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Help with destro dps on H Immerseus

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We've recently started heroic attempts on Immerseus but have had some difficulties with the boss. I noticed our destro lock was doing significantly less dps than the rest of our raid, i was wondering whether anyone can provide some feedback on how to improve his rotation, or what he is doing wrong in the fights.


Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gorefiend/W%C3%A2rlock/simple

Logs: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-44xqwyb7waokwddf/

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holy shit 40k edps......... Alright...... different attempt.



Only time for 1 attempt atm, so: 3


How his immo is his biggest dps contributor, IDK.

He's using GoSup, which is a slight DPS loss.

In 2+ mins, he cast 1 chaos bolt,, and 3 incins.... wha?

In all of these fights, I'm seeing like 1 chaos bolt, maybe two, and a low number of incins.



TBH, looks like he;s just using AD, but has no idea how to manage the rotation with it. He's simply not casting. It's that simple.

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Under hit cap = bad

Using AD = bad

Missing an enchant on their ring = bad


It would REALLY help if you used Warcraftlogs and not worldoflogs, but I'll make do this time.


Very low usage of RoF

Conflag damage is higher then incinerate...I've never seen that before. They should try casting the spells in their rotation Vs. casting an instant cast and then...well...from what I can see...standing there.

Tell him to take KJC and slap him for using fel flame.


They are failing at warlock 101, tell them to read and guides and the threads and to stop derping around.

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Honestly locky, I'm wondering how he managed this damage distribution from his abilities.... I've not looked at as many logs as you, but still... I'm almost impressed.

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Typically when I look at a log, I'm already prepared to see common mistakes, most of which are highlighted in the DPS F.A.Q.  However, this one just caused me to squint, refocus, and do half of a facepalm.  It's so concerning to see Warlocks not at the top of the meters - their toolkit is just SO diverse and powerful.  There's a reason Blizz's April Fools joke mentioned us being overpowered.  It was the only non-joke in that pile of funnies.

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Also using GoSup. Immerseus is such a headache fight for having a pet - even the imp requires management to not have it despawn when you're running your assigned area in transitions.


On your longest attempt, he cast one Chaos Bolt. One. That's... I feel like this guy has to be TRYING to be bad.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 2:09 PM, Zagam said:

Typically when I look at a log, I'm already prepared to see common mistakes, most of which are highlighted in the DPS F.A.Q.  However, this one just caused me to squint, refocus, and do half of a facepalm.  It's so concerning to see Warlocks not at the top of the meters - their toolkit is just SO diverse and powerful.  There's a reason Blizz's April Fools joke mentioned us being overpowered.  It was the only non-joke in that pile of funnies.

They also said it would be addressed in a future expansion. They say that all the time. Cata's destro nerfs aside, we always end up on top somehow. When they rework us again, we'll probably be even more godmode. 

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On 10-man, having anyone on "add detail" is inadvisable. Have everyone open on the boss, get 3 stacks, switch to adds until those 3 stacks fall off, then get back on the boss and push the rest of the way - extra adds can be cleaned up.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 2:46 PM, Twinkielock said:

I never realized the 10 man vs 25 man was that different.  Either that or our strat is weird (but it works for us)

No, 25 man, adds just get cleaved like a mother before they get the chance to live. Managing debuff is harder in 10.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 2:36 PM, Twinkielock said:

Shouldn't desto locks be on add detail anyway for this fight?


  On 4/2/2014 at 2:41 PM, Kazistrasz said:

On 10-man, having anyone on "add detail" is inadvisable. Have everyone open on the boss, get 3 stacks, switch to adds until those 3 stacks fall off, then get back on the boss and push the rest of the way - extra adds can be cleaned up.




An early strat for 10m heroic was that if you had a warlock and a disc priest, everyone would get 5-6 stacks quickly, disc priest would mass disspell, warlock lolroflstomp the adds very fast as the rest of the raid kills the boss. It was uncommon in the start and I haven't heard of anyone using the strat for a couple of months now.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 2:46 PM, Twinkielock said:

I never realized the 10 man vs 25 man was that different.  Either that or our strat is weird (but it works for us)


Nuking adds is very common in 25 where damage assignments are negotiable. When I did it on 25, I'd do my normal opener up t 2 Chaos Bolts and then the adds would come out. At that point I would quickly jump out in front of everyone on DPS by a enough no one would come close the rest of the fight.

