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Marksmanship Hunter PvE

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7 hours ago, Guest Bortius said:

Hey, Nice and Thanks alot for your Guide, I have 2 questions And I'm very grateful if you answer، in My MM Hunter character i have 28%crit, 6%haste,18% mastery And 2%leech And Unfortunately 0%versatility And My question is as a mm Hunter i need How much % to versatility in pve? And If I want to add to the amount of my versatility 
What should I reduce?

Pls, tell us How much % we need for Crit And mastery And haste and versa

And My question B is we Know Wild Spirits have 2 min cd while Resonating arrow have 1min cd And plus arcane damages offer 30%crit for 10 sec And 325 mastery in 10~19 sec i think a mm Hunter can not refuse this great offer And Of course, considering that Niya also offer 400 mastery too so why did not Choose Kyrian? ، I am very grateful for your time
And thank you for your answer

There are no "needed" amounts of any stat. In 95%+ of cases, you just go with the highest item level. If you want to minmax beyond that, the only way is to use Raidbots Top Gear. I will have a dedicated guide for Raidbots coming out soon.

Night Fae's Wild Spirits is just a lot stronger than Resonating Arrow, that's why it has twice the cooldown.

Let's say Night Fae does 210 damage on a 2-min cooldown, and Resonating Arrow does 100 damage on a 1-min cooldown. Night Fae is gonna do more damage overall, even if Kyrian does it more often.

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Hi Azortharion. Thank you very much for writing this guide.

A query and feedback together: I think that priority 8 of the Marksmanship Hunter Single-Target Rotation can use some clarification or rewording.

The current wording implies that one should favor spending Precise Shots charges over Aimed Shot except during Trueshot, when preventing Aimed Shot from hitting 2 charges takes priority. However, the point is closed by saying, "but you never want to hit two charges." The word "never" here contradicts what was mentioned earlier about favoring spending Precise Shot charges over spending Aimed Shot charges all the time, except during Trueshot.

Does that make sense?

So, now I'm a bit confused. Should I never allow Aimed Shot to hit 2 charges as priority number 8, generally speaking, or should I only do this during Trueshot and make sure to not use Aimed Shot when Precise Shots is still up at all other times?

Thank you again. 

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4 hours ago, Rok said:

Hi Azortharion. Thank you very much for writing this guide.

A query and feedback together: I think that priority 8 of the Marksmanship Hunter Single-Target Rotation can use some clarification or rewording.

The current wording implies that one should favor spending Precise Shots charges over Aimed Shot except during Trueshot, when preventing Aimed Shot from hitting 2 charges takes priority. However, the point is closed by saying, "but you never want to hit two charges." The word "never" here contradicts what was mentioned earlier about favoring spending Precise Shot charges over spending Aimed Shot charges all the time, except during Trueshot.

Does that make sense?

So, now I'm a bit confused. Should I never allow Aimed Shot to hit 2 charges as priority number 8, generally speaking, or should I only do this during Trueshot and make sure to not use Aimed Shot when Precise Shots is still up at all other times?

Thank you again. 

Essentially, you should be doing both. Talking purely outside of Trueshot, there is no situation where you should ever be forced to let Aimed Shot hit 2 charges, while also spending both your Precise Shots charges. After all, spending 2 charges only takes ~3 seconds, and Aimed Shot has  12-second cooldown. Generating 35 Focus takes, at most , 2 Steady Shots, so that's 3.5 seconds. Now if you also have to use Explosive Shot, Double Tap, and Volley off CD, that's another 4.5 seconds.

3+3.5+4.5 is still less than 12 seconds. Therefore even in the worst case scenario, there is no contradiction between "never hit 2 charges of Aimed Shot" and "spend Precise Shots stacks".

