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Enhancement Shaman PvE

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Guest m0shmall0w

Regarding the Uncapped AoE tree for the new talent system, you mention taking Doomwinds and Alpha Wolf, however in the tree provided you dont actually take either of those talents. I'm assuming there's a mistake in there somewhere so thought i'd comment to give a heads up

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On 10/26/2022 at 7:20 AM, Guest m0shmall0w said:

Regarding the Uncapped AoE tree for the new talent system, you mention taking Doomwinds and Alpha Wolf, however in the tree provided you dont actually take either of those talents. I'm assuming there's a mistake in there somewhere so thought i'd comment to give a heads up

I also noticed the talent tree linked there was incorrect so I've fixed that, in addition to adding some new language relating specifically to legendary choices.


I've submitted a fix and it should be in the queue to get updated. Thanks for the report 🙂 

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Guest mistakes in guide

Sorry, This guide has mistakes (as many of your guide pages for other classes do) which show certain talent build as above, but then different spells are in the rotation but not in the corresponding talent tree selection.  So it doesn't work. Please can you check all of your pages as I have seen so many mistakes and used to prefer your pages to Wowhead, but have no choice but to go there now.

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On 11/20/2022 at 3:41 PM, Guest mistakes in guide said:

Sorry, This guide has mistakes (as many of your guide pages for other classes do) which show certain talent build as above, but then different spells are in the rotation but not in the corresponding talent tree selection.  So it doesn't work. Please can you check all of your pages as I have seen so many mistakes and used to prefer your pages to Wowhead, but have no choice but to go there now.


Any chance you can provide a few more details? What is missing from the rotation page or the talent tree?

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Guest Mistakes

For starters rotation opens with windfury totem but it's not selected as talent in any of the talent trees

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Guest Anon

Both the physical trees are listed as "Single-target and Raids". Just a minor typo that might be a bit confusing, unless there's no AoE physical build and this was intended.

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Guest Cleric670

Under the Enhancement AOE rotation selecting ASHEN CATALYST does not add anything to the rotation, it's working under the single target rotation but I think it was forgotten under the AOE rotation.

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Uncommon Patron

The following statement in the Elementalist AoE rotation section seems to be missing some context and doesn't really make sense on its own (emphasis mine):

"Elementalist has two options for its filler - either focusing on  Lashing Flames by cycling  Lava Lash in a "tab-target" style, or switching it out for  Legacy of the Frost Witch and prioritizing  Hailstorm combos."

Lashing Flames is one point versus Legacy's two, but even if only one point in Legacy is taken, you can't simply move the point from Lashing Flames because you won't have enough points to get into the third tier of the tree. So, the Lashing Flames point has to go somewhere else, and the points for Legacy have to come from the bottom of the tree.

I'm assuming the Legacy points come from Elemental Assault since that is the only real possibility, and I'm guessing the Lashing Flame point goes to Swirling Maelstrom to make up for the lost resource generation from dropping Elemental Assault?

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On 6/2/2024 at 9:56 PM, Etherbeard said:

The following statement in the Elementalist AoE rotation section seems to be missing some context and doesn't really make sense on its own (emphasis mine):

"Elementalist has two options for its filler - either focusing on  Lashing Flames by cycling  Lava Lash in a "tab-target" style, or switching it out for  Legacy of the Frost Witch and prioritizing  Hailstorm combos."

Lashing Flames is one point versus Legacy's two, but even if only one point in Legacy is taken, you can't simply move the point from Lashing Flames because you won't have enough points to get into the third tier of the tree. So, the Lashing Flames point has to go somewhere else, and the points for Legacy have to come from the bottom of the tree.

I'm assuming the Legacy points come from Elemental Assault since that is the only real possibility, and I'm guessing the Lashing Flame point goes to Swirling Maelstrom to make up for the lost resource generation from dropping Elemental Assault?

The segment is partially something that was something for Season 3 but has fallen out of favour so it must have slipped through in the cut (though it's still doable and a build that operates if you really don't want to play lashing flames, just with a hefty generation tradeoff). The points switch from 2x Elemental Assault over to 2x Frost Witch, and Lashing Flames swaps to Swirling Maelstrom to accomodate generation.

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Broken Enhancement guide, even with the update on the 23rd?

The "Talent Tree" does no flow properly.

(with things like picking one Molten Assault, but needing two to get to Hailstorm.)

