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[Archived] Hearthstone Mid Budget Druid Control Deck

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Oh wow big update on the site i see, well my current deck i built using the previous deck suggestion you guys had here


Current Deck:

2x Innervate
2x Mark of the Wild
2x Wrath
2x Swipe
2x Keeper of the Grove
2x Nourish
2x Druid of the Claw
2x Ancient of Lore
2x Ancient of War
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Loot Hoarder
2x Defender of Argus
2x Azure Drake
1x Faceless Manipulator
1x Sylvanas Windrunner
2x Molten Giant
This build has served me particularly well with tons of draw power and very strong late game potential and board control. Can it be improved? And using the cards I already own is there a variant of the new recommendation I could build right away? (i'll post a list of all my druid/neutral cards below) since I had built the previous one i don't have some of those cards you are recommending so i need alternates. 
Druid Specific: 
2x Wrath
2x Keeper of the Groove
2x Nourish
2x Druid of the Claw
2x Ancient of Lore
2x Ancient of War
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Argent Squire
1x Hungry Crab
2x Leper Gnome
1x Lightwarden
2x Murloc Tidecaller
2x Amani Berserker
2x Ancient Watcher
1x Doomsayer
2x Faerie Dragon
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
2x Loot Hoarder
1x Mad Bomber
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Wild Pyromancer
2x Acolyte of Pain
2x Arcane Golem
1x Big Game Hunter
2x Coldlight Oracle
2x Coldlight Seer
2x Earthen Ring Farseer
2x Harvest Golem
2x Imp Master
2x Injured Blademaster
2x Murloc Warleader
2x Scarlet Crusader
2x Dark Iron Dwarf
2x Defender of Argus
1x Leeroy Jenkins
2x Spellbreaker
2x Twilight Drake
2x Azure Drake
1x Faceless Manipulator
2x Fen Creeper
1x Gadgetzan Auctioneer
2x Argent Commander
1x Sylvanas Windrunner
2x Molten Giant
Edited by Akaitsuki

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Hey, Akaitsuki
I've made a general response to your multiple posts, you can find it here
Let us know if it helps, 

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Hi! Thank you for this deck's lists (especially basic and low-budget ones, as they provided me knowledge of which cards are crucial at the start of my "Hearthstone journey" 1-2 months ago :) ).


Aftery finally crafting Ragnaros, yesterday I decided to see how far can I get with this sligthly modificated mid-budget Druid (don't have every needed card for now) starting from the bottom. The effects are amazing, in few hours I got from rank 20 to one star short of rank 9 and winning about 70-80% of games (maybe I just had better cards than opponents so far and for sure watching well-known player's streams has helped too, but still didn't expect that :) ).


Here is the deck with the changes I've made (rather because of the lack of cards than trying to upgrade original version :)):




1xAcidic Swamp Ooze (from my experience, good against Eaglehorn Bow, but the time I oozed Sword of Justice was remarkable - such value for basic card)

2xAncient Watcher

1xLoot Hoarder (only one Ancient of Lore so I thought this may be a little help to keep the drawing power)

1xSunfury Protector

2xHarvest Golem


2xChildwind Yeti

2xDefender of Argus

2xKeeper of the Grove

1xTwilight Drake

2xAzure Drake

2xDruid of the Claw (taunt version in some degree compensates the not full Twilight/Sunfury combo)

1xFaceless Manipulator (only neutral epic in my collection ("too good to not be in the deck" syndrome :) ), usually adds flexibility, but sometimes gets stuck as there is not good target to copy,)

1xStarfire (don't have Force of Nature so this at least can try to simulate it and card draw compensates lack of second Ancient of Lore)

1xAncient of Lore

1xAncient of War (serves well against aggro and sometimes as primary target to kill for opponent before Rag comes out with less fear of, for example, being hexed)

1xRagnaros the Firelord (only Legendary so far, so really no choice and I would say not bad replacement)


My questions:

1. What do you think of my substitutions?

2. What is, in general, rank to which those mid-budget decks could go (maybe I am so amazed, because I am not even close to the deck potential)?

