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Outlaw Rogue Leveling

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I have a few questions for the rotation on a lvl 31 rogue. 

  • Roll the Bones at this lvl have a 45sec CD and the buffs are only 30sec, it's also not a finisher.
    is this because it will become a finisher in the future or an oversight?
  • The guide also advice you to use Marked for Death in stealth, but would that not waste the 2 combo points from ambush?


Edited by beringtom
muh english

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Hey beringtom,

Roll the Bones is not a finisher, no. At level 31 you will not have it permanently active yet. However once you hit level 41, you will gain access to the Restless Blades Restless Blades passive, which will reduce its cooldown, among a variety of other abilities, every time you spend Combo Points on finishers. It is therefore recommended to already get used to using it on cooldown, even if there is some downtime at lower levels.

Regarding Marked for Death: You can generally use it either before opening on an enemy and then use Slice and Dice from stealth, or use it after your first finisher to immediately gain full Combo Points again. I will change the wording to reflect the different conditions on how to use Marked for Death :) You are indeed correct however, that wasting Combo Points is not something you should ever do unless it is absolutely unavoidable.

I hope you enjoy leveling your rogue, feel free to ask any more questions if things are unclear ❤️

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Would like to point out, cheap tricks is no longer avalible for outlaw rogues, or at least mine doesn't have it i assume it was removed recently?

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It was actually removed a while ago (Patch 9.1), but seems like it was still hiding itself in the PvP talent section. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

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  On 10/28/2022 at 9:41 PM, Jevnaker said:

What heirloom weapons should we use for outlaw rogue leveling now in dragonflight prepatch? swords maces, or one of the others?


Heyo. It really makes no difference, as long as you are using either a Sword, Mace, Axe or Fist Weapon in your mainhand. You can use either of those or a dagger in your off-hand, but your main-heand needs to be a slow weapon.

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Guest Brumbaer

At level 25 it tells me to get Restless Blades, but that is not possible with the amount of skill points at that level.

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  On 11/7/2022 at 7:24 PM, Guest Brumbaer said:

At level 25 it tells me to get Restless Blades, but that is not possible with the amount of skill points at that level.


Hey, thanks for pointing that out. This is an error in the talent calculator, that is getting fixed very soon. Restless Blades should be available at Level 27, after you've spent 8 points in the previous 3 rows. 

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Guest Hicksey

Count the odds is recommended at level 37,39 but level 60 is required to put points into it.

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  On 1/1/2023 at 6:30 PM, Guest Hicksey said:

Count the odds is recommended at level 37,39 but level 60 is required to put points into it.


Hey Hicksey!

That is incorrect. The earliest you could pick up the talent is at level 33, if you choose to beeline for it. Due to some other points being prioritized over it, however, we don't recommend picking it up until the suggested level, as you would want to grab Dancing Steel first for higher Bladeflurry Uptime. 

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Guest Help

Umm the outlaw tree for rogues says to pick restless blades at a point you really are not able to as far as I can tell

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  On 1/5/2023 at 3:41 AM, Guest Help said:

Umm the outlaw tree for rogues says to pick restless blades at a point you really are not able to as far as I can tell



You're actually right, there was a bug which led to some of the level-by-level order being wrong, leading up to Restless Blades (and few others) being picked up earlier than was possible. A fix is already on its way 😉 

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Guest Navyr

March 2023 no update?   I just slid everything up, and put Count in at 60 I guess.

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  On 3/8/2023 at 1:54 PM, Guest Navyr said:

March 2023 no update?   I just slid everything up, and put Count in at 60 I guess.


Heyo. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, so if you could provide any more info that'd be great.

The guide hasn't been updated since January, because nothing has changed since then. It is still up to date and provides a clear path and guideline, as well as talent trees and rotational advice, for your journey from Level 1 to 70. I hope that clears things up, and if not, please feel free to ask further questions!

Kind regards,

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Uncommon Patron

Hi, you have Count the Odds shown at level 43, but in the current (10.0.7) update it is not available as a talent until level 60.  Is there another talent that might be more useful in the lower levels?

You can put points into it, but it has no effect until level 60.  What about using the second level of Triple Threat to make enough points to continue to talent? Then use Count the Odds at level 61.  That way a useful ability/buff is available between level 43 and 60.

Edited by Firecat57
adding information

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  On 3/30/2023 at 9:43 PM, Firecat57 said:

Hi, you have Count the Odds shown at level 43, but in the current (10.0.7) update it is not available as a talent until level 60.  Is there another talent that might be more useful in the lower levels?

You can put points into it, but it has no effect until level 60.  What about using the second level of Triple Threat to make enough points to continue to talent? Then use Count the Odds at level 61.  That way a useful ability/buff is available between level 43 and 60.


Hey Firecat!

I'll be honest, I was not aware of this issue/bug whatsoever. This seems incredibly odd, but I guess Blizzard simply didn't bother changing the level requirement on what was previously a Conduit in Shadowlands. What a strange world we live in.

To answer your question: Swapping the position of CTO and the second point of Triple Threat makes the most sense, but you could also simply replace CTO with either Audacity or Heavy Hitter. Getting Audacity at this stage would most likely help you to get used to the rotational priorities before hitting maximum level, where you will want to switch to a build that is heavily designed around Audacity procs.

I'll update the talent trees to reflect this weird bug in the next update of the leveling guide, thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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Guest Lotto

Bugged? Talent trees aren't showing for me on this page and the Assassination leveling talent builds page.

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  On 11/19/2023 at 8:01 AM, Guest Lotto said:

Bugged? Talent trees aren't showing for me on this page and the Assassination leveling talent builds page.


Hey Lotto. Have you used the slider at the top of the page? Since you cannot allocate talents until Level 10, you may not be able to see the Talents unless you move the slider to the appropriate level. 

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