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[Archived] S6 Hearthstone Legendary Hunter Aggro Deck

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I had built the previous version of this deck, and did well with it and a few modifications. The current version is not one that i could build any time soon so i wanted to know if you had some ideas on how i could improve on the deck I currently am playing using the cards currently in my stock. I"ll post both below


2x Flare
2x Timber Wolf
2x Arcane Shot
2x Starving Buzzard
2x Misdirection
2x Explosive Trap
2x Unleash the Hounds
2x Kill Command
2x Eaglehorn Bow
1x Abusive Sergeant
2x Leper Gnome
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Arcane Golem
2x Wolfrider
1x Leeroy Jenkins
My Inventory: 
Hunter Specific: 
2x Flare
2x Explosive Trap
2x Misdirection
2x Unleash The Hounds
2x Scavenging Hyena
2x Eaglehorn Bow
2x Deadly Shot
1x Gladiator Longbow
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Argent Squire
1x Hungry Crab
2x Leper Gnome
1x Lightwarden
2x Murloc Tidecaller
2x Amani Berserker
2x Ancient Watcher
1x Doomsayer
2x Faerie Dragon
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
2x Loot Hoarder
1x Mad Bomber
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Wild Pyromancer
2x Acolyte of Pain
2x Arcane Golem
1x Big Game Hunter
2x Coldlight Oracle
2x Coldlight Seer
2x Earthen Ring Farseer
2x Harvest Golem
2x Imp Master
2x Injured Blademaster
2x Murloc Warleader
2x Scarlet Crusader
2x Dark Iron Dwarf
2x Defender of Argus
1x Leeroy Jenkins
2x Spellbreaker
2x Twilight Drake
2x Azure Drake
1x Faceless Manipulator
2x Fen Creeper
1x Gadgetzan Auctioneer
2x Argent Commander
1x Sylvanas Windrunner
2x Molten Giant

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Guest Paudan

Really awesome deck. As an old WoW hunter I just feel nostalgic about playing a hunter and this deck is really competitive. What I however did notice that I seldom, well never (played this deck maybe around 20 times today) got so far to use King Krush. Either I was dead, or as was in about 90% of case the opponent was dead before I either had King Krush in my hand or had that many crystals. Just as a quick replacement I thought Gladiator Longbow would be good a good idea. Any thoughts?

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Hey, Akaitsuki
I've made a general response to your multiple posts, you can find it here
Let us know if it helps, 

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Really awesome deck. As an old WoW hunter I just feel nostalgic about playing a hunter and this deck is really competitive. What I however did notice that I seldom, well never (played this deck maybe around 20 times today) got so far to use King Krush. Either I was dead, or as was in about 90% of case the opponent was dead before I either had King Krush in my hand or had that many crystals. Just as a quick replacement I thought Gladiator Longbow would be good a good idea. Any thoughts?

Hello, Paudan

Gladiator Longbow can work, although I think you will be facing the same issue. Either you will be dead or you will win the game before you can play it. I personally play all out aggro hunter with my mana curve ending at Leeroy Jenkins :D 

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Assuming we're discussing the deck here, and by deck I mean the value of the deck worth 4640 Arcane Dust combined with a Hunter class. I think we would all agree that classes like Hunter and Rogue tend to be played as combo-decks because of their class cards. If a deck is a combo-deck, don't you agree that it relies much more on the player than the deck itself?


I think that what matters is when you unleash the combo, rather than which cards do you feed the deck with. In example if you spend all your Unleash the Hounds on clearing the board, you will end up delaying your pressure, giving the opponent another chance in his/hers late game, which you really do not want to do with aggro deck, because your mana curve falls off late game, giving advantage to bigger/stronger minions and the end game legendaries like Ysera, Raggy etc. which will swipe you off no matter which 4 mana minions you have.


I played about 40 matches with Hunter Legendary Aggro, and King Krush is just the type of a minion you want to have on the same turn opponent's minions have summoning sickness (Turn delay when played 'Zzz').


