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[Archived] Demonology Warlock 5.4

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Guest Rainemard
  'Section 5.1 said:

Casting another ability than those mentioned above while in demon form will cancel demon form.

I could be mistaken, but from my experience the only thing which has cancelled my demon form (other than running out of Demonic Fury or doing it manually) was casting spell_nature_rejuvenation.jpgRejuvenation.

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  On 1/29/2013 at 4:00 AM, 'Rainemard said:

I could be mistaken, but from my experience the only thing which has cancelled my demon form (other