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Restoration Shaman PvE

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Guest SpaSqui

Build & Talents > Talent Details > Undulation :

"It has great synergy with the farseer.webp Farseer talent Call of the Ancestors Icon Call of the Ancestors, as it will spawn multiple Ancestor pets if you hit many targets with the Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave replication effect."

>> Haven't seen this interaction. Please fact check this again.

Build & Talents > Talent Details > Earthliving Weapon :

Could be worth mentioning that each riptide tick has a chance to proc ELW. But not healing rain ticks.

Build & Talents > Talent Details > Reactive Warding :

Could be worth mentioning that it doesn't count for Cloudburst Totem.

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17 hours ago, Guest SpaSqui said:

Build & Talents > Talent Details > Undulation :

"It has great synergy with the farseer.webp Farseer talent Call of the Ancestors Icon Call of the Ancestors, as it will spawn multiple Ancestor pets if you hit many targets with the Primordial Wave Icon Primordial Wave replication effect."

>> Haven't seen this interaction. Please fact check this again.

Build & Talents > Talent Details > Earthliving Weapon :

Could be worth mentioning that each riptide tick has a chance to proc ELW. But not healing rain ticks.

Build & Talents > Talent Details > Reactive Warding :

Could be worth mentioning that it doesn't count for Cloudburst Totem.

Good ones, left over of an interaction that existed in beta when that was written, will be fixing now, thanks!

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Guest Seasoned Winds?

Why do you recommend Seasoned Winds for every M+ dungeon but then leave it entirely out of the recommended M+ Totemic build? Surely it should be baseline if it's recommended for everything. What should you remove to take it? Cap totem?

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Guest The Highlord

In the "BiS Gear" section > "Overall BiS" > Helm slot: It lists "Oscillating Wilderness Opticals", which are a DF Engineering item and cannot be crafted or upgraded with TWW Sparks (unless I've misunderstood something).

Do we have a replacement for "Overall BiS: Helm"?

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