And the tree falls apart if you try to load those second points as needed. And you run out of points.


I guess that path needs a rewrite again. It wont work as written. And you cant even skip it and use the chart directly since that is also wrong.


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Uncommon Patron

The talent build is wrong as it's showing Elemental talents but the page is all about ENHANCEMENT shaman.  The correct build needs to be given for Enhancement please. 🙂

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15 hours ago, Fireball said:

Broken Enhancement guide, even with the update on the 23rd?

The "Talent Tree" does no flow properly.

(with things like picking one Molten Assault, but needing two to get to Hailstorm.)

And the tree falls apart if you try to load those second points as needed. And you run out of points.


I guess that path needs a rewrite again. It wont work as written. And you cant even skip it and use the chart directly since that is also wrong.


Unfortunately this is a problem of the patch deployed not lining up with the PTR or beta so the calculators don't align at the moment, and codes aren't working.

I've set up temporary trees to roll back to older loadouts for now, but you'll need to manually input talents in-game.

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Guest Erogroth
20 hours ago, wordup said:

Unfortunately this is a problem of the patch deployed not lining up with the PTR or beta so the calculators don't align at the moment, and codes aren't working.

I've set up temporary trees to roll back to older loadouts for now, but you'll need to manually input talents in-game.

So What we see on the guide at least is accurate now? We just manually input? I am leveling anyway so the level by level feature and rotation is super helpful!

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13 hours ago, Guest Erogroth said:

So What we see on the guide at least is accurate now? We just manually input? I am leveling anyway so the level by level feature and rotation is super helpful!

To the best of my knowledge yes, as a temporary solution until they bring forward the new changes

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Guest Erogroth

Another minor issue I came across is that the rotation is showing to start using lighting bolt when Primordial Wave is on the target at level 53 but the talent tree doesn't have you taking Primordial Wave until 63.

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Guest Rosewynde

For the by level listing of talents you need to have both molten assaults before you can choose hailstorm

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What exactly is the point of Totemic Recall and Totemic Projection? Just to move Stone Bulwark Totem around? In just overworld content and dungeons up to +0 that seems a bit pointless.

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On 12/4/2024 at 2:39 AM, TheRagingwolf said:

Concerning the "leveling" section and rotation portion of this guide, and as of December 3, 2024, Crash Lightning is showing as available beginning with level 29 but it is not available through the suggested talent build at level 29. You need to select Overflowing Maelstrom first and then use a point from a different Enhancement talent to activate Crash Lightning at level 29. So, the build and the rotation guide are not synced and will cause confusion.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, it paths through Sundering first which unlocks Crash Lightning directly below, it's in sync with the leveling pathway

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Guest Shamdwich

Hey guys. I've been struggling with button bloat, and maybe made a new macro using ChatGPT that will combine the Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning buttons and use the appropriate spell when there's more than one targetable enemy in range. You need to use it with an enemy targeted at first, obviously, and it might be better in raid than in M+ (may read mobs you don't want to pull as target/focus), but here you go anyway. I'm going to test it on my Friday raid night.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/stopmacro [@target,noexists]
/focus [@focus,noexists][@target,exists,harm]
/cast [@target,exists,nodead,nomod,focus,@focus,exists] Chain Lightning; Lightning Bolt

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Thank you for the guide!

Can you please elaborate on the Arc Discharge talent for Stormbringer?

Specifically do we use this proc as soon as its available regardless of MWeapon stacks, or do we wait for 10 MW stacks for max dmg before spending the Arc Discharge proc?

Thanks again!

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On 3/16/2025 at 2:35 PM, Bogdanov89 said:

Thank you for the guide!

Can you please elaborate on the Arc Discharge talent for Stormbringer?

Specifically do we use this proc as soon as its available regardless of MWeapon stacks, or do we wait for 10 MW stacks for max dmg before spending the Arc Discharge proc?

Thanks again!

Arc Discharge generally doesn't affect our spending priorities for Stormbringer. There's some super minor alterations that can min-max within margin to avoid wasting stacks, but the conditionals and number of opportunities to mis-manage it is so high it's not mentioned here.

It only really takes precedent over Elemental Blast in the event of you having 2 stacks already present and Blast already charging - which is relatively rare due to Tempest taking over the button. It never alters the Maelstrom Weapon spend conditional

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