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Shadow Priest PvE

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Guest Lucas Zanchet

Amazing job Publik, its very usefull guide and objective, finally im getting better with the spec

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Guest Dude.

I find it hard to swallow arguing for survivability talents on the spec side of the tree and then putting 3 entire class side points into mindgames hot garbage instead of picking up survivability talents there?  No shorter fear CD in m+, you really recommend 3 extra points in mindgames instead? sometimes your recommendations in the content-specific talent synopses don't actually match what you put in the build at the end?

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Guest jcam

Hi! I'm trying out Shadow Priest in MoP Remix, and I noticed you have "always use" talents on the Priest side (3.1), but I don't see any on the Shadow side. I'd love if you're able to add that at some point. :)

Literally laughed out loud (and startled my cat) at your description of Angelic Bulwark "does not proc when you ACTUALLY need it".

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Guest quelaefe

Hey so I'm assuming this is a work in progress, but after TWW pre-patch the shadow talent trees are bonkers - the "level required" is not always 69, it's all over the place.

Remix dungeon leveling = 61, Remix end game = 45, Single target + Shadow Crash = 95, Mythic+ talents = 155 😵

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:12 AM, Guest quelaefe said:

Hey so I'm assuming this is a work in progress, but after TWW pre-patch the shadow talent trees are bonkers - the "level required" is not always 69, it's all over the place.

Remix dungeon leveling = 61, Remix end game = 45, Single target + Shadow Crash = 95, Mythic+ talents = 155 😵

Thanks for the post! Blizzard is continuously updating their talent strings which is breaking some of the old ones I had created. They should all be working as of now but it looks like they are continuing to update things and it looks a bit different across live/beta so doing my best to keep up! Should stabilize in the next week or so.

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On 8/20/2024 at 11:33 PM, aerix88 said:

Just FYI, for the Leveling talent tree on Priest side, it has 2 points in Manipulation which is now 1 point max.

Leveling builds were just updated last night! Let me know if you are running into any issues now.

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On 8/19/2024 at 7:18 PM, Fireball said:

So far only one bug found on the Shadow side.
At level 25:    "Mental Fortitude"    Must come before    "Void Eruption".




I wasn't able to reproduce this but the new leveling page was just released. Let me know if you are still seeing any issues

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Uncommon Patron
On 8/22/2024 at 11:52 AM, Publik said:

Leveling builds were just updated last night! Let me know if you are running into any issues now.

All good now, thank you for the updates!

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Guest ToopidPriest

First time having raided last season and then doing the launch for the next xpac - Do i break previous 4pc as soon as I get better gear or is it worth hanging onto until max lvl?

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Guest Wickus

I think there's a line missing from the standard rotation for AOE and Single Target with Archon.  There's no line that says "use your first charge of Mind Blast if at 2/2 charges".  This should go before Void Torrent, right?

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11 hours ago, Guest Wickus said:

I think there's a line missing from the standard rotation for AOE and Single Target with Archon.  There's no line that says "use your first charge of Mind Blast if at 2/2 charges".  This should go before Void Torrent, right?

This is unfortunately quite unintuitive but due to large buffs to Void Torrent going into this expansion and the relatively weak power of Mind Blast the rotation in the guide is correct. While this was better in previous seasons as Shadow in the current season even as Archon this isn't strictly a gain to delay Void Torrent just to get Mind Blast on cooldown.

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Quick question.  The easy mode shadow priest rotation page mentions using Shadow Crash, but the recommended shadow talent tree does not have points going to activate it?  Which would you recommend following?  Thanks!

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On 11/20/2024 at 8:26 PM, Saiphy said:

Quick question.  The easy mode shadow priest rotation page mentions using Shadow Crash, but the recommended shadow talent tree does not have points going to activate it?  Which would you recommend following?  Thanks!

Sorry about the confusion there, I made the basic rotation to be flexible depending on the build you are using. The Single Target build shown on the page does not use Shadow Crash while the Mythic+/AoE talents do.


Anytime you are consistently fighting more than 1 target or need to DoT adds be sure to have Shadow Crash! Otherwise on pure single target you do not need to talent into it.

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Guest Wickus

For voidweaver, where does Halo fit into our standard rotation? Is it such low prio in ST it's below non-empowered mind spikes and so we don't press it at all outside of the opener? If it's higher prio than non-empowered mind spike, I'd be interested to see where it should fall in the prio list 🙂

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Good day and thanks a lot for this super useful guide.

I am 630 ilvl, starting S2 with S1 4P ilvl (619) and I wonder if the builds are adapted to me or if I should use S1 builds. Thanks a lot!

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On 3/9/2025 at 7:11 AM, Taiwal said:

Good day and thanks a lot for this super useful guide.

I am 630 ilvl, starting S2 with S1 4P ilvl (619) and I wonder if the builds are adapted to me or if I should use S1 builds. Thanks a lot!

Hey there! On the talents page there is a section with pre-season talents. If you are playing Archon I would suggest using these builds until you get the new 4-piece bonus. Voidweaver can go ahead and use the new builds. Let me know if you can't find them.

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On 3/1/2025 at 8:34 AM, Guest Wickus said:

For voidweaver, where does Halo fit into our standard rotation? Is it such low prio in ST it's below non-empowered mind spikes and so we don't press it at all outside of the opener? If it's higher prio than non-empowered mind spike, I'd be interested to see where it should fall in the prio list 🙂

It is super low priority for Voidweaver, we basically only use it for pre-pull to get some Insanity going and outside of that it is mostly just a tool for AoE damage when we have nothing else to press or you want some off-healing.

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Guest Markus

Loving the guides and have been using it since I came back to wow a year ago.

My request is if you can make it even better for solo players. Lots of us came back for delves and items on that level.

Big parts of the guide is useful, but a lot of it is geared towards mythic plus and raiding.

Biggest example is gear and bis. So the best items are really heroic from vault. Would be nice with tier list for trinkets dropping in delves for example. Guide how to craft best item using stuff outside raiding etc. I know you have talent spec for delves which is great.

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