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[Archived] S20 Hearthstone Legendary Warrior Control Deck

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Guest Guest_Guest

This Deck is one of the best i have ever seen. Although I have to mention that it seems to struggle against deck running numerous big minions... it just lacks the removal power. Also it is very dependent on initial draw/mulligan. Went 20/3 with this btw.

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I had a similar experience. I went 17-1 with it the other day. From rank 20 to 13 or 12. I did find that Brawl is pretty useful for regaining board control in most situations (provided you draw it).

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Guest Guest_Guest

Yeah that Brawl helps quite much, BUT (and that's a big but) it seems to loose against the current meta full of aggro hunters, ramping druids and miracle rogues.. it's the only thing you see right now. As for the rare warrior that you encounter on the ladder it is always a mirror match, and i lost every each one of them because of their superior rnjesus prayers.

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Guest Stxrm

Slowly building up for this deck, in what order should I craft the legendaries?


Was thinking about Ysera or Cairne first.

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I am slowly building up this deck, and I would like some help. 


In what order should I craft the legendaries?


Was thinking about starting with Cairne or Ysera.


Greatly appreciate any replies / help, thank you :)

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Guest Fat Petey

I really enjoy this deck.
Some of my own experience.

The only card I don't have is Alexstrasza and I have actually, believe it or not exchanged it for Inner Rage, because that card is crazy vs. all the murlock, warlock zoo, hunter aggro, which I tend to meet all the time. And it has saved me many times as a buff for Grommash.

I took out both armorsmiths because I never got any use of them -> so few minions in this deck. And I exchanged them for Iron Beak Owl. I often need the silence for cairn, sylvanas, tirion etc.

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Slowly building up for this deck, in what order should I craft the legendaries?


Was thinking about Ysera or Cairne first.

I'd personally craft Ysera, the cards it gives are just awesome.

I really enjoy this deck.

Some of my own experience.

The only card I don't have is Alexstrasza and I have actually, believe it or not exchanged it for Inner Rage, because that card is crazy vs. all the murlock, warlock zoo, hunter aggro, which I tend to meet all the time. And it has saved me many times as a buff for Grommash.

I took out both armorsmiths because I never got any use of them -> so few minions in this deck. And I exchanged them for Iron Beak Owl. I often need the silence for cairn, sylvanas, tirion etc.

Your changes seem pretty reasonable. I did find the Armorsmiths quite useful when I played this deck last week. They allowed me to build armor, which would then greatly increase the damage of my Shield Slam.

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Extremelly overpowered deck, I need only 3 card out of it (Baron Geddon, Alexstrasza and Ragnaros) Even without these I control and dominate 8 game out of 10. Great deck, thank you for it.

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Guest Guest_Guest

So ive been playing this deck now for a while and I think I can give you a rundown on how to play it correctly (even though sometimes your options are limited) :


 -This deck shines against every kind of aggro deck (hunter,zoo,and sometimes even against aggro warrior) keep in mind that they will probably play many minions so always ALWAYS try to get either a cleave or a fiery war axe to protect yourself in the early game and then continue mid-game like every other control deck making efficient trades and generally trying to force your opponent into trading or doing some kind of misplay. One card to look out for too is baron geddon; if your starting hand is really bad and you have a baron in hand don't mulligan On a side note keep your whirlwinds for the most advantageous of situations for example when you can make a 3 for 1 trade. Brawl is an honorable mention too ---> don't throw them away until your end-game can come out. Win rate: 93% in roughly a 100 games


 -Miracle rogue is another story.... you have to minimize his output while still being as aggressive as possible i suggest keeping a war axe handy for any si7 and also slam for additional card draw to keep up with his. The general idea is to keep up with his draw while eliminating threats like Gadgetzan Auctioneer and any spell damage minions. I have to admit though that it mostly comes down to luck of each players draw, so don't feel bad if you lose to them smile.png Win rate: 67% in 63 games


 -And now to the control deck match-up (Handlock ,Mirror match,etc)....probably the worst of the three. The idea to winning is to efficiently deal with his endgame, while preserving your own; only problem is you will have a hard time with that: Faceless will ruin your day and strong minions with which you cant deal with your regular cards will destroy you. I recommend to add 1 or 2 Big game hunters instead of 1 armorsmith and/or 1 acolyte of pain. If you feel you can deal with the endgame but most of the time you lose yours add 1 or 2 faceless manipulator. Starting hand doesn't really matter but try to get some early pressure going. Win rate: 52% in 54 games

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I want to ask an important thing. During the Curse of Naxxramas will Baron Rivendare become a Core card? As Cairne Bloodhoof has Deathratle and not even a weak one after all.

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Guest PhantomQT

I want to ask an important thing. During the Curse of Naxxramas will Baron Rivendare become a Core card? As Cairne Bloodhoof has Deathratle and not even a weak one after all.