3. Why Druid of The Claw isn't the part of original deck version?

4. Is Force of Nature obvious next target to craft?

5. I recently opened Imp Master in pack. What do you think of adding this card to the deck after getting Force of Nature? It seems to be low on 3s and Imp master can combo well with Savage Roar? Or is it to weak?

6. No big game Hunter? I think it was included in the pre-update version.


Again, thanks for great site.


Greetings from Poland!

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I got enough dust to craft Force of Nature, so decided to do that. Also got one more Wrath so decided to get rid of Ooze, Hoarder and Twilight Drake (often I have not enough cards in my hand (maybe, because of lack 2nd Ancient of Lore and my play) and put 2nd Wrath, Savage Roar and Force of Nature in their place.

But I would like to get answers for my questions still (ok, maybe all but 4th and 5th smile.png ).

Also, one more - why 2 Savage Roars and not just 1?


P.S. If I made any language mistakes, please feel free to inform me :)

Edited by rru

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Hi! Thank you for this deck's lists (especially basic and low-budget ones, as they provided me knowledge of which cards are crucial at the start of my "Hearthstone journey" 1-2 months ago smile.png ).


Aftery finally crafting Ragnaros, yesterday I decided to see how far can I get with this sligthly modificated mid-budget Druid (don't have every needed card for now) starting from the bottom. The effects are amazing, in few hours I got from rank 20 to one star short of rank 9 and winning about 70-80% of games (maybe I just had better cards than opponents so far and for sure watching well-known player's streams has helped too, but still didn't expect that smile.png ).


Here is the deck with the changes I've made (rather because of the lack of cards than trying to upgrade original version smile.png):




1xAcidic Swamp Ooze (from my experience, good against Eaglehorn Bow, but the time I oozed Sword of Justice was remarkable - such value for basic card)

2xAncient Watcher

1xLoot Hoarder (only one Ancient of Lore so I thought this may be a little help to keep the drawing power)

1xSunfury Protector

2xHarvest Golem


2xChildwind Yeti

2xDefender of Argus

2xKeeper of the Grove

1xTwilight Drake

2xAzure Drake

2xDruid of the Claw (taunt version in some degree compensates the not full Twilight/Sunfury combo)

1xFaceless Manipulator (only neutral epic in my collection ("too good to not be in the deck" syndrome smile.png ), usually adds flexibility, but sometimes gets stuck as there is not good target to copy,)

1xStarfire (don't have Force of Nature so this at least can try to simulate it and card draw compensates lack of second Ancient of Lore)

1xAncient of Lore

1xAncient of War (serves well against aggro and sometimes as primary target to kill for opponent before Rag comes out with less fear of, for example, being hexed)

1xRagnaros the Firelord (only Legendary so far, so really no choice and I would say not bad replacement)


My questions:

1. What do you think of my substitutions?

2. What is, in general, rank to which those mid-budget decks could go (maybe I am so amazed, because I am not even close to the deck potential)?

3. Why Druid of The Claw isn't the part of original deck version?

4. Is Force of Nature obvious next target to craft?

5. I recently opened Imp Master in pack. What do you think of adding this card to the deck after getting Force of Nature? It seems to be low on 3s and Imp master can combo well with Savage Roar? Or is it to weak?

6. No big game Hunter? I think it was included in the pre-update version.


Again, thanks for great site.


Greetings from Poland!



I got enough dust to craft Force of Nature, so decided to do that. Also got one more Wrath so decided to get rid of Ooze, Hoarder and Twilight Drake (often I have not enough cards in my hand (maybe, because of lack 2nd Ancient of Lore and my play) and put 2nd Wrath, Savage Roar and Force of Nature in their place.

But I would like to get answers for my questions still (ok, maybe all but 4th and 5th smile.png ).

Also, one more - why 2 Savage Roars and not just 1?


P.S. If I made any language mistakes, please feel free to inform me smile.png

Hey, Rru.

