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Guardian Druid PvE

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  On 10/16/2020 at 9:01 PM, Guest Bear guy said:

Does Guardian still get Ursa's Vortex?  



Ursol's Vortex is now baked into the Restoration affinity choice on the level 30 talent row.
Balance affinity grants Typhoon and Feral affinity grants Maim.

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Guest I like bears

I think one thing that should be taken into consideration when picking your tier 5 talent is that the cooldown reduction of Frenzied Regeneration is not added by Guardian of Ursoc and is actually part of the baseline skill Berserk. So talenting into Guardian of Ursoc does not provide you with this, is just inherits it from the baseline ability it is replacing. The only additional defensive capability it gives you is 30% more health and AoE mangle for assisting with kiting (due to its interaction with Infected Wounds), the rest of the defensive side is already provided by Berserk.

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  On 10/29/2020 at 3:36 PM, Guest I like bears said:

I think one thing that should be taken into consideration when picking your tier 5 talent is that the cooldown reduction of Frenzied Regeneration is not added by Guardian of Ursoc and is actually part of the baseline skill Berserk. So talenting into Guardian of Ursoc does not provide you with this, is just inherits it from the baseline ability it is replacing. The only additional defensive capability it gives you is 30% more health and AoE mangle for assisting with kiting (due to its interaction with Infected Wounds), the rest of the defensive side is already provided by Berserk.


That is true, Incarn gains all the same perks that berserk does it's main value is that it just lasts 100% longer which makes all those sweet perks worth that much more.

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Guest Koen


Earthwarden is not as good as indicated in the guide. The strongest damage is not created by auto-attacks, but by abilities. Most attacks from a distance are abilities. Most of the archer shots are also abilities, not auto-attacks.

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Guest Anon E. Mouse

The text indicates "Luffa-Infused Embrace IconLuffa-Infused Embrace is an excellent pure DPS option for maximizing threat if you have some very powerful players in your group.". However, I believe there is a defensive benefit to this legendary in that the additional thrash stack it enables will also interact with Rend and Tear IconRend and Tear, providing an additional 2% damage reduction once stacked. 2% is somewhat small, but not nothing.

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  On 12/17/2020 at 1:21 PM, Guest Koen said:


Earthwarden is not as good as indicated in the guide. The strongest damage is not created by auto-attacks, but by abilities. Most attacks from a distance are abilities. Most of the archer shots are also abilities, not auto-attacks.


Depends on the type of content you are doing, for most content Earthwarden is the best talent for damage reduction but for some encounters say Huntsman Altimor in Castle Nathria, his auto shots do not consume Earthwarden and therefore Survival of the fittest will be the better talent choice.

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  On 12/19/2020 at 8:06 PM, Guest Anon E. Mouse said:

The text indicates "Luffa-Infused Embrace IconLuffa-Infused Embrace is an excellent pure DPS option for maximizing threat if you have some very powerful players in your group.". However, I believe there is a defensive benefit to this legendary in that the additional thrash stack it enables will also interact with Rend and Tear IconRend and Tear, providing an additional 2% damage reduction once stacked. 2% is somewhat small, but not nothing.


You're right! 
The 2% damage reduction gain from Rend and Tear is definitely nothing to sneeze at, but it pales in comparison to some of the defensive benefits gained from some of the other legendaries.

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Are the lists ordered by priority already? Example if I found a Circlet of Weeds and Draught of Midnight Blazes in a group. Then Circlet would be the better choice or?

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  On 12/31/2020 at 1:33 AM, Okaton said:

Are the lists ordered by priority already? Example if I found a Circlet of Weeds and Draught of Midnight Blazes in a group. Then Circlet would be the better choice or?


They are just ordered randomly within their tier lists and are considered relatively similar value and can be swayed one way or the other based on the different anima power combinations you will acquire along the way.

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The venthyr covenant power "Endless thirst" is currently bugged. It does not provide any buffs.
May be an idea to warn people to avoid this conduit until it is fixed.

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Maybe it's just me nitpicking .. but wouldn't it be an idea to actually add your covenant spell in the rotation?

I know for my self I use convoke on cooldown to maximize my dps when tanking.

I just downloaded maxdps addon to see if I could up me dps a bit ( checking my rotation and such ) and noticed that convoke was never asked for/pinged, so I checked here on IV.

The fact that Convoke ( or any other covenant ability ) is left out is a major dps loss, and for new players that might give them the idea that convoke is not needed ( Yes, we all know that players today, does not think the same way as we did in vanilla and early expac, now they just assume that what's written, that's how it is )

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  On 4/20/2021 at 2:42 PM, Shaddiz said:

Maybe it's just me nitpicking .. but wouldn't it be an idea to actually add your covenant spell in the rotation?

I know for my self I use convoke on cooldown to maximize my dps when tanking.

I just downloaded maxdps addon to see if I could up me dps a bit ( checking my rotation and such ) and noticed that convoke was never asked for/pinged, so I checked here on IV.

The fact that Convoke ( or any other covenant ability ) is left out is a major dps loss, and for new players that might give them the idea that convoke is not needed ( Yes, we all know that players today, does not think the same way as we did in vanilla and early expac, now they just assume that what's written, that's how it is )


Excellent suggestion, thank you, i have added a covenant ability section on the rotation page that should show up in the next few days.

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Guest Rokthemoose

Just out of curiosity, are the new conduits any good for tanking? "Condensed Anima Sphere" and "Adaptive Armor Fragment". They both look to be strong from first glance. Anima Sphere in particular might be great for M+, correct?

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  On 7/9/2021 at 8:03 AM, Guest Rokthemoose said:

Just out of curiosity, are the new conduits any good for tanking? "Condensed Anima Sphere" and "Adaptive Armor Fragment". They both look to be strong from first glance. Anima Sphere in particular might be great for M+, correct?


The endurance (Condensed Anima Sphere) has some value as a 3rd/4th endurance and the Potency (Adapative Armor Fragment) is a viable 3rd potency but not stronger than Unchecked Aggression or any of the conduit ones.

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Now with tier sets out and double leggos .. will the guides be updated to reflect this? to what covenant will be optimal for different environment .. ( raids, Mythics and pvp ) and so on? Or does nothing changes, compared to 9.1.5?

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Guest Riderfanyeah

Just noting under BiS you have best upgrade items under Weapon its a link to a Legion Artifact Relic

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Guest Abrakadabra

Section 5.1 still references the Creation Catalyst from last expansion. This subsection should be removed.

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Uncommon Patron

Any chance the raid and m+ builds are swapped on the talent page? Maybe I'm reading this wrong but the one that follows "For raiding:" seems to be the same listed in the separate M+ section?

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  On 12/24/2022 at 2:06 AM, ArinGhend said:

Any chance the raid and m+ builds are swapped on the talent page? Maybe I'm reading this wrong but the one that follows "For raiding:" seems to be the same listed in the separate M+ section?


Hi! Just to confirm, are you referring to the builds here: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/guardian-druid-pve-tank-spec-builds-talents

They seem different both in the embedded version and when I 'open in calculator' the two.

Many thanks.

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Guest Mediv

Hey, any chance a play with pulverize is viable? Since currently guardian druid is really struggling with magic dmg. And this brings another 35% dr. Maybe with 10.0.2 it is possible to skill into ? 

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  On 1/16/2023 at 8:42 AM, Guest Mediv said:

Hey, any chance a play with pulverize is viable? Since currently guardian druid is really struggling with magic dmg. And this brings another 35% dr. Maybe with 10.0.2 it is possible to skill into ? 


Currently pulverize isn't worth dropping other points for, however in 10.0.5 it is much more acquirable.

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