I highly doubt that a legendary that can't stand independently will be added for the sake of only getting more value out of Cairne Bloodhoof. That combo is too situational to burn a slot on Baron Rivendare, especially since Rivendare on its own won't make this deck stronger overall than any card that's already listed. There's a lot of people who've argued that Rivendare is easily shut down by silence and becomes a useless 1/7 (I personally agree), and the likes of which would shut down its synergy with Cairne. It of course works the other way around too with silencing Cairne, but at least Cairne is a pretty solid card on its own as a 4/5.

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That is my current deck. What legendary do you suggest I should craft next?


Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.


There are no easy answers since all of them are good but I'd go Grom, he combos with 4 cards in this deck (whirlwind and the best scenario, Cruel Taskmaster on turn 10 (turn 9 if you coin, for a 12 damage charge). But if you don't have Rag yet, consider crafting him first since he's used in so many decks (if you also run other heroes frequently).


Then I'd go Alex, since enraged Grom + Fiery War Axe on the next turn is letal if no Taunt on enemy side (opponent will remove Alex instantly most of the cases, if he doesn't and you happen to have Gorehawl, 8 + 7 = gg). 


The turn order so you have mana for this is: (turn 8) Fiery War Axe / (turn 9) Alex + axe him/ (Turn 10) Grom + Enrage (doesn't matter wich one, even if you just whirlwind him, Axe will finish this turn).


For me this happens fairly often, but as always, things can go wrong (Ooze, for instance).


I would leave Cairne last, he's disappointing me in so many ways lately that I'm considering removing him.

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Guest SooFany

I seeeriously have troble with this deck. I have everything except Gorehowl and Baron Geddon. I use two Faceless Manipulators instead. I swear to God either RNG hates me or I lack some serious skills because I can't move past rank 15. My win rate is 50% exactly. Win 2 games - lose 2 games... Lose 1 more game, win another. Probably there are some tacticts which I am missing although I am not newbie in hearthstone. 

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Guest sujiro

I seeeriously have troble with this deck. I have everything except Gorehowl and Baron Geddon. I use two Faceless Manipulators instead. I swear to God either RNG hates me or I lack some serious skills because I can't move past rank 15. My win rate is 50% exactly. Win 2 games - lose 2 games... Lose 1 more game, win another. Probably there are some tacticts which I am missing although I am not newbie in hearthstone. 


If you're consistenly 50/50, indeed sounds like a lack of player skill. If it were another scenario, I'd suggest getting Hearthstone Tracker and tell you to analyze your game data, see what heroes you're losing the most, if you win more when you have coin or when you play first, this kind of stuff. But on a 50/50 all the time I'm more inclined to think you're not using your best judgement on the early stages of the game, spending crucial cards too soon (like Execute, not drawing cards with Slam nor using Acolytes for the most juice etc.).


Also, read these articles:






So, here's my 2 cents:


1) Get Hearthstone Tracker or a similar app that tracks your games so you have better feedback;

2) Read those 2 articles so you might get an insight on what you could be doing wrong;

3) Faceless are too board dependant. Swap one of them for an Arcanite Reaper, it's closer to Gorehawl (Gorehawl is a beast after you Alex the opponent down to 15, I've lost count of how many games I won with it as a finisher).


Hope some of this helps. I really enjoy this deck and whenever I swap one of it's cards, I regret. Cheers!

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I seeeriously have troble with this deck. I have everything except Gorehowl and Baron Geddon. I use two Faceless Manipulators instead. I swear to God either RNG hates me or I lack some serious skills because I can't move past rank 15. My win rate is 50% exactly. Win 2 games - lose 2 games... Lose 1 more game, win another. Probably there are some tacticts which I am missing although I am not newbie in hearthstone. 


If you're consistenly 50/50, indeed sounds like a lack of player skill. If it were another scenario, I'd suggest getting Hearthstone Tracker and tell you to analyze your game data, see what heroes you're losing the most, if you win more when you have coin or when you play first, this kind of stuff. But on a 50/50 all the time I'm more inclined to think you're not using your best judgement on the early stages of the game, spending crucial cards too soon (like Execute, not drawing cards with Slam nor using Acolytes for the most juice etc.).


Also, read these articles:






So, here's my 2 cents:


1) Get Hearthstone Tracker or a similar app that tracks your games so you have better feedback;

2) Read those 2 articles so you might get an insight on what you could be doing wrong;

3) Faceless are too board dependant. Swap one of them for an Arcanite Reaper, it's closer to Gorehawl (Gorehawl is a beast after you Alex the opponent down to 15, I've lost count of how many games I won with it as a finisher).


Hope some of this helps. I really enjoy this deck and whenever I swap one of it's cards, I regret. Cheers!

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Guest SooFany

If you're consistenly 50/50, indeed sounds like a lack of player skill. If it were another scenario, I'd suggest getting Hearthstone Tracker and tell you to analyze your game data, see what heroes you're losing the most, if you win more when you have coin or when you play first, this kind of stuff. But on a 50/50 all the time I'm more inclined to think you're not using your best judgement on the early stages of the game, spending crucial cards too soon (like Execute, not drawing cards with Slam nor using Acolytes for the most juice etc.).


