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Guardian Druid PvE

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Guest Thrash

Today I noticed after the update that under Berserk Thrashand Mangle do not reset their CD, but simply reduce it by 2 times, CD is reset only under BL

I wonder how much haste can be collected in theory, so that Thrash without cd would be under Berbersk without BL (as it was before)?

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On 1/27/2023 at 12:46 PM, Guest Thrash said:

Today I noticed after the update that under Berserk Thrashand Mangle do not reset their CD, but simply reduce it by 2 times, CD is reset only under BL

I wonder how much haste can be collected in theory, so that Thrash without cd would be under Berbersk without BL (as it was before)?

The haste required to get it back to pre-nerf cooldown levels is unachievable right now even with Bloodlust.
However, fortunately we now have access to Raze which supplements for Thrash fantastically on AoE, where you can alternate Thrash/Mangle > Raze repeat, for even more damage than thrash spam was before.

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On 2/9/2023 at 8:20 PM, OutOfKek said:

Are the recommended talens for m+ going to be revisited after the buffs? Or they are too insignificant to bother with?

The most recent buffs are too insignificant too change what talents we run. However, there was some bug fixes with both Raze (Added to the list of spells on the 50% Guardian aura) and Tooth and Claw (Now grants the 15% magic DR%) that made Raze much more appealing, as it applies Tooth and Claw to all targets hit. The builds should be updated relatively soon to reflect the effects those bug fixes have on our talent choices.

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In regards to the BiS dungeon list, Unstable Arcane Loop provides a more favorable amount of haste in comparison to Jeweled Signet of Melandrus. The auto attack benefit is only +167 which is close to nothing. Perhaps I am missing something here or it has received a nerf?

Edited by CocaineBear

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On 3/3/2023 at 11:09 AM, CocaineBear said:

In regardless to the BiS dungeon list, Unstable Arcane Loop provides a more favorable amount of haste in comparison to Jeweled Signet of Melandrus. The auto attack benefit is only +167 which is close to nothing. Perhaps I am missing something here or it has received a nerf?

All of our stats are very even so the slightly increased haste doesn't beat the increased auto attack damage for dps.

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On 7/4/2023 at 2:52 AM, tealgar said:

Wrong 'Raze' ability linked

This has been flagged to the author for fixes. Many thanks for reporting it.

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Guest Zuuky

In your Guide, there is at M+ BiS Gear the Back... this Back is from Academy, not BRH :) 

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Guest lurk

Why would you list this as a con? : Gameplay/rotation has not changed proportionally to what you would expect from a new expansion.

Alot of people like (atleast me) or even play guardian for this exact reason, they like the current gameplay/rotation. its a personal preference and its not something you should list as a con.

Cons are like lacking something that other tanks might have. not a personal preference... almost all guides on most websties list this as a con is so silly. 

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6 hours ago, artyfarty said:

Hi! Inscription can craft Dex staff (2h weapon) from cheaper ingidients, is there a reason why it's not listed in crafted options? 

Perfectly viable to craft any 2h agi wep, they are all the same,  cheapest mats sounds great.

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16 hours ago, Pumps said:

Perfectly viable to craft any 2h agi wep, they are all the same,  cheapest mats sounds great.

It has unexpectedly huge impact on demand for crafting. I crafted dozends of INT sticks and were wondering why the DEX one was never ordered at all. I started asking people who were looking for the other option in chat and it traced back here.

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Guest Celwynis

I'm a little confused by the trinket lists... in the Mythic+ BiS list it shows one of the 2 trinkets as Bottled Flaywing Toxin.  A little lower in the tier listing this trinket is only an A tier.  And even further down in section 10 Trinkets for Guardian Druids it is not listed among the top 8... I know: Sim and figure out what works best for me, but what is showing on the page is inconsistent increasing the challenge of using it.  Thanks!


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Guest Where's the beef?

Ummm...hero talents?  Completely missing

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not worth my time to write anything here and no ability to delete my own writing.

Edited by Roo

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Guest Bearly Here

No hero talent trees - a week in?

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Guest Buldinar

I came to you all to see some guardian talent builds for the 11.1 patch. . . and nothing listed for the most important part, the Hero talents? Come on folks. Keep your website up to date please!

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