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Basically, today I had a very funny match up against a druid. He summoned Deathwing and he said he was sorry. I assume he thought, he was going to win. But things are not this easy in Hearthstone. Faceless Manipulator copied Deathwing, and Sunfury Protector made the huge dragon make some taunting gestures. (I know this is not the best story, but this is the only one that I have screenshot about :))


Now, after the blah-blah: I want you guys to share your favorite moments from Hearthstone. Either by screenshots, or by telling the story. I am eager to hear your tales! ;)



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The Deathwing stories are greatly appreciated, since that card is a high risk high reward. I have a similar story. I had 17 health, he had 5. My opponent, a druid, just placed an ancient of war on the field (taunt ofc). So i put a boulderfist ogre and a yeti and my hand was empty. He star fired the yeti, naturalised the ogre and it was looking like another lost game for me. Weird enough, he did not attack that turn. The 3 cards i had drawn we're kinda bullshit for that situation, an acolyte of pain, deadly poison and another one i don't remember. So i placed acolyte of pain, daggerd up(was playing rogue) and passed. He then proceeds to attack me with his 5/10 and places Deathwing. Following turn i draw argent commander and kill him with it + dagger. Had a laugh on that day.


Another story. Playing as rogue against a priest. On turn 9, i had no creatures in play, he had 1 life. So he played sen'jin, doubled his life once, doubled his life twice and played Inner Fire (the one that sets the attack the same as the defence). My turn, i sap the taunt, dagger up and kill him saying thats what you get for playing gimmick priest son.

Edited by ivxy
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That's well played Sir! :D

Especially on the priest, because I hate them so much.. That mind control stuff... meh..


Another fun story what RNG can make to this game. I had 4 health, opponent had 8. He had Raggy, Izsera and some kind of taunters on the field. I was depressed.. I had 5 losses in a row, and I also knew that I only have 4 cards left and I have already played my end game legendaries. They had been mind controlled ofc. But then my last card was: Faceless Manipulator.


Copy Ragnaros. End turn. BAMMM IN YERRR FACE! I can only imagine how pissed of he might have been. I top decked faceless, and Raggi hit his face while he had 4-5 minions on board.. The chances of this...

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Epic:D. I try to imagine the look on my opponents face when i pull off stuff like that..

You have a strong belief in rngesus. He rewarded you with a 5 mana rag and we all know rag always hits the face, except when there's an alexstrasza. Rag hates Alexstrasza :D


Jokes aside, thats why I enjoy the game. The fact that it's not only skill-based makes it more fun and more easier to learn.


Not really a full story, but I love when I play against mages that arcane missile me to the face, same about hunter. Turn one arcane shot to the face is the play of the champions. Also, gotta love playing rogue against those turn 1 Flame Imp Warlocks. Backstab says Hi! I'll get back when i have another story.


Sorry for my bad english, but I'm not a native speaker.

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So I've been seeing how high I can get on the EU server with a Priest deck made of randomly chosen cards.


My favourite moment so far was vs. Jaina at rank ~20.


  • We'd had a back and forth match and were both low. Jaina's got me on the ropes at 6hp with my minions frozen, and a 4/3 Bruiser and a 3/5 Shieldmasta ready to attack. I'd been sitting on Shadow Madness the entire game; took the Shieldmasta, hit the Bruiser with it, and played an Elven Archer; the Battlecry killed the Shieldmasta. Jaina had nothing to play, and it won me the game :D


  • Another Jaina matchup, I Thoughtsteal'd and drew a Pintsize Summoner. Played the Pintsize Summoner and realised I could afford a second Thoughtsteal. "Sod it, why not?" and it drew me a Fireball which ended up winning the game.


  • The craziest thing I've seen someone do out of desperation was boost a Chillwind Yeti up to a 4/20, as he was a Priest obviously hoping to top-deck an Inner Fire for a 20/20. (Plans were scuppered when I drew a Silence)

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Mana Wyrms OP



Bear with my English. I haven't spoken it for months... I recorded some videos to force myself into speaking.. :D

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