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3 hours ago, Azortharion said:

Essentially, you should be doing both. Talking purely outside of Trueshot, there is no situation where you should ever be forced to let Aimed Shot hit 2 charges, while also spending both your Precise Shots charges. After all, spending 2 charges only takes ~3 seconds, and Aimed Shot has  12-second cooldown. Generating 35 Focus takes, at most , 2 Steady Shots, so that's 3.5 seconds. Now if you also have to use Explosive Shot, Double Tap, and Volley off CD, that's another 4.5 seconds.

3+3.5+4.5 is still less than 12 seconds. Therefore even in the worst case scenario, there is no contradiction between "never hit 2 charges of Aimed Shot" and "spend Precise Shots stacks".

I understand now that it's extremely unlikely that there will ever be a clash between fulfilling both needs for an optimized DPS. And I needed to read your explanation of it to understand that. Thank you very much for your response, Azortharion. I appreciate the time you put into writing your guides, updating them, and interacting with our questions here, especially when — I'm sure — lots of them are about things that are obvious and intuitive to you. 😊

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can you please explain why the 9.1 AOE opener on the Mythic plus guide page is different to the AOE opener on the main DPS rotation page? one says Volley>TS>Aimed>Rapid>Aimed, while the other says Volley>Rapid>TS>Aimed x2, I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to be following

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17 hours ago, Bigyin109 said:

can you please explain why the 9.1 AOE opener on the Mythic plus guide page is different to the AOE opener on the main DPS rotation page? one says Volley>TS>Aimed>Rapid>Aimed, while the other says Volley>Rapid>TS>Aimed x2, I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to be following

Hey, I just updated the opener on the Rotation page today.

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Guest Jdn

Hi , 

First of all, thank you for writing this guide. However, I have a question regarding precise and multi shot usage. 

Above >3 targers. Do we spend all precise shots ( Assuming we get 2 ) on multishot? ( Ais > MS>MS>Ais/RF)

I watched POV videos and noticed that they only use 1 charge of multishot and ignored the 2nd charge ( Ais> MS>Ais/RF).

Is it better to do Ais>MS>Ais  regardless 1 or 2 precise shot charges.

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On 7/3/2021 at 8:40 PM, Guest Jdn said:

Hi , 

First of all, thank you for writing this guide. However, I have a question regarding precise and multi shot usage. 

Above >3 targers. Do we spend all precise shots ( Assuming we get 2 ) on multishot? ( Ais > MS>MS>Ais/RF)

I watched POV videos and noticed that they only use 1 charge of multishot and ignored the 2nd charge ( Ais> MS>Ais/RF).

Is it better to do Ais>MS>Ais  regardless 1 or 2 precise shot charges.

You always spend all Precise Shots stacks before casting Aimed Shot, outside of Trueshot.


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Guest noob

Turtle does not negate knockback for Remnant of Ner'zhul... just tested it in heroic raid

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21 hours ago, Guest noob said:

Turtle does not negate knockback for Remnant of Ner'zhul... just tested it in heroic raid

Will verify and update guide accordingly, thanks!

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Guest Rispir

Yo, noticed a small mistake in the Sanctum of Domination part of the guide. The tip for feigning Dragging Chains (Eye of the Jailer) is in the section for The Nine. 

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On 9/8/2021 at 3:19 AM, Guest Rispir said:

Yo, noticed a small mistake in the Sanctum of Domination part of the guide. The tip for feigning Dragging Chains (Eye of the Jailer) is in the section for The Nine. 

Thank you! I will address this.

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Guest kittybleu

For the MM enhanced conduit ranks, spirit attunement is not on the list- is this an oversight or does it actually give no benefits when empowered? Also, I think there's a SV conduit on that list at the bottom.

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Guest Toast

How come the trinket section skips over the Decanter of Endless howling in sims portion?


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On 9/10/2021 at 3:02 AM, Guest kittybleu said:

For the MM enhanced conduit ranks, spirit attunement is not on the list- is this an oversight or does it actually give no benefits when empowered? Also, I think there's a SV conduit on that list at the bottom.

