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[Archived] Demonology Warlock 5.4

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Guest Akuma

I would like to add that Minor Glyph: Shadowbolt adds a very important and interesting relationship with OnCrit procs, making it a must have in raiding.

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  On 10/1/2012 at 1:29 PM, 'JV Chequer said:

Why Haste is better than Mastery, and maybe be usefull for the guide, but, here is the breakpoints:


I'm not sure this proves anything :)

Of the best Demonology Warlocks around here, some go for Haste, others for Mastery, and others for Crit. As we say in the guide, all these stats are roughly equal and it doesn't really matter which one you go for.

  On 10/5/2012 at 5:49 PM, 'Akuma said:

I would like to add that Minor Glyph: Shadowbolt adds a very important and interesting relationship with OnCrit procs, making it a must have in raiding.

Could you please develop on that?

  On 9/5/2012 at 7:43 AM, 'Phantom Scony said:

In play I'm actually seeing the Fel Imp (Glyphed) out-DPSing the Wrathguard, has anyone accounted for any anomalous activity that may make this seem the case? I'm showing the Wrathguard doing ~6k DPS by itself, and the Fel Imp pushing ~10k. Both pets are pushing about 2.3/sec generation rate on Demonic Fury, and I can't think of anything else that would make the Wrathguard more "optimal" overall outside of AoE fights. Is there so much of a difference at 90 that the Wrathguard suddenly pulls ahead in an instance where, all things equal, they should be on the same DPS increase curve?

At level 90, the Felguard/Wrathguard is a clear winner over the Fel Imp. All the top ranked Demonology Warlocks are using a Felguard with Grimoire of Service.

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Guest deox
  On 10/12/2012 at 10:19 AM, 'Damien said:

At level 90, the Felguard/Wrathguard is a clear winner over the Fel Imp. All the top ranked Demonology Warlocks are using a Felguard with Grimoire of Service.

Looks like Wrathguard at the moment is better than Grimore of service though. Unless there is something that can happen that makes it better?

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  On 10/13/2012 at 1:04 AM, 'deox said:

Looks like Wrathguard at the moment is better than Grimore of service though. Unless there is something that can happen that makes it better?

Why do you say that Wrathguard is better than Grimoire of Service?

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Guest Deox
  On 10/13/2012 at 8:00 AM, 'Damien said:

Why do you say that Wrathguard is better than Grimoire of Service?

Wow I'm sorry Posted Image I didn't notice I was looking at the wrong stuff. felgaurd is better. I was looking at the 5.0.4 data spreads without realizing it. Service is better!

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  On 10/13/2012 at 8:30 AM, 'Deox said:

Wow I'm sorry Posted Image I didn't notice I was looking at the wrong stuff. felgaurd is better. I was looking at the 5.0.4 data spreads without realizing it. Service is better!

No problem :P

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Guest Joswalton

I'm not understanding in the guide, where is says that you are in both Dark Apotheosis and demon form at the same time. You say that Touch of Chaos changes to Demonic Slash, but, every time I try to go into both forms, the previous cancels. This comes from talking about staying in demon form, which is assumed to be Metamorphosis, while still using Demonic Slash(gotten from a previous comment), yet I can't even get Demonic Slash due to demon form giving me Touch of Chaos. If there's something I'm missing, please enlighten me because this is all just confusing me.

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  On 10/26/2012 at 3:12 AM, 'Joswalton said:

I'm not understanding in the guide, where is says that you are in both Dark Apotheosis and demon form at the same time. You say that Touch of Chaos changes to Demonic Slash, but, every time I try to go into both forms, the previous cancels. This comes from talking about staying in demon form, which is assumed to be Metamorphosis, while still using Demonic Slash(gotten from a previous comment), yet I can't even get Demonic Slash due to demon form giving me Touch of Chaos. If there's something I'm missing, please enlighten me because this is all just confusing me.

Dark Apotheosis is itself a demon form, just that it's slightly different than Metamorphosis. The whole section is about Dark Apotheosis. At no point is it said that you should use Metamorphosis. I've removed the mention of demon form and now say Dark Apotheosis everywhere. I didn't imagine that this could be confusing.