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18- again, conflag dmg tops it, and 1 chaos bolt. 6 incins in 3.5 mins

19- 3 chaos bolts this time!! 1 per min! =O Still lower than conflag damage.... 9 incins in 3 mins.

20- 1 chaos bolt, and incin tops it this time, which isn't super surprising, if cleave it doing work. Still too low. Same issues.11 incins in 3.5 mins.....

21- incin>conflag>Chaos bolt, only 1 this fight. Here, just of note, he cast 7 incinerates, in 90 secs....

22- 1 chaos bolt, 4 incins....




So in short, it's a little better, but not by much at all.


Edit: also, he's not using mitigation CDs properly. We're amazing on this and malk, because of our defensive taking work off healers. But this isn't going to effect his dps.

Edited by Astynax

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  On 4/2/2014 at 3:07 PM, Astynax said:

ummm.... are there attempts 18-22 on this log?

Sorry im new to that site, but I see 22 heroic wipes on the log I just linked.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 3:09 PM, Arlyon said:

Sorry im new to that site, but I see 22 heroic wipes on the log I just linked.


I was looking @ WoL still. I edited. =)

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So to expand on the strat my guild is currently using, we have 1 tank standing to the side holding boss aggro while the other is with the raid collecting the adds that spawn. We generally get around 3-4 stacks before everyone switches onto adds and rotate platforms every swirl or when there's too many puddles etc.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 3:16 PM, Arlyon said:

So to expand on the strat my guild is currently using, we have 1 tank standing to the side holding boss aggro while the other is with the raid collecting the adds that spawn. We generally get around 3-4 stacks before everyone switches onto adds and rotate platforms every swirl or when there's too many puddles etc.



That's pretty much what I've done with 10 mans. While I'm not saying your lock's damage is excusable, consider everything else too. Looks like you're 2 healing, which means the fight is VERY healing intensive. Lots of burst damage going out, and you may just be nearly impossible to keep people alive, unless they're being really good.

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The short end of the stick is that your Destruction Warlock is playing rather terrible.  Chaos Bolt is our signature spell and he acts allergic to it.  Add damage is only important on the first two stack phases.  Boss damage is still extremely important.  He should be getting 2 Chaos Bolts off in the first 10 seconds, let alone 1 per minute. 


He has CRITICAL gameplay issues that can't be resolved by us telling you what he's doing wrong so you can relay the message.  He, himself, needs to come here and look for improvement by reading guides and understanding his capabilities.

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  On 4/2/2014 at 3:20 PM, Astynax said:

That's pretty much what I've done with 10 mans. While I'm not saying your lock's damage is excusable, consider everything else too. Looks like you're 2 healing, which means the fight is VERY healing intensive. Lots of burst damage going out, and you may just be nearly impossible to keep people alive, unless they're being really good.

We wanted to 3 heal but our resto druid had real life commitments so we were unable to do so. We'll probably do that for future attempts though. 

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Guest garmeth06

Just to add a little perspective to what everyone has already said, your lock recorded 88 hits in the 3 minute wipe, this includes aoe and every rain of fire tick.



The rank 200 parse on warcraft logs has well over 1000 hits, though the fight was 5 minutes long this is still VERY telling.


Your guy is spending most the time, well over half of the fight running around and not casting anything. There is no really class specific advice necessarily, hes just breaking fundamental laws of dps. Always have to be casting something..

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i think he might be over thinking this fight a bit, im guessing he dose not know when the debuff happens and is trying to over work his rotation. he might also be thinking that the lack of burning embers effect how much he can do. im guessing he just confused about the fight.

how dose he do with normal fights?

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  On 4/3/2014 at 1:23 AM, ClaytonMcKown said:

i think he might be over thinking this fight a bit, im guessing he dose not know when the debuff happens and is trying to over work his rotation. he might also be thinking that the lack of burning embers effect how much he can do. im guessing he just confused about the fight.

how dose he do with normal fights?

His DPS on normal fights aside from Garrosh, as far as I can tell, isn't too shabby. We've explained the fight mechanics of H Immerseus many times, as well as his opening rotations (Curse > DSI > Imm > Conf x2 > Inc x3 > CB x2), he's just not progressing as fast as we would like.


Thanks everyone for all your feedback

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