Your wall of text has oneshotted me :D

When I took a closer look at your deck list, I would suggest the following:

2xClaw (Swap 1 for 1 more Wrath)
1xWrath (Get 2... having 2 is a MUST have in any druid)
1xAcidic Swamp Ooze (You can keep the Ooze in, it is indeed great against Hunters if they are playing weapons as well as any warrior, paladin, rogue, shaman you may encounter. Normally, Harrison Jones would be a much better alternative if you can afford it.)
2xAncient Watcher
1xLoot Hoarder (I would either put in Bloodmage Thalnos to increase the potential of your Wrath or Swipe, or put it out of your deck. )
1xSunfury Protector (Get 2x... if you run with Ancient Watchers, you need 2!)
2xHarvest Golem
2xChildwind Yeti
2xDefender of Argus (You could potentially take 1 out)
2xKeeper of the Grove
1xTwilight Drake (You could potentially take it out)
2xAzure Drake
2xDruid of the Claw (when playing taunt version, beware of The Black Knight)
1xFaceless Manipulator (Faceless Manipulator is amazing)
1xStarfire (You could potentially take it out)
1xAncient of Lore (Get another one!)
1xAncient of War (Yet again, watch out for The Black Knight and potentially consider taking Ancient of Lore out if it is often played in the meta game)
1xRagnaros the Firelord

You can easily include 2x Druid of the Claw in your deck other really solid candidates are Spellbreaker (if you really like your Ancient Watchers silenced), Sen'jin Shieldmasta (great against aggressive decks where having 2x Sunfury Protector simply is not enough).

And regarding Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo... I always include it in my decks. Savage Roar can often take your opponent out of balance when least expected, while Force of Nature can often be considered a removal... Put the 2 together every now and than and you get an amazing finisher.

Big Game Hunter is a great card, however you should only include it in your deck if you are constantly matched up against decks with Giants, Raggy or other FAT.

If you like Imp Master, you can check our other Druid decks, there is a version with Imp Master available.

I am quite confident that once you do some tweaking to your deck and craft the last missing cards, the potential of the deck goes all the way up to Legend, however keep in mind that you will often need to make adjustments to your deck as you play. Metagame changes all the time and for example, I used 2x Big Game Hunter at the end because of handlocks (Warlock control decks).

Hope this helps, 




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Hey im currently building this deck and have the choice to either make a ancient of war x2 or one lore and 1 war (i have one lore already) or save up ragnaros, im missing 5 cards altogether, rag, 2x ancient of war 1x lore and big game hunter, any suggestions on what would be best to replace those with for now,


thanks in advance smile.png


PS Sorry for the double post i was ment to post it on here but was reading the aggro deck and forgot to change the deck.

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Hey im currently building this deck and have the choice to either make a ancient of war x2 or one lore and 1 war (i have one lore already) or save up ragnaros, im missing 5 cards altogether, rag, 2x ancient of war 1x lore and big game hunter, any suggestions on what would be best to replace those with for now,


thanks in advance smile.png


PS Sorry for the double post i was ment to post it on here but was reading the aggro deck and forgot to change the deck.

Ancient of Lore is worth the dust as you will use it in any Druid deck you put together, while Ancient of War could easily be replaced.

Big Game Hunter, Ragnaros (and Faceless Manipulator) may be a good investment if you are often leaning towards control / mid-range decks, however in case of this particular deck, you can easily replace them.

For Raggy, you might find Cenarius / Ysera a decent end game alternative, while any other card can be replaced by Azure Drake, additional Sunwalker or perhaps a Sen'jin Shieldmasta.

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Guest EZ3James

Hey I wanted to 1st thank you for building these decks for us because they do help. I just have a little dilemma with the control because I don't seem to be winning like any games. I do take into account that not all my decisions might be the best for the deck but I have been playing awhile now.


It seems like i am spending so much of the early game controlling the bored but that's it. I don't get too many attacks to their face and by the late game they are playing big monsters that are under 7 attack and I am not being able to keep up with it. I am not 100% sure of what cards I can do with out. I don't think I am giving much information but it just seems I am always on the defensive.


Maybe I need help with my play style of the deck? Thank you.

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Guest Redempse

I have a hard time using Mark of the Wild effectively. Often I end up trading it and the minion I cast it on for just one card. Recently I have traded them out for starfires, but I see them in all your Druid control decks...am I missing something? How do you use it effectively and not create card disadvantage?

Thanks for your time! The decks and the info in the card databases are a great help!

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