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Viper's Venom

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Uncommon Patron

I want to make sure I understand something correctly.

From the guide:

"Cast Serpent Sting Icon Serpent Sting to consume Viper's Venom Icon Viper's Venom procs when the DoT is about to expire. Without Viper's Venom Icon Viper's Venom, you should only refresh Serpent Sting Icon Serpent Sting when Coordinated Assault Icon Coordinated Assault is not active."

I take this to mean that sometimes we just let the Viper's Venom proc expire. It only lasts 6 seconds and the Serpent Sting dot is 12 seconds, so if we get a proc shortly after applying Serpent Sting, we'll be outside the pandemic window when the proc expires. It seems like outside of Coordinated Assault periods we can almost ignore Viper's Venom because we're only refreshing the dot within the pandemic window anyway. Is that right?

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Hey there!

You always want to consume Viper's Venom procs. In an unfortunate event where you get a proc immediately after refreshing Serpent Sting, you would still want to refresh it, but you would want to do so when the proc is just about to expire, in order to minimize the wasted uptime on Serpent Sting that you will incur.

This same rule applies for Coordinated Assault, although in Coordinated Assault, you do not put Serpent Sting up at all unless there's a Viper's Venom proc. You still consume procs during Viper's Venom.

I'll look into how I can clarify the guide on this point.

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Uncommon Patron

Wow, thanks for the fast reply. I'm glad to hear I was wrong about that because it definitely felt wrong, and I was surprised at the talent's competitiveness if 10-15 percent of the procs were going unused. If it's any help at all, I was also misinterpreting this line in the talent section from the same page of the guide to reach that conclusion:

Viper's Venom Icon Viper's Venom procs should be used to refresh Serpent Sting Icon Serpent Sting when the DoT is in Pandemic range (around ~3 seconds remaining). Overlapping existing Serpent Stings unnecessarily is never worth it.

Now, I understand what you're saying here is to resist the urge to consume the proc immediately if it's going to waste uptime on Serpent Sting. Thanks again.

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