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Mistweaver Monk PvE

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I only come to Icy Veins when Wowhead doesn't have a PvP related guide.

There should be more than one talent tree for PvP that doesn't revolve around fistweaving or half-fistweaving, but for mw monks that keep their distance, mw monks get railed easily, not only that but they are usually focused when recognized because a free casting MW monk is too OP. I don't get in melee combat unless it's a 1v1 in a bg or helping someone kill another player that doesn't do enough dps. I don't want talents that require me to use melee abilities. I can't handle the adds on this site and the way the page just drops down randomly so I'm just gonna stop typing. It'd do you guys good to give help to more than one type of mistweaver.

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On 12/23/2020 at 11:59 AM, Guest Asalya said:

Either I am getting terrible disc priests consistently or this rating for them is far too high. Also, MW Monks seem to be VERY strong but are rated lower than a disc for mythic +. Not really agreeing with the guide at all.  Has anyone else experienced the same? Every time I bring a disc to mythic plus they cannot keep up the with hps output required. My MW (at the same gear level) can easily handle the healing without having any mana issues. Defensive wise MW have diffuse magic/dampen harm and fort brew. Their mobility alone makes them extremely unlikely to get hit by a mechanic and they have revival plus the new cd and life cocoon. Your ranking states that they only have life cocoon. Also, they bring mystic touch which increases physical damage dealt by the whole party and a large stun (leg sweep) to help with interrupts on stunnable mobs. They also have a 1 minute hard cc (paralysis) to use to cc the freeze tag, slimes, or even parts of trash if needed. Why do you only have them at a B ranking?

Mistweavers have better single target abilities and disc priests have better AoE abilites. That's why they are rated higher than mw in mythic+ in PvP it's different. Depending on the group for the Mythic+ if AoE heals are what you need most, disc priest wouldn't be bad, but for single target healing, MW monk. MW monks can full health someone fast and swap to another person losing health quickly. A lot of disc priests will depend on their AoE over their single target spells, and just do dps to mobs while holding Atonement up and sometimes that isn't enough and you should know when to use Penance on a player instead of a mob. The new pre-patch gave disc priests Prayer of Mending and Renew. I've seen disc priests so far completely ignore this. Plus their talent trees buff Atonement mainly, but you should always use Atonement and single target heal in both PvE and PvP even though disc priests will usually just pick one playstyle and not do both which is something that is necessary. I think MW monks are better in Mythic+ than disc priests because MW monks do have AoE and strong single target heals, to the point they can full health you almost instantly and be able to handle the group dropping health. Holy priests are also better than disc imo because they have AoE and strong single target heals. I think the only time AoE is seen as being better is in LFR and raids because when you look at the healing chart a healer spamming AoE spells gets top heals because it hits more people at once where single target hits fewer people even when the person single target healing is actually saving lives and the AoE spammer is just sustaining everyones health but when people start dropping they can't sustain that. During wipes ive watched priests stand there spamming their AoE when people were going down, not one flash heal and they got top heals on the meters, while I am struggling to keep people up based on whos dying most first and can't do that myself in a raid and could really use their single target heals. Pre-patch made MW monks a bit better and they didn't really make disc or holy priests better. The only time I've seen a disc priest in PvP outgun me was because they had a huge gear advantage over me and any of their spells were going to be more potent than mine as well as their ability to survive. But that's about it.

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Guest Ad implementation

Your Ad implementation is severely broken, refresh is happening and it affects scroll in such a way you get lost in the content. 

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20 hours ago, Guest Ad implementation said:

Your Ad implementation is severely broken, refresh is happening and it affects scroll in such a way you get lost in the content. 

Hi! Thanks for reporting this. Is there any way you could send a screenshot of the page with the ads too?

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Guest jcam


On the MWM talent page, the Spec Tree Rows 5-7 mentions that one of the nodes you should pick is Celestial Breath, but I can't find that ability anywhere. Is it supposed to be Enveloping Breath?