It basically does not benefit from being upgraded so you'd just put it in the bottom slot.


On 9/15/2021 at 2:42 AM, Guest Toast said:

How come the trinket section skips over the Decanter of Endless howling in sims portion?


It doesn't, but it only shows the top 7 trinkets on the page and Decanter is not one of them. You can follow the link below the sim to Bloodmallet where the full sim and Decanter can be found: bloodmallet - data for all

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Guest Kell

Hey, thanks for the guide. Quick question about Necrolord for MM. is seems it’s getting more love from streamers and some ladder climbers.  Just wondering what your thoughts are on the Necro for 9.1.5 and the upcoming. 9.2.  

Thanks :)



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3 hours ago, Guest Kell said:

Hey, thanks for the guide. Quick question about Necrolord for MM. is seems it’s getting more love from streamers and some ladder climbers.  Just wondering what your thoughts are on the Necro for 9.1.5 and the upcoming. 9.2.  

Thanks 🙂



Hi! There was a lot of excitement about Necrolord in Patch 9.1.5 since it has such an OP AoE Legendary, and its Covenant Ability was getitng buffed. Now that the data are in, however, we know that Necrolord is still not really competitive (although it's a lot closer than it was). 9.2 is not set to change this, since the addition of the tier bonus etc will strongly favour Kyrian.

Hope this helps!

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this one is for sure outdated  now with the hunter pet permanent damage, health increase option and size increase and i dont recommend to bring a kodo becus that one gona becom huge

Edited by Vrynn

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23 minutes ago, Vrynn said:

this one is for sure outdated  now with the hunter pet permanent damage, health increase option and size increase and i dont recommend to bring a kodo becus that one gona becom huge

Hey, what part of the guide are you referring to?

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How come there isnt any pics for what you should have on dreamweaver. would be nice to see what path im supposed to take.

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Guest Soulbind

Can you put a picture of what path to put on the soulbinds. would be nice to see them instead of guessing

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Hi guys. The guide describes the best path (and Conduit slots) to take under section 5 of the page.

The reason there is no pictured path is to make it easier to describe the nuances of such things in a text paragraph.

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Guest SamPorterbridges

Hi, a few questions:

~ The conduit Deadly chain vs powerful precision. Im not able to freely leave the raid to change covenants/conduits. Which one would you pick to use for the whole raid?

~ How would you simulate a non-single target raidboss? No bloodlust, Cleave add, 3 bosses 90 minutes? Asking because sometimes different simsetups have Kyrian's Mikanikos sims higher than Dreamweaver and this confuses me.

Thank you in advance


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17 hours ago, Guest SamPorterbridges said:

Hi, a few questions:

~ The conduit Deadly chain vs powerful precision. Im not able to freely leave the raid to change covenants/conduits. Which one would you pick to use for the whole raid?

~ How would you simulate a non-single target raidboss? No bloodlust, Cleave add, 3 bosses 90 minutes? Asking because sometimes different simsetups have Kyrian's Mikanikos sims higher than Dreamweaver and this confuses me.

Thank you in advance


1) Deadly Chain is better for AoE than Powerful Precision is for single-target, so I suppose I'd pick that.
2) It really depends on the boss. Anduin intermission could be 1 minute of HecticAddCleave No Lust, while Lords of Dread is just 2-target, and so on. So it's hard to offer a single type.

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Guest SamPorterbridges

Hi Azor,

During the Lords of Dread encounter, how do you proceed to pump max damage?

~ Outside of the swarm phase, is it still better to not cap aimed shot (when trick shot is not up) or do you fire two Chimaera shots to proc tricked shot? (Capping aimed shot for about 2 seconds)

~ During the swarm of decay, we focus on pumping as many aimed shots and rapid fire when Volley is up. But when Volley ends, do we try to proc tricked shots just so that we're not stuck in Single target during this phase?

Thank you again.

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