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Platinum Heartstone Player Testing ICY-VEINS Decks

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Hello everoyne, I'm currently playing Warlock Murloc Aggro deck, rank 10. This is my 2nd season.


These are my Icy-Veins constructed decks I've completed so far. The name represents the deck, and the number next to it the amount of cards needed to complete the deck.


Last Edit: 13/04/2014

My Icy-Veins deck collection


I'm testing each deck, and I'll provide more information about reality of those decks and how they act vs rank 10+ players. Each league has different meta game so testing can't really be accurate since some decks excel at ranks 5-1, while they're bad at rank 10-5, it all depends which league you play and which decks are the most common so you can play a soft counter while you're progressing through ranks.



Edited by Narraxus
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I am eager to see your results!


I was planning on doing something similar to this with videos etc, but I came to the conclusion that I don't have enough free time for Hearthstone, and yes. The constant meta-game changing can make your results differ. However, you can always ask a competent friend to duel with you with a constructed aggro/control deck against yours.


GLHF in the process!

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I play tested the Low Budget Rogue deck, and went 8-2 from rank 14 (no stars) to rank 12 (2 stars)


Game 1 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 5

Game 2 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 7

Game 3 - vs Shaman - Win - Turn 8

Game 4 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 7

Game 5 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 9

Game 6 - vs Paladin - Win - Turn 10

Game 7 - vs Rouge - Loss - Turn 8

Game 8 - vs Hunter - Win - Turn 8

Game 9 - vs Warrior - Loss - Turn 7

Game 10 - vs Mage - Win - Turn 8

Edited by Akaitsuki
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Played a number of games with the Low Budget Shaman Control Deck starting at rank 11 with 0 stars. Dropped me down to rank 12 with 2 stars


Game 1 - vs Shaman - Loss - Turn 10

Game 2 - vs Druid - Win - Turn 10

Game 3 - vs Warloc - Loss - Turn 10

Game 4 - vs Warloc - Loss - Turn 10

Game 5 - vs Warloc - Loss - Turn 10



Every game I lost was in the late game, where unfortunately this deck could not keep up with the number of legendaries being summoned. So I believe that even though the record shows 1-4, that the deck itself is solid as these games were hard fought and won always bringing my opponents life to single digits and having an 'assured victory' until the epics and legendaries start dropping in left and right


If there's anything this deck could use is a bit more of extra draw power. So many times I felt like if i had extra draw power i'd be able to do something about the legendaries, specially when i missed so many great opportunities to win because bloodlust would just not show up at the right time before they took back control

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Played a number of games with the Low Budget Shaman Control Deck starting at rank 11 with 0 stars. Dropped me down to rank 12 with 2 stars
Game 1 - vs Shaman - Loss - Turn 10
Game 2 - vs Druid - Win - Turn 10
Game 3 - vs Warloc - Loss - Turn 10
Game 4 - vs Warloc - Loss - Turn 10
Game 5 - vs Warloc - Loss - Turn 10
Every game I lost was in the late game, where unfortunately this deck could not keep up with the number of legendaries being summoned. So I believe that even though the record shows 1-4, that the deck itself is solid as these games were hard fought and won always bringing my opponents life to single digits and having an 'assured victory' until the epics and legendaries start dropping in left and right
If there's anything this deck could use is a bit more of extra draw power. So many times I felt like if i had extra draw power i'd be able to do something about the legendaries, specially when i missed so many great opportunities to win because bloodlust would just not show up at the right time before they took back control



Rank 11 may be too high for this deck, but I guess it's a good sign that you were not completely destroyed and that you managed to put up a good fight with only basic cards :P

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I want to try the mid budget version but no one can tell me some less expensive substitutes for Ragnaros (the only card im missing for the mid budget version) but yeah I believe it is a good sign that every game was close. I only lost when several legendaries were getting played back to back the deck is def good.

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Played this Mid Budget Warloc Aggro deck from Rank 12 (0 stars) and finished with rank 11 (3 stars). Winning 7 out of 3


Game 1 - vs Druid - Loss - Turn 9

Game 2 - vs Shaman - Loss - Turn 10

Game 3 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 6

Game 4 - vs Priest - Win - Turn 6

Game 5 - vs Paladin - Win - Turn 7

Game 6 - vs Shaman - Loss - Turn 10

Game 7 - vs Mage - Win - Turn 5

Game 8 - vs Priest - Win - Turn 4

Game 9 - vs Shaman - Win - Turn 6

Game 10 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 5



Things went bad the first 2 games, druid taunted too hard and the shaman won with 1 health remaining, i couldn't draw soulfire to end him sadly. 


I learned that you must be very selective with your starting hand, aim to put pressure ASAP, meaning try to get as many 1 mana cost as you can in ur starting hand, i found that leeroy jenkins with one or two voidwalkers is pretty much game over for the opponent never lost when i drew that. 


You will murder opponents super early with the right hand, as you can see i defeated a priest on turn 4. I used flameimp turn 1, and demonfire turn 2 and just went to town, by the time he got around to getting rid of flameimp i had done way too much damage. 


On average with a good draw you can expect to win mid-game. Shaman's gave me the most trouble their cards are practically build to counter this deck but decks that can't quickly remove your minions early are in for a world of hurt. 


I enjoyed playing this deck a lot but i do feel that it is very hit or miss depending strongly on your starting hand to establish itself

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Just a quick update, as you can see I'm missing only Gorehowl for Warrior's deck. I'm currently chasing rank 5, Diamond league. Stuck between rank 8-9. Basically at the moment, there's few types of decks around. I haven't seen any mage, rogue or shaman  after rank 10 for the last 15 matches.


Testing phase is currently with Rogue Low Budget deck, I'll post some updates about the strategy and deck's effectiveness.

Edited by Narraxus

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Started at Rank 13 (no stars) finished rank 12 (1 star) with the mid cost priest control deck. 70% win ratio out of 10 games pretty good compared to the poor performance of the previous priest deck.


Game 1 - vs Paladin - Win - Turn 10+

Game 2 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 10+

Game 3 - vs Hunter - Win - Turn 10+

Game 4 - vs Mage - Loss - Turn 10+

Game 5 - vs Priest - Win - Turn 10+

Game 6 - vs Rogue - Loss - Turn 10+

Game 7 - vs Shaman - Win - Turn 10+

Game 8 - vs Hunter - Win - Turn 10+

Game 9 - vs Paladin - Loss - Turn 10+

Game 10 - vs Hunter - Win - Turn 10+


Things I noticed: 


1. You're starting hand is CRUCIAL you really need to pay attention if you are facing certain heroes that typicially like to rush attack with aggro decks (hunters, warlocs, rogue) you need to make sure you have early counters. 


2. Thoughtsteal helps out a GREAT deal with mountain giant/twilight drake


3. You will almost NEVER end a game before turn 10. For the life of me this deck in every single match it was a drawn out bloody fight. Which was fun, but some times you want to end things quickly! Sadly this deck won't do that for you


4. Be wary of opponents that play for late-game decks! Specially Mages, Direct damage in general is bad for this deck but pyroblast to the face can end u when u least expect it.

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By the way, I just wanted to announce it here, that I've started streaming Heartstone but since I'm from Balkan(eastern Europe) our internet connection isn't the best :)


Here's a link for anyone that wants to follow me, I'll be doing arenas, ranked plays and probably even try some Icy-Veins decks live if anyone is interested please follow me on this link: www.twitch.tv/narraxus

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