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Blood Death Knight PvE

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Guest Sirmicou

Hi ! One potency conduit is missing on General Draven for blood deathknigh. Could you fix that ? :)

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Guest Bloodchiyoun


I wonder if blood dks are less strong in m+ because now they always need a Death and Decay on the ground and you can rarely stand in one place for long. 

Has anyone tried in DF how often you can reposition your D&D in dungeon fights?


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19 minutes ago, Guest Bloodchiyoun said:


I wonder if blood dks are less strong in m+ because now they always need a Death and Decay on the ground and you can rarely stand in one place for long. 

Has anyone tried in DF how often you can reposition your D&D in dungeon fights?



Death and Decay Death and Decay being a much more important part of the toolkit makes unpredictability and lack of fight planning a major problem, particularly in Mythic+, but this tends to just be a symptom of unfamiliarity with the dungeon you're running. Night Fae death knights have had to go through the same problem in Shadowlands for the entire expansion. It's really no different.

If anything, the dungeons are more lenient. Very few bosses push you out of melee completely and those that do are very predictable (Doragosa and a couple of bosses in Halls of Infusion being the most obvious ones). The others will just punish you for not thinking ahead (things like you dropping a D&D just before enemy frontals on trash in Neltharus or not realizing that a ballista was about to become active in Nokhud).

With practice and proper tracking of what'll happen in events, along with a bit of thinking about whether movement is necessary (and realizing that smart movement matters), it'll become less of a weakness to you, and more of a strength, as fight predictability will also shoot up.

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Guest Auroro

I was reviewing the BiS gears as many of them have Versatility which the writer listed as the worst gear stats. 

I notice that when I change the weight of the stats where I force the value of Haste to be greater than Crit/Mast and very little Vers. 

This is the list from Mythic+ with my stats changes

Ley-Line Tracer (FC)

Old Seafarer's Headpiece

Bromach's Disentombed Locket

Pauldrons of Immutable Truth

Fireproof Drape (Speed)

Cuirass of Irreparable Madness (STR)

Excavated Earthen Wrists (Leech)

Forgemaster's Grips

Trapmaster's Utility Belt

Drake Hunter's Greaves (Fierce)

Pristine Magma Stompers (Stam)

Circle of Ascended Frost (Haste)

Unstable Arcane Loop (Haste)

Treemouth's Festering Splinter

Inexorable Resonator

The original list had Haste at 10.0% while my list had it at 35.51%. I just curious about the weight 

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Hmm, seems the talent export strings don't work. "Invalid" it says in-game for me. 

Edit: nvm, I am stupid

Edited by Raffinaddi

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I notice blood DK primordial stones changes to 2x Desirous Blood Stone (replacing the Prophetic Twilight Stone), was that a mistake? I didn't notice any other class/spec I use remove prophetic.

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16 hours ago, Losty said:

I notice blood DK primordial stones changes to 2x Desirous Blood Stone (replacing the Prophetic Twilight Stone), was that a mistake? I didn't notice any other class/spec I use remove prophetic.


I have just committed a change to address this. This was an unfortunate error from my part. The section should have read:

  • Raid: Freezing Ice Stone / Desirous Blood Stone / Prophetic Twilight Stone
  • Mythic+: Storm Infused Stone / Desirous Blood Stone / Prophetic Twilight Stone
  • Open world: same as Mythic+

Thank you for letting me know, and sorry about that mishap 🤗

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for the pvp talent section, i feel the need to say that last dance is now actually very much worth taking for a few reasons

  1. with everlasting bond, the extra rune weapon you summon will still last the normal duration, not to mention the duration cut has been reduced. 
  2. with the shorter cd, it allows you to get 6 stacks of drw blood plagues up if you play your cards right. not to mention constantly reducing your rune cds. 

it is honestly a must have talent if you are in war mode at all. it is very strong. 

also you may just want to update the pvp talent section in general. it seems pretty out of date.


edit: just remembered, you might want to also point out that despite what the tooltip says, decomp aura only goes up to 4 stacks now. idk why they didn't update the tooltip when they made the change. 

Edited by ToasterWolf

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Guest Seonji

It looks like there's a copy/paste error with the links on the talents page.


It says "Best Beast Mastery Hunter"  talents (although the links look correct)

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On 9/6/2023 at 5:24 PM, Guest Seonji said:

It looks like there's a copy/paste error with the links on the talents page.


It says "Best Beast Mastery Hunter"  talents (although the links look correct)


This should be fixed soon. Thank you for pointing it out, and sorry about that :-( if it is any consolation, it was a template issue on the button, the links take you to the right places.

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Guest SlimeF

In Blood Mythic+ Tips section, point 4. Mythic+ Talents;
You're referring to 3 different builds, but listening it like you did is a little messy.
Could clear it up by listing them together:

BoPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACJJCJJi0iEBJiECSSSkAAAAAAJSSOQEJNhIBAAESSSAAAAA    Brackenhide Hollow, Neltharus, The Azure Vault, Uldaman, Algeth'ar Academy

Thanks for great guides :)


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Guest Guest DK

Hey there, on the recent update for TWW pre-patch the mythic plus build is recommending Mark of blood over tombstone, is that correct? 


don't want to judge but that seens like a typo to suggest not taking tombstone :) 

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3 hours ago, Guest Guest DK said:

Hey there, on the recent update for TWW pre-patch the mythic plus build is recommending Mark of blood over tombstone, is that correct? 


don't want to judge but that seens like a typo to suggest not taking tombstone 🙂


These were talent hash issues moving from PTR to live builds. Sorry about that! The other tell-tale sign was spending two points on mark of blood (2/1).

I've committed a change to this and it should show up soon on the guide. Once again, sorry about that. In the meantime:

- Leveling: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/the-war-within-talent-calculator#6D-ViZaBkCWUXlHnQdRNMbALJJGhErggsI-gfhkiYIISLMQWXRaGVAFTVSGQ384MeA--

- Raid: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/the-war-within-talent-calculator#6D-ZaXQVCWiBUklHndMRNTbLJJIGhEggso-gfkYhiIISLMQWXaGVAlRDon2ok8Me4A--

- M+: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/the-war-within-talent-calculator#6D-ZaXQVCWiBUklHndMRNTbLJJIGhEggsr-gfkYhiIISLMQWXaGVAFETRP4Me08okA--

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Guest SlimeFudge

Why is Grip of the Dead active instead of Blinding Sleet? Blinding Sleet is a far better rendition to cc/counter/kick than loss of movement speed for enemies in m+

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Guest Guest Scratch3s


good job with the guide! Unfortunately in the "roatation" section of the Leveling Guide und the Blood DK there is no Rotation, instead there is a list what to pick on what lvl in the talent tree.. which is helpful but can you please add a "real" rotation section? :) Thanks in advance.


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On 9/15/2024 at 2:39 PM, Guest Guest Scratch3s said:


good job with the guide! Unfortunately in the "roatation" section of the Leveling Guide und the Blood DK there is no Rotation, instead there is a list what to pick on what lvl in the talent tree.. which is helpful but can you please add a "real" rotation section? 🙂 Thanks in advance.



I'll add that for you by end of day today. It will take me a bit of time as I need to tag every single row of the rotation by level based on what is chosen in order to make them show/hide based on the level selected at the top, so bear with me for a tiny bit ☺️

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