate
2x Loot Hoarder
1x Sap
2x Harvest Golem
2x SI:7 Agent
1x Leeroy Jenkins
2x Azure Drake
2x Argent Commander
1x Bloodmage Thalnos (only if you have it already)
1x The Black Knight (only if you have it already)
Cards I would swap out:
1x Betrayal
1x Edwin VanCleef
1x Fan of Knives
2x Chillwind Yeti (can be used instead of Argus)
2x Assassinate
Cards I would consider in maindeck instead of those you are swapping out:
2x Argent Squire 
1x Shadowstep
2x Defender of Argus
1-2x Perdition's Blade
1x Cold Blood (if you will decide to be really aggressive)
2x Dark Iron Dwarf (works like a charm with your Loot Hoarder or Argent Squire)
2x Random 2 mana drop: (Ironbeak Owl aganst locks, Faerie Dragon to be really anoying in early game or Acidic Swamp Ooze)
Cards I would consider based on metagame:
2x Ironbeak Owl or Spellbreaker (warlock control...zzz, owl is generally better solution for your mana curve)
1-2x Big Game Hunter (warlock control)
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta (aggressive hunters, warlocks)

I'd try something like this:
2x Backstab
2x Deadly Poison
1x Blade Flurry
2x Eviscerate
2x Loot Hoarder
1x Sap
2x Harvest Golem
2x SI:7 Agent
1x Leeroy Jenkins
2x Azure Drake
2x Argent Commander
1x Bloodmage Thalnos 
1x The Black Knight
2x Argent Squire
2x Defender of Argus
1x Assassin's Blade
1x Shadow Step
1x Cold Blood
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze // Faerie Dragon 

I hope this helps you, Ivxy. Let us know how it went :)
Best of luck!


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First of all, thanks for the feedback.

Now, I want to give some reasoning for picking some specific cards. I have no legendaries that can be played in this deck, i only have king krush, archmage antonidas and cenarius. I have all the rare cards and the common cards included and those suggested by you. Altough i can see that you tend to like the aggro rogue, I'm more of a mid-range - control type of player.


Some reasoning (thought process) in making this deck. Might not be the best, since i'm not fully familiarised with the game.


Van Cleef. This is not a card I want to combo out like a miracle of some sort would. No 16/16 VanCleef concealed. I think of it as an inervated yeti, turn 2 coin+vancleef+maybe a backstab if I have it and my opponent played something at 2 health. I think a turn 3 4/4, maybe 6/6 is hard to deal with, but again, it's a situational play, so I understand your reasoning. I think I'm going to take it off my list.


Betrayal i have decided to take out. You are right about it. And I can also add that i already have enough ways to deal with my opponents board that i can use that slot for something more important.


I will keep the fan of knives and the blade flurry, given the fact that my current meta-game is full of hunter/warrior/warlock and even shaman aggro. I play decently against them (about 60% win rate, win 2, lose 1) so i will not add a second blade flurry.


I can't really say why i included 2 assassinates, i think i like the idea of sufficient direct removal. I guess i'll take one out and see how I do.


After playing a bit more, i redesigned the deck, so it looks as following.


2x Backstab

2x Deadly Poison

2x Argent Squier

1x Blade Flurry

1x Sap

2x Eviscerate

1x Kobold Geomancer (Swapping for thalnos)

2x Loot Hoarder

1x Fan of Knives

1x Perditions Blade

1x Acolyte of Pain

2x Harvest Golem

2x SI:7 Agent

2x Chillwind Yeti

2x Defender of Argus

2x Assassinate

2x Azure Drake

2x Argent Commander


As a final form of this deck, taking into account your advice and my preference for control decks, i would build the following:


2x Backstab (solid rogue card)

2x Deadly Poison (solid rogue card)

2x Argent Squier (as you said, good for combos and a good 1 drop on its own)

1x Blade Flurry ( because my meta is full of aggro)

2x Eviscerate (great removal or direct damage)

1x Bloodmage Thalnos (as you said, not really necessary, but nice to have indeed)

2x Loot Hoarder (2 drop card draw, good buff target for defender of argus and dark iron dwarf)

1x Fan of Knives ( because my meta is full of aggro)

1x Perditions Blade ( because you i tried it and you are right)

1xAcolyte of Pain ( card draw again, i might consider replacing it)

2x Harvest Golem ( solid 3 drop, almost my favourite common neutral card)

2x SI:7 Agent ( another solid 3 drop, sort of a signature for rogues)

2x Chillwind Yeti (to try and bait out his removal if my early game sucks)

1x Defender of Argus (buffer, good for trades and good against aggro)

1x Dark Iron Dwarf ( buffer and a 4/4 body, not really good imo but nice to have. Might consider replacing it)

1x Assassinate ( i kept an assassinate because, as I said, i feel much safer with a direct removal, be it in my hand or in my deck, nice to have against rag, ysera and all the divine shield big drops)

2x Azure Drake (great card, spell damage and card draw and a 4/4 body)

1x Argent Commander (because it's a solid 6 drop, trading 2 or sometimes 3 for 1. I guess Leeroy would be better, even though my win conditions are already there and i have a tempoish style of a deck)

1x Cairne Bloodhoof

1x The Black Kinght

1x Rag


Thanks for all the help and, if you can help me further, I would really appreciate it.


Edit: Reading your post again, I guess it would be ok to sub the acolyte of pain for the big game hunter. Not really sure, I'll try it (cause i have it) and let you know.

Edited by ivxy

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