My strategy while playing and learning this deck is always throwing cards in synergy, never drop minions alone. Just because you can't afford to trade much. You need to deliver the package(damage) before it gets ripped off(spell sniped/charge minion killed). And always count the cards. If anything matters, then card count matters. If you end up trading minions, your mana curve will make you empty handed mid game, while your opponent will have 4-5 cards more then you. And this is exacly where Hunter excels, because he can deliver the damage, while keeping your cards in hand. Steady Shot(Hero Power) alone is about 30% of the total damage I make.

Edited by Narraxus

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I'm having alot of fun with this deck and was wondering what would be your ideal cards on the draw? which should I throw away or hold?

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I'm having alot of fun with this deck and was wondering what would be your ideal cards on the draw? which should I throw away or hold?


I wrote a response to your question in Hunter Mid Budget Aggro deck section. Here's the link. I hope my comment there answers your question.


Hunter Legendary Aggro deck is a bit different, but playstyle remains almost the same. You're waiting for your opponent to act, and then you react to it. Every opponent's action should be followed by your reaction. Always try to counter the most of his cards with your single one, and use rest for damage.


More importantly you asked about the cards - there's no "best hand", niether "best deck". There's only variations depending what you're playing against. But more rigid answer would be, leper gnomes are the best turn 1 here.

Edited by Narraxus

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Guest Hearth pro

This deck is ok for low mmr games but I wouldn't use it if your trying to get your rank as high as possible because:


you have 12 two drops, so if you don't win on your fifth turn you can just concede.


You have no taunts unless you get a Misha, so if you don't get a weapon your not going to break through the enemy defenses.


You suggest taking two starving buzzards and one scavenging hyena??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


When was this last updated lol





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Guest Morodo

No Hunter's Mark or Tracking?  This decklist is very old and needs to be updated.

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No Hunter's Mark or Tracking?  This decklist is very old and needs to be updated.

Both Warlock and Hunter decks will receive revision and two more decks will be implemented. Thank you for pointing it out, they should be up soon.

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Guest Jimmy

Yeah not really working for me, loosing about 60% of my games when I tried it and wont come past rank 17-15. sad.png

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Guest Guest

Got to rank 12 with this deck and still going on a win streak. Good job!

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Guest Jdude989

lol tried it, should be renamed faceroll to legendary


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Guest Potatosftw

I have the complete deck aside from the two legendaries, still working on them.  I've noticed that I jump out to a big lead, but then basically just run out of gas.  hovering around 18-19 with the deck so far.  Seems like if you can pull the hounds card or something like it you end up getting overwhelmed halfway throught the game.  Maybe the two legendaries really make that much of a difference.  Thoughts?

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I have the complete deck aside from the two legendaries, still working on them.  I've noticed that I jump out to a big lead, but then basically just run out of gas.  hovering around 18-19 with the deck so far.  Seems like if you can pull the hounds card or something like it you end up getting overwhelmed halfway throught the game.  Maybe the two legendaries really make that much of a difference.  Thoughts?

Hey, Potatosftw :)

Leeroy Jenkins indeed will make a difference, especially because it also boosts your Unleash the Hounds (Leeroy - opponent gets 2 whelps, you get 2 extra dogs), King Mukla on the other hand wont make much of a difference and you can easily play without it.


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Guest Loxs

Possible to get some details on mulligans, having difficulty deciding what to trade.  Thx!

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Possible to get some details on mulligans, having difficulty deciding what to trade.  Thx!

Try getting as aggressive hand as possible. It also depends a lot what you play against, but in general, you goal will be to inflict as much damage early on in order to be able to finish your opponent with your chargers / hero power.

Generally, you should get rid of any traps or cards with 3 mana (except Eaglehorn Bow). 

Against Zoo (aggro warlock), keeping explosive traps is a pretty good idea as well as Unleash the Hounds, while against most mid-range / control decks, you should try to fish for a Leper Gnome or other early pressure.

