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New Destro Lock Here!

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Kind of? 


One of the reasons this fight is so hard is because it requires a skill set and coordination that isn't needed anywhere else in the game. 


- The fight is really about micromanaging the pit lord, which is a pet you'll never use again. 

- This is a solo scenario; In any raid setting, you won't have to survive without a healer for 7 minutes, nor will you have aggro (i.e. chaos bolts to LoS), and you won't be responsible for decursing yourself constantly

- Related to the point above, you probably won't be using Grimoire of Sacrifice in raids*, so without a Pit Lord (...) or the Imp ability, you won't even be able to

- Neither raids or heroics as presently constituted require any sort of cc, so you won't be using enslave demon or banish outside of this


This scenario is excellent and unique because it forces you to use spells in the warlock spellbook that never get used (enslave, banish, eye of kilrogg,etc). 


You should do it because green fire is awesome, and you will be learning, but in my opinion you will be learning a mostly useless skill set. My personal recommendation would be to learn it in LFR due to lack of pressure. 


*as I understand it, the Better Demons Grimoire is widely agreed to be best for destro? 



People that don't know don't annoy me, people that don't know and try to sound like they do and in so doing spread incorrect information annoy me very much.


Learn a class before you preach. 

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