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Fury Warrior Leveling

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I'm a bit confused. I haven't played in a couple of years and I'm not very skilled.

Created a new warrior a few days back, and heirlooms are really confusing. Does this guide mean that I should not use my Hellscream's Decapitators for example? I basically put on whatever heirlooms I've got. I also had no idea which one to pick when I have several for the same slot.

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Guest Skelia

You need to update this. Some of the ability information is outdated or inaccurate (Whirlwind costing rage for example; it's free for Fury Warriors). Not to mention you won't be using the shield abilities as a Fury Warrior. It seems you copied and pasted some Prot info out of either laziness or efficiency.

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  On 4/10/2021 at 3:15 PM, Guest Skelia said:

You need to update this. Some of the ability information is outdated or inaccurate (Whirlwind costing rage for example; it's free for Fury Warriors). Not to mention you won't be using the shield abilities as a Fury Warrior. It seems you copied and pasted some Prot info out of either laziness or efficiency.


Could you be more specific? I'm not really sure which guide page you're referring to.

The Fury Warrior Leveling Guide is correct.

  • Whirlwind's tooltip shows a rage cost, but that's how the base spell works - the rank 2 removes the cost for Fury at level 22 and makes it generate rage instead. The guide is written correctly based on what level you have selected in the scroll bar (costing rage before 22 and generating it after).
  • The only time the guide recommends using shield abilities is Shield Slam between level 3-9, before Bloodthirst is learned and when there is literally nothing else to press. After that, none of the abilities are in the rotation list.

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Guest woodshark

What are your thoughts on Dual Wield for leveling?

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  On 5/3/2021 at 2:14 AM, Guest woodshark said:

What are your thoughts on Dual Wield for leveling?


If you're using heirlooms it works fine. In the past (pre-squish), it might have been a little harder to keep up with ilevel on two different weapons, but the difference between ilevel is so small now that it shouldn't be a concern. Personally I think Arms (or better yet, Protection) is a slightly better leveling spec in the very early game, with Fury picking up speed once it unlocks the extra ranks of Whirlwind at level 22 and 37, but the difference is extremely minimal.

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Uncommon Patron

A note after leveling a fury warrior in 9.1.5.  Slaughterhouse does not work as the tooltip indicated in the guide and is relatively terrible for leveling. I imagine Warbringer or Battle Trance would serve better.

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  On 11/12/2021 at 5:33 AM, Antix said:

A note after leveling a fury warrior in 9.1.5.  Slaughterhouse does not work as the tooltip indicated in the guide and is relatively terrible for leveling. I imagine Warbringer or Battle Trance would serve better.


Good catch - yes, Slaughterhouse was changed and is no longer appropriate for PvE content. Warbringer is an ok choice, presuming you're frequently initiating combat with Charge.

Battle Trance is a bit contentious - leveling combat doesn't tend to be long enough to benefit from it outside of anything but the strongest elites, though it's not a bad choice.

Bloodrage is actually a great ability if you can stand the extra keybind - the burst rage is great for getting an immediate Rampage, while the snare removal is circumstantially useful, and the health loss is trivial. I'd probably recommend that as "best", followed by one of the others as a more passive approach.

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Noticed a little error in the guide: you need to switch the Talents for Level 32 and Level 34, Sidearm isn't reachable without Barbaric Training. Other than that, very nice.

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Where is there a guide on which enchants to put on our heirlooms depending on whether we're leveing on fury or arms?

Knowing which enchants to put on my heirlooms is the most confusing part. Not which talents to pick.

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Guest Rubyu

What is the point of the level slider if it is not adapted to the talent tree? The slider is totally pointless and serves no purpose.

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Uncommon Patron

Can you fix the talents please.  You can't talent Armored to the Teeth at level 10 (you have to have at least 20 talent points to even unlock that row).  Thank you.

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Guest Darlorian

Hi this guide confuses me allot as the tallent tree is not adapting to the level by level information

For example Armored to the teeth shown in the talent tree as learning on lvl 10 and 12 istn even possible.
On lvl 14 and 16 it says in the tree Impending victory and rallying cry

in the text guide it says for lvl 14 and 16 heroic leap and leeching strikes.

What to follow?


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Guest Fury Tree

Is there anyone managing this page? The talent recommendations do not match the current tree options.

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  On 4/3/2023 at 6:45 PM, Guest Darlorian said:

Hi this guide confuses me allot as the tallent tree is not adapting to the level by level information

For example Armored to the teeth shown in the talent tree as learning on lvl 10 and 12 istn even possible.
On lvl 14 and 16 it says in the tree Impending victory and rallying cry

in the text guide it says for lvl 14 and 16 heroic leap and leeching strikes.

What to follow?



Ok, so it seems this was a result of some new tech to automatically create a readout of the order in which talents were allocated. Unfortunately, it seems to be very finicky, and any talent swap or even some internal changes on Blizz' end will break the order, resulting in the issue referred to above.

I've re-allocated the trees in the proper order, which will hopefully show up correctly now, though it may be prone to breaking in the future if Blizz' internal talent tree data changes.

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Guest Nym


  On 4/4/2023 at 5:16 PM, Archimtiros said:

Ok, so it seems this was a result of some new tech to automatically create a readout of the order in which talents were allocated. Unfortunately, it seems to be very finicky, and any talent swap or even some internal changes on Blizz' end will break the order, resulting in the issue referred to above.

I've re-allocated the trees in the proper order, which will hopefully show up correctly now, though it may be prone to breaking in the future if Blizz' internal talent tree data changes.


Whatever change you did didn't fix the issue and it still shows picking up "armored to the teeth" at level 10 and 12.

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Guest Gwalchgwynn

I'm not sure this guide has actually been updated for 10.2.5

Why would I take Frothing Berserker at lvl20 when Rampage is selected until lvl27?

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  On 1/27/2024 at 10:49 PM, Guest Gwalchgwynn said:

I'm not sure this guide has actually been updated for 10.2.5

Why would I take Frothing Berserker at lvl20 when Rampage is selected until lvl27?


Because it's on the way and you need it to unlock the next row of talents anyway. You can take it at 22 or 24 instead, after Berserker Rage or Spell Reflection, but those levels go very quick, you already have pummel, and few early level open world mobs fear, so it's not much of an advantage.

If you really want to min/max, you could talent something else to unlock the next set of talents and then respec at 27, but there's not really anything to gain - Rally is all but useless in leveling, while Berserker Shout, Piercing Howl, Intimidating Shout, and Thunder Clap are completely useless while leveling. There's just not much of any optimization to be had.

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  On 4/21/2024 at 12:22 AM, KomodoDragoon said:

Is there a reason why there's nothing listed for Level 69?


Its your last talent point in that tree, at that point you have access to everything and can respec into whatever endgame spec you want. Should leave out the L70 point for the same reason - it's not a "leveling build" anymore.

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