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combat and assassination rogues

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heya :)  how are those specs doing raiding wise and compared others?  i would mainly love to go assassination spec because i dont like combat at all :)  so mainly wondering how is assasination doing :D or is it so terrible or combat is  so much better that i should go   combat? love assasination spec but would not love to be  under average or just average dps  can assasination allso be near top dps?

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With a decent non-dagger weapon, relatively high ilvl, and Assurance of Consequence, combat will reign supreme in Siege of Orgrimmar. It has lots of cleave, and it should out-DPS assassination on single-target, too.


However, assassination is totally viable. If you don't like combat, and you have the choice, then assassination works fine.


I'm currently 11/14 HC as assassination, but on most fights I'm not near the top DPS. We have some really good AoE/cleave classes, so there isn't much where I can get ahead. And even on single-target fights I tend to play rather defensively, so my DPS suffers a little because of that.


If you want to be at the top of the meters, go combat. If you want to play the spec you enjoy, play assassination.

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Combat isn't very hard, no. I think the hardest part is to figure out when you should and shouldn't use Killing Spree.


Off-hand, any weapon is fine. Whatever has the highest ilvl is usually the best. There's some passive that makes non-daggers viable, to account for the slower speed.

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Two slows is the best setup for combat, but dagger offhand is not far behind.


If you can learn to play Combat as well as you play Assassination and you have the trinket/weapons, I'd say go for it. It is definitely harder than the Assassination rotation, but not terribly difficult.

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The only reason that weapon speed still matters is because all weapons of the same item level do the same average overall damage over time, but one's with slower speed will do more damage per hit. This means that your Killing Spree will do more damage per cast on average because no matter the speed of the weapons, you will attack every 0.5 seconds. So, the slower the better for combat.

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As someone who recently switched to combat from assassination, I'd say that the combat rotation is one that'll take a bit of getting used to, as we don't have cut to the chase to perma-maintain slice and dice and have to manage revealing strike/rupture as well as trying to pay attention to the bandit's guile stacks.


However, as everyone has stated above, both are not extremely hard vs other class rotations.  Assassination was definitely more forgiving until I got some gear vs combat (I hadn't played my rogue this xpac until ToT, after which I was assassination all the way until I got two heroic non dagger weapons in SoO).  As you get better gear both specs become a lot easier to manage (as I imagine with most specs and classes).


However, if you enjoy assassination a lot more than combat, I'd say play that.  Doing what you like will definitely go a long way in ensuring that you want to get better at playing the class as well as not burning yourself out!  

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