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Frost DK help

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I recently started playing WoW again, and my gf has started raiding with me. She has very little experience, but she's slowly learning the game. However, she's usually doing quite low dps, and often comes out last or second to last. Here is a link to her armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/chamber-of-aspects/Ytenesh/simple and here is a log of our last Normal mode raid: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/DgKmNVRnM2qHFdJB/


Her dps is especially low compared to my main (the mage), since we basically have the same item level. On the other hand, she's somewhat close to our other frost DK  (here: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/chamber-of-aspects/Gr%C3%ACmme/simple), who has much better gear. I tried playing her character myself a bit, and honestly i also had a hard time doing solid dps (only doing 10kish more than her), so i'm not quite sure what is going wrong; the only thing i can spot is that her desease uptime is quite low.


I have never played a DK and i'm not 100% sure on her rotation, but she read the icy veins guide so i assume she's following the recommended frost 2h rotation. I set up a clear weak auras display so she can monitor all her procs, and when i watch her play she reacts decently so, again, i can't find out exactly what the issue is.


Thanks a lot for your help!

Edited by TLTeo

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She seems to have logged out in DW spec and has mastery gems as well, so I hope she is following the DW rotation and not 2h rotation.


She is missing gems and enchants in some pieces. She is below the 7.5% expertise cap and you can see lot of misses in the Nazgrim fight due to this. All these things add-up to overall DPS. Death Siphon is a DPS loss. Death Pact is the best choice of talent in that tier. Unless she is out of range of healers due to some mechanic (can't think of any in normal, except maybe IJ) she shouldn't be using Death Strike in the rotation. At high gear levels, for DW, it is even worth dropping obliterate from the rotation. Without running sims, I'm not sure how much of a difference it would be for her to drop obliterate, but she could give it a try since that would mean one less thing to worry about.


I will take a look at the logs later and add if I find something else, but hit/expertise cap, gems/enchants and talents should be easy to fix.

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yeah basicly what drum said she has not enough expertise gems/enchants she should upgrade her gear, also maybe she should consider reforging haste over crit cause i know when i was dw on my dk i felt like crit was a dps loss and i could see it in the numbers but maybe that 's just something with me idk technically crit is better but til you are at a higher ilvl would consider haste and i would drop obliterate from the rotation personally just so 1 she gets use to it when it is a dps gain even if it isn't right now 2 it could be a dps increase like drum said u would have to run some sims to find out. She also has VERY low uptime on blood plague and imo low frost fever uptime as well its only 93% not enough pillar of frosts she's not using it off cd as she should getting 2 professions 600 would be a dps increase no pre pot/pot mid fight


Sorry this was typed in all one sentence but yeah.

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Thanks for the responses!


Gems, enchants and ilvl upgrades are due to her getting 3 drops last night and having to log out immediately after the raid. I'm surprised there's misses in the parses though, she always optimizes her gear with AMR.


Looking at the logs again, it looks like she is using Soul Reaper very little (only one cast on Sha for instance). I guess she should use that a lot more often too?

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Personally i would just try and tell her to get use to watching th boss's health so she can use it pre 35% like 37% granted it's not a huge dps altering super increase it's maybe an extra 200-400k but i suppose u could set up weak area or tlel me when to do that too

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