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Havoc Demon Hunter Leveling

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Guest Random Demon Hunter

It seems that the PVP talent SolitudeSolitude is missing since pre-patch. I checked Vengeance and Havoc spec, and it's not listed at all in the PVP talent row.

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  On 11/8/2020 at 6:04 AM, Guest Random Demon Hunter said:

It seems that the PVP talent SolitudeSolitude is missing since pre-patch. I checked Vengeance and Havoc spec, and it's not listed at all in the PVP talent row.


Apologies, this should have been removed but the leveling page hadn't had it pulled yet - it is indeed gone in Shadowlands.

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Guest EdBish

Where is the Shadowlands Leveling guide. This is the DragonFlight leveling guide.

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  On 2/9/2023 at 1:37 PM, Guest Ragemoody said:

The level slider still is not working. Are you gonna fix it?


Hi! As far as we checked, the slider does seem to be working. However, maybe it could be that, because the big talent calc comes in the way, it is not obvious what changes below that when you move the slider. I have passed on this feedback so that this experience it's improved in the future.

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Guest Ragemoody

Oh I see, I thought the talent calc is supposed to change as well. However, parts of the rotation and ability summaries do not match with the talent calculator. For example, when set to level 50 the rotation tells me to use Elysian Decree as opener but the talent calculator unlocks it at level 59. Same for darkness, which according to the ability summary is available at level 39 but the talent calculator puts it at level 50. Took me a while to figure all that out. :D

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One thing I have to suggest is to not spec into Demon Blades until you have more reliable fury generation. There is a lot of fury starvation at really low levels with it and with a lack of buttons to push using Demon's Bite smooths that out.

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Can the sliders on these guides PLEASE be fixed?  i see someone said something bout it 8 months ago.  It does not level the abilities in the order it says to go when using the slider.

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  On 11/6/2023 at 7:54 PM, Guest shannan said:

The talent tree is out of date.  Mine is quite different.


Hi, the talent tree is for the 10.2 version (as indicated by the page's title) which is releasing later today. If you are still in need of the 10.1.7 talent tree, here is the old one, though unfortunately without the level-by-level talent choices.


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