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This deck almost makes me feel bad about winning. It's awesome. I love how aggressive it is. I see many hunters use tracking on the first turn. That's such a waste. That card can help you draw what you need to finish them off for good or remove a taunter. I might even keep that card in my starting hand when I get the coin because its so flexible. This is my favorite deck because its fun to play and its fun to win!

Edited by Cornbread

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This deck almost makes me feel bad about winning. It's awesome. I love how aggressive it is. I see many hunters use tracking on the first turn. That's such a waste. That card can help you draw what you need to finish them off for good or remove a taunter. I might even keep that card in my starting hand when I get the coin because its so flexible. This is my favorite deck because its fun to play and its fun to win!

I'm glad you are having fun with the deck. Keep it up!

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Guest Black

I'm 2-10 with this deck now. It's complete garbage. Does not fit with the meta at all. Real aggro decks blow you up like no tomorrow. No explosive trap in your starting hand against zoo? Might aswell quit right there.


What's your early game, a bunch of 1 health minions? Abusive sargeant on turn one? That's supposed to do anything against rogue, mage, druid, knife jugglers, wild pyromancer? People are laughing in my face left and right. Most matches I have the choice of dropping a wolfrider on turn three that dies for free, or do nothing but hero ability until turn 5. No idea what you guys are going on about with this kind of deck being viable.

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Guest JAFM

I'm 13-4 with this deck and I love it; speeds up game play considerably (from my opponents).  No dis, Guest Black, but there's no way you should be 2-10 with this deck.


I replaced 2x tracking with 2x Webspinner (great card) and one Eaglehorn Bow w/Scavenging Hyena.



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I think this deck could be better with web spinner and no King Mukkla or Leper Gnomes.


I took out 2 Leper Gnomes because it's a pretty useless card against aggressive hero powers like a mage and will create a card disadvantage. I replaced it with 2 web spinners which I am shocked not to see in this deck.


I think King Mukla is a terrible card to have. Especially against something like a miracle rogue (he will use the bannanas with a Gadgetzan Auctioneer). If you don't get King Mukla early enough to play on turn 3, he seems to cause more harm than good. I often kept King Mukla in my hand rather than play him late game or against control deck that will just buff their taunters or minions to take out mine. Any card that you can play at any time is better than King Mukla.


I replaced King Mukla with a haunted creeper because of how difficult it is to get rid of. Its tougher to get rid of a haunted creeper and its 1/1 spectral spiders than it is to get rid of King Mukla.


In general I think King Mukla should be taken out of this deck. So if you don't have this legendary, good news, you're better off with out it!

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I think this deck could be better with web spinner and no King Mukkla or Leper Gnomes.


I took out 2 Leper Gnomes because it's a pretty useless card against aggressive hero powers like a mage and will create a card disadvantage. I replaced it with 2 web spinners which I am shocked not to see in this deck.


I think King Mukla is a terrible card to have. Especially against something like a miracle rogue (he will use the bannanas with a Gadgetzan Auctioneer). If you don't get King Mukla early enough to play on turn 3, he seems to cause more harm than good. I often kept King Mukla in my hand rather than play him late game or against control deck that will just buff their taunters or minions to take out mine. Any card that you can play at any time is better than King Mukla.


I replaced King Mukla with a haunted creeper because of how difficult it is to get rid of. Its tougher to get rid of a haunted creeper and its 1/1 spectral spiders than it is to get rid of King Mukla.


In general I think King Mukla should be taken out of this deck. So if you don't have this legendary, good news, you're better off with out it!

Hey, Cornbread

King Mukla is definitely not essential in order for this deck to work, in fact, you will do just as well with a lower budget version.

The changes you are suggesting would indeed be more card efficient and if you are leaning towards a mid-range hunter rather than aggro, you should check our mid-range hunter deck which is using Webspinners and Haunted Creepers instead of an aggressive early minion base.

Hope this clears up the confusion about the choices made for aggro vs mid-range hunter decks.

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Guest Norbert Redler

This deck wont work vs Alexstrasza, lost 3 times vs it.

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