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Beast Mastery Hunter PvE

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Guest Scorp
On 7/24/2024 at 7:10 AM, Azortharion said:

This is fixed!

tried to export from the mythic+ build and the string doesnt fill out the talents, just a heads up

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Guest rotation error

Rotation says to use Black Arrow - it's not included in Beast Mastery and I matched the talents exactly. 

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6 hours ago, Guest rotation error said:

Rotation says to use Black Arrow - it's not included in Beast Mastery and I matched the talents exactly. 

Black Arrow is a War Within Hero Talent, and you will be able to unlock it come launch when you reach Level 71. ^^ The guides were updated a day early for the launch of the expansion.

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Guest vio

the hero talent guide strongly recommends Dark Ranger over Pack Leader so why does the levelling guide only include Pack Leader?

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3 hours ago, Guest vio said:

the hero talent guide strongly recommends Dark Ranger over Pack Leader so why does the levelling guide only include Pack Leader?

The Hero Talents page (and rest of the guide, aside from Leveling) is focused on Raiding/Mythic+, where Dark Ranger is better.

Dark Ranger is not good for leveling, however, so Pack Leader is recommended on the Leveling page.

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Guest Scorpion

Im a bit confused on the Pack leader build.
Why are you running Venoms Bite but not Hunters Prey which allows kill commands before the execute window.
By the time something (including bosses) are low enough to press kill shot the venoms bite has no time to tick, this is especially true for trash mobs.
I could see this perhaps in mythic+/raid as bosses will be alive a lot longer but this talent setup is for, in your words, "pre-season" so Im a bit confused. Maybe Im missing something?
Would love to hear some clarification.

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31 minutes ago, Heg said:


is there chance to update your amazing Barbed Shot helper weak aura from Dragonflight?

It is updated! If you are noticing that it always pops up.. That is because optimal Barbed Shot usage with the Savagery talent is to use it on cooldown. 😜

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Guest DR Shadow Surge

What is the advantage of using DR Shadow Surge if Multi-shot isn't picked in the talents?  Just trying to understand, not criticize.

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40 minutes ago, Guest DR Shadow Surge said:

What is the advantage of using DR Shadow Surge if Multi-shot isn't picked in the talents?  Just trying to understand, not criticize.

There is none, what part of the guide are you referring to? That talent is not a choice node, you do not have a choice of whether to pick it or not.

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10 hours ago, GullyFoyle said:

multi-shot is recommended hero talent but not advised as a basic talent. what gives?

Hero Talents are not choice-based - you get to pick all of the Hero Talent nodes, except for the choice nodes, of which the Multi-Shot node is not one.

Beast Mastery picks Multi-Shot in our AoE/Mythic+ builds.

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Guest Nub

love this guide, playing through my first ever character. just a couple of things

in the leveling guide section 3: leveling rotation. At lvl 37 it says to use barrage and misdirection. 

But in section 2: leveling talents you don't unlock misdirection until lvl 48.

Also what is the meaning of use on cooldown? 

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On 9/28/2024 at 2:31 AM, Guest Nub said:

love this guide, playing through my first ever character. just a couple of things

in the leveling guide section 3: leveling rotation. At lvl 37 it says to use barrage and misdirection. 

But in section 2: leveling talents you don't unlock misdirection until lvl 48.

Also what is the meaning of use on cooldown? 

Hey there. The confusion is understandable - Barrage gets picked at level 37 so that is what makes the line show up, but the Misdirection part also shows up early.


By "use on cooldown", in WoW, we basically just mean "whenever it comes available", "whenever it comes off cooldown", and so on. 

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Guest Isdorel

Does the recent nerf to Basilisk Collar warrant taking 1 point out of it for single target and dropping it into Wild Instincts or elsewhere? Is it still a better option to keep 2 points even after the nerf? Thanks!

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17 hours ago, Guest Isdorel said:

Does the recent nerf to Basilisk Collar warrant taking 1 point out of it for single target and dropping it into Wild Instincts or elsewhere? Is it still a better option to keep 2 points even after the nerf? Thanks!

Nope, the guide is updated for the nerf.

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Guest MrPewPew

Is any gear from BRD considered in our BiS list (assuming one isnt able to mythic raid) since BRD has heroic gear on par with Palace?

Also in the overall BiS list it shows two weapons, one for raiding and one for m+ but below in the crafted section it lists P.O.W. as the best craft. So for example I primarily raid in heroic, is POW better for me to craft and upgrade than Sikran?

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14 hours ago, Guest MrPewPew said:

Is any gear from BRD considered in our BiS list (assuming one isnt able to mythic raid) since BRD has heroic gear on par with Palace?

Also in the overall BiS list it shows two weapons, one for raiding and one for m+ but below in the crafted section it lists P.O.W. as the best craft. So for example I primarily raid in heroic, is POW better for me to craft and upgrade than Sikran?

None of the "cantrip" items are noteworthy even on Heroic Track.

If you do Mythic+9s and above you can still get a Mythic track weapon from your Vault. Given how rare this is (and how many M+ weapons suck), a crafted weapon is likely strong. But there are no guarantees

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Guest MrPewPew
5 hours ago, Azortharion said:

None of the "cantrip" items are noteworthy even on Heroic Track.

If you do Mythic+9s and above you can still get a Mythic track weapon from your Vault. Given how rare this is (and how many M+ weapons suck), a crafted weapon is likely strong. But there are no guarantees

thank you for clarification, appreciate it!

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55 minutes ago, Blakkwater said:

Shadowlands? Really. Update this page! When I import the Best Delve talents, no spells fill my action bars. Please fix. Thank you!

Hiya. The page is updated and the build is valid. When making the loadout ingame, try enabling "Shared Actionbars".

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Guest Kardamom

Hello; when clicking on ST RL Raid build, it automatically selects "beast cleave" in the rotation section. Is this just a mistake ? I cannot seem to find a way to bring Multishot and therefore beast cleave without ruining the build.

Also, if kill shot is not worth using on ST, is it fine to remove "Deathblow" for some qol like traps giving speed or whatever ? 

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I may be missing something but why in the pack leader BM the talent "Dire Frenzy" is taken when we are not taking "Dire Beast", it specifically says the talent we are NOT taking is extended 1 sec and damage is 30% .  so that never happens if we never fire off Dire Beast.. is there some auto Dire Beast talent going on.  ?  

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2 minutes ago, Wigett said:

I may be missing something but why in the pack leader BM the talent "Dire Frenzy" is taken when we are not taking "Dire Beast", it specifically says the talent we are NOT taking is extended 1 sec and damage is 30% .  so that never happens if we never fire off Dire Beast.. is there some auto Dire Beast talent going on.  ?  

Yep. The "Dire Command" Talent, which we do pick, summons Dire Beasts automatically. In fact, it summons more Dire Beasts than the Dire Beast talent on its own!

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On 3/4/2025 at 2:17 AM, Guest Kardamom said:

Hello; when clicking on ST RL Raid build, it automatically selects "beast cleave" in the rotation section. Is this just a mistake ? I cannot seem to find a way to bring Multishot and therefore beast cleave without ruining the build.

Also, if kill shot is not worth using on ST, is it fine to remove "Deathblow" for some qol like traps giving speed or whatever ? 

That is intended!

And yes, that is fine.

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