Please feel free to delete this comment if I'm a moron or when this is resolved. Thank you!

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3 hours ago, Guest jcam said:


On the MWM talent page, the Spec Tree Rows 5-7 mentions that one of the nodes you should pick is Celestial Breath, but I can't find that ability anywhere. Is it supposed to be Enveloping Breath?

Please feel free to delete this comment if I'm a moron or when this is resolved. Thank you!

Good catch!

It was supposed to be Enveloping Breath!  Celestial Breath is what Yu'lon's Whisper was originally called when it was introduced to the game as a Artifact Trait back in Legion, and I must have just got the names mixed up while writing.  Thanks for pointing that out!

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18 hours ago, Guest Kolo said:

rising mist without rising sun kick? 

Hey Kolo, indeed, there was an error when the old talent tree swapped to the new one, but yes, as Mistweaver, you should always be taking Rising Sun Kick, (even if you aren't using Rising Mist 😛)

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Guest Devi

The gear page doesn't include rankings for all of the Aberrus trinkets. In particular it doesn't mention Neltharion's Call to Dominance or Rashok's Molten Heart, which seem to be very strong options.

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13 hours ago, Guest Devi said:

The gear page doesn't include rankings for all of the Aberrus trinkets. In particular it doesn't mention Neltharion's Call to Dominance or Rashok's Molten Heart, which seem to be very strong options.

Hey Devi!  The guide was written prior to the patch release and I didn't wanna make spurious recommendations before tools were finalized, but once I have free time this weekend, I'll be able to update the trinket list.  

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Guest Monkette

Hi, the healing potion listed under best pots etc in consumables is wrong - it should be Dreamwalker's Healing Potion. 

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Guest Metalfist

I don't know who writted your mistweaver guide in m+ but



Stat priorities are somewhat ephemeral for Mythic+ because they can change dramatically based on not only your skill but the skill of your group, the route they take, or even the affixes in play. Keep in mind the following are loose guidelines.

  1. Intellect;
  2. Haste;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Versatility;
  5. Critical Strike.


it should be:


1. intellect,

2. haste

3. versality (mostly because vers is really close to crit but you want that juicy damage reduction in high key)
4.critical strike

5. mastery (the worst stat that you wish don't exist even in any part of your set)


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On 5/26/2024 at 3:46 PM, Guest Metalfist said:

I don't know who writted your mistweaver guide in m+ but

it should be:


1. intellect,

2. haste

3. versality (mostly because vers is really close to crit but you want that juicy damage reduction in high key)
4.critical strike

5. mastery (the worst stat that you wish don't exist even in any part of your set)


Hey!  So, keep in mind, this guide is written for people at all levels.  Mastery is a good stat for single target throughput, and for buffing the power of Chi-ji.  You'll notice that if you continue reading, the very next paragraph says that as you reach higher key levels, it's better to take vers!

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Your Fistweaver build, right side (Mistweaver) - row 3 is missing the Invigorating Mists talent, blocking progression down the right side.  I am just returning to WOW after a fairly lengthy hiatus and was looking for a good FistWeave PVP setup.  Thus I am not sure where to take a point from to fill in the gap that would not break the build.

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Guest Rocketzx1

This part here that i have quoted is a stupid way of thinking.

"however, when there is little to no healing required, then you ought to be spending your time dealing damage. Being able to consistently deal high damage while also keeping the raid healthy is the mark of a great healer."

As a HEALER, you are to do one thing; HEAL. Not dps, not tank, but to HEAL. Telling someone to dps as a healer is beyond idiotic. I refuse to do anything but heal as a healer. The elitism thinking in this guide is a real problem.

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Guest PandaStripes

The leveling section for Mistweaver Monk I noticed is slightly off for current patch (The War Within) as there's now a couple extra talents between Jadefire Stomp & Awakened Jadefire.

Not sure how much this'll impact the talents overall as i'm still leveling mine (and following the guide as best i can) but definitely something to look out for.

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