Also, read these articles:






So, here's my 2 cents:


1) Get Hearthstone Tracker or a similar app that tracks your games so you have better feedback;

2) Read those 2 articles so you might get an insight on what you could be doing wrong;

3) Faceless are too board dependant. Swap one of them for an Arcanite Reaper, it's closer to Gorehawl (Gorehawl is a beast after you Alex the opponent down to 15, I've lost count of how many games I won with it as a finisher).


Hope some of this helps. I really enjoy this deck and whenever I swap one of it's cards, I regret. Cheers!

Thank you for your quick respond. I am going to follow your tips and also download that app. I can tell that I lose to Murloc Warlock and any type of Rogue, whether it is miracle or not. I have 2200 dust thanks to arena so I can create both of my missing cards. Do you suggest creating both of them or only Gorehowl?

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Thank you for your quick respond. I am going to follow your tips and also download that app. I can tell that I lose to Murloc Warlock and any type of Rogue, whether it is miracle or not. I have 2200 dust thanks to arena so I can create both of my missing cards. Do you suggest creating both of them or only Gorehowl?


Whenever facing Warlock or Hunter I try to mulligan some board-clearing spells and I always hold Brawl. If you encounter a lot of them consider adding a Pyromancer on your deck, it's an amazing card against zerg/divide shield decks, specially after a Cleave. But Baron should help specially if you coin him on turn 6.


I would suggest finishing this deck, Baron is too good to pass, specially against a board that you lost control in mid-game. I've seen many variations of this deck but they all have Baron. Most of the time you will want to use him on turn 6 or 7 to draw spells to him so you can Rag/Alex/Ysera/Grom later with some security. I use Cairne in the same strategy, he's almost granted to be targeted by the enemy because of it's strong board presence.

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Guest Andrew

This deck is great, in fact its one of the best decks I've ever used in hearthstone. It has helped me move up the ladder very quickly. The only thing that seems to be able to stop it is a typical warlock spam deck. Even if I make it to turn 5 with brawl they will have hit me with enough garbage spam cards that I'm devastatingly weakened. Anyone have ideas on how to handle the typical gimmick rush of a warlock?

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This deck is great, in fact its one of the best decks I've ever used in hearthstone. It has helped me move up the ladder very quickly. The only thing that seems to be able to stop it is a typical warlock spam deck. Even if I make it to turn 5 with brawl they will have hit me with enough garbage spam cards that I'm devastatingly weakened. Anyone have ideas on how to handle the typical gimmick rush of a warlock?

Hey, Andrew

I played warrior quite a bit all the way up to rank 3 before I swapped to shaman and pushed for legend. I like the warrior as there were quite a few mages in the meta and it was often a free win, however ZOO was annoying as hell and I had to alter my deck significantly during the night as I was meeting warlocks 7/10 times... total nightmare.

I got rid of Cairne, Korkon and 2x Frothing berserker and I played 2x Cleave + 2x Chillwind Yeti, which I've swapped for 2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta later on. Warlocks were a bit easier, however... it always comes down to RNG, what you start with and what you draw first few turns... sometimes the game was just over as he flooded the board first few turns and I was stuck with a horrible draw nothing remotely.

I was thinking about ditching Faceless for 2nd brawl, but I found it to be an overkill. Hope it helps.


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Guest Pest

Have enough to buy another legendary as I craft my way up for this deck, I already have the cairne, and ragnoros, I think baron is the way to go but was wondering if anyone has an argument for alexstrazza or grommash, thanks

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Have enough to buy another legendary as I craft my way up for this deck, I already have the cairne, and ragnoros, I think baron is the way to go but was wondering if anyone has an argument for alexstrazza or grommash, thanks


Hey, Pest

Personally I would go for Ragnaros > Grommash >  Geddon = Alexstraza > Cairne. If you decide to get Geddon regardless, I would recommend having 2nd Faceless Manipulator in your deck.

Geddon can be solid against aggressive decks, however in most situations you need a pretty solid early game to be able to benefit from Geddon. I think most of the time you will use your Geddon simply to lure out Big Game Hunter before you play ragnaros.

Grommash is a finisher, Geddon is control.

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Guest Matt L

I have finally got all this deck together after running an 85% complete version of this deck and now it is all together I finally get it. My W/L has greatly improved. The only thing I've done is swap one slam for a Cleave to deal with early rush attempts, because (and this is my only real complaint about the deck) if you draw bad starting cards you can taken apart very quickly by anyone running a deck with lots of 1 and 2 value minions. When you see a board full of enemy minions and you're holding nothing but shield slams and legendary cards you're going to be GGing out pretty soon. That's frustrating, but I'd rather play a deck with highs and lows in it than anything else, so I'm sticking with it for now smile.png

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this was the first deck I ever started making and I'm finally done making it. Well almost,  I'm missing Cairne. What would be a decent substitute to keep up with the deck theme? I have a second big game hunter and Harrison Jones but I also though an argent crusader might be decent. I'm leaning towards a second big game hunter or maybe an argent crusader over Harrison jones. Any ideas? Thanks!

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