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Guest Rubi

Fundamental error in the guide It says "keep channeling Posted ImageHellfire, something that can be done while moving or casting other spells,"... you cant cast other spells with hellfire running. You can cast other spells with "immolation aura".

So is that a typo? or does it change the guidence? if you have to stop hellfire to cast corruption in the "3 or 4" mobs sceanrio... whats the best?


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Guest Pete

Thankyou for a very well written and researched guide, should improve my DPS a lot.


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Guest Manoj

Hello icy veins

Ur guides are my daily reading material Posted Image..

ok wanted to ask some suggestions on warlock ..

as i am playing warlock first time ever (been a ret pala from start of wow)

i choose demo since i like all the imps and metamorp.

so basically what i wanted to ask is my burst is not so good at start cause of demon fury is less ..

so can you please provide me a good start burst rotation it will be helpful for a noob like me and others who just playing lock.

Thanks guys keep up the good work ..

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  On 11/1/2012 at 1:11 AM, 'Rubi said:

Fundamental error in the guide It says "keep channeling Posted ImageHellfire, something that can be done while moving or casting other spells,"... you cant cast other spells with hellfire running. You can cast other spells with "immolation aura".

So is that a typo? or does it change the guidence? if you have to stop hellfire to cast corruption in the "3 or 4" mobs sceanrio... whats the best?


Thank you for this valuable comment. Indeed, Hellfire cannot be channeled while casting other spell (although I could swear it was possible at some point during beta, otherwise I'm not sure how I would have gotten the idea that it was possible). In any case, I have amended this section of the guide and it now reads:


Against 4 or more enemies, keep applying and refreshing Corruption on 3 or 4 enemies. The rest of the time, channel Hellfire.

  On 11/13/2012 at 4:01 AM, 'Pete said:

Thankyou for a very well written and researched guide, should improve my DPS a lot.


Glad to be of help :)

  On 11/26/2012 at 6:33 AM, 'Manoj said:

Hello icy veins

Ur guides are my daily reading material Posted Image..

ok wanted to ask some suggestions on warlock ..

as i am playing warlock first time ever (been a ret pala from start of wow)

i choose demo since i like all the imps and metamorp.

so basically what i wanted to ask is my burst is not so good at start cause of demon fury is less ..

so can you please provide me a good start burst rotation it will be helpful for a noob like me and others who just playing lock.

Thanks guys keep up the good work ..

Glad our guides are useful :) Regarding burst damage on the pull, Demonology Warlocks are very limited in this area. For burst damage, you need Demonic Power. When you start the fight, you need to first build up Demonic Power, so no real burst possible. What you can do is simply use your Doomguard and your Dark Soul spell to increase your DPS and make sure that your Doomguard benefits from your stats when they are at their highest. Other than that, there is little else you can do besides getting your rotation going.

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  On 11/26/2012 at 7:46 PM, 'Damien said:

Thank you for this valuable comment. Indeed, Hellfire cannot be channeled while casting other spell (although I could swear it was possible at some point during beta, otherwise I'm not sure how I would have gotten the idea that it was possible). In any case, I have amended this section of the guide and it now reads:

Glad to be of help Posted Image

Glad our guides are useful Posted Image Regarding burst damage on the pull, Demonology Warlocks are very limited in this area. For burst damage, you need Demonic Power. When you start the fight, you need to first build up Demonic Power, so no real burst possible. What you can do is simply use your Doomguard and your Dark Soul spell to increase your DPS and make sure that your Doomguard benefits from your stats when they are at their highest. Other than that, there is little else you can do besides getting your rotation going.

Thanks for the info .. one more question demo or affli which is ftw in pve :)..

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  On 11/27/2012 at 5:51 AM, 'Manoj said:

Thanks for the info .. one more question demo or affli which is ftw in pve :)..

To answer your question, I would check World of Logs and see which spec performs better than the other on a given fight, so I will advise you to do just that: go on World of Logs and see for yourself :P

That said, I prefer playing Affliction ;)

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  On 11/27/2012 at 7:49 PM, 'Damien said:

To answer your question, I would check World of Logs and see which spec performs better than the other on a given fight, so I will advise you to do just that: go on World of Logs and see for yourself Posted Image

That said, I prefer playing Affliction Posted Image

Ya even i started playing afffli it feel easy a bit than demo ,, and i like the sound of spells its like ghost always with you..:P

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Guest Dirim

I saw that you did not add the increased proc chance of Molten Core from using Glyph of Wild Imps.

As a demo lock i often use this glyph when the boss goes low on health (<50%) to get a massive Molten core proc, sometimes as high as 11 stacks. That gives me a very nice amp up to the 25% auto-proc, and often helps to max my dps.

A really nice guide btw!

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  On 11/28/2012 at 5:22 PM, 'Dirim said:

I saw that you did not add the increased proc chance of Molten Core from using Glyph of Wild Imps.

As a demo lock i often use this glyph when the boss goes low on health (<50%) to get a massive Molten core proc, sometimes as high as 11 stacks. That gives me a very nice amp up to the 25% auto-proc, and often helps to max my dps.

A really nice guide btw!

Thank you! I will add it to the guide ;)

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Guest lock447

The guide says for AoE:

"Chaos Wave should not be use in AoE situations, unless you want the target to die while you are in Demon Form. Posted ImageHand of Gul'dan does about the same damage and procs Posted ImageMolten Core."

Is this outdated? The chaos wave tooltip says it has a 100% chance to proc molten core now, so I guess it might be good in AoE situations.

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Guest j19

Please add a note somewhere that when in a dungeon and using your Felguard / Wrathguard turn off "Threating Presence". Your tank will thank you.

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Guest Savrem Merlae

About minor glyph of shadow bolt, it once let you have a chance to proc effects three times with every casting (one for each mini bolt) did they take that out in patch? If not, you should definitely add it on as a must have glyph!

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  On 1/7/2013 at 1:29 AM, 'lock447 said:

The guide says for AoE:

"Chaos Wave should not be use in AoE situations, unless you want the target to die while you are in Demon Form. Posted ImageHand of Gul'dan does about the same damage and procs Posted ImageMolten Core."

Is this outdated? The chaos wave tooltip says it has a 100% chance to proc molten core now, so I guess it might be good in AoE situations.

I improved the explanations and mentioned why you still shouldn't use Chaos Wave, even if it does proc Molten Core ;)

  On 1/8/2013 at 8:50 PM, 'j19 said:

Please add a note somewhere that when in a dungeon and using your Felguard / Wrathguard turn off "Threating Presence". Your tank will thank you.

Added, thanks! ;)

  On 1/22/2013 at 12:13 PM, 'Savrem Merlae said:

About minor glyph of shadow bolt, it once let you have a chance to proc effects three times with every casting (one for each mini bolt) did they take that out in patch? If not, you should definitely add it on as a must have glyph!

Which proc are you talking about?

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Guest Savrem Merlae

Which proc are you talking about?

It once proced anything from trinkets to enchants that randomly proced when casting an offensive spell at triple the chance, but it has been some time since I have seen it mentioned or tried it myself. Like I said, unless they changed it in a patch since it first came out (right with MoP) it should result in more than just a cosmetic glyph, perhaps a small dps increase, depending on the proc. Just now getting back into WoW and I need to experiment to know for myself unless I want to sludge through all the patch notes. Anyone with a lock with this glyph and an offensive spell proc that has a chance to fire randomly with each cast want to double check for me?

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  On 1/24/2013 at 3:20 AM, 'Savrem Merlae said:

It once proced anything from trinkets to enchants that randomly proced when casting an offensive spell at triple the chance, but it has been some time since I have seen it mentioned or tried it myself. Like I said, unless they changed it in a patch since it first came out (right with MoP) it should result in more than just a cosmetic glyph, perhaps a small dps increase, depending on the proc. Just now getting back into WoW and I need to experiment to know for myself unless I want to sludge through all the patch notes. Anyone with a lock with this glyph and an offensive spell proc that has a chance to fire randomly with each cast want to double check for me?

I've done a few tests and I don't think it's the case.

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Guest Savrem Merlae

My apologies then, maybe it just feels like it does, like a lucky streak? Meh, we all do/think/say stupid things every once and a while, though it was something I would swear by at times so I feel quite embarrassed T_T

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This section implies that you can cast the Aura on a target, which is not the case, It is only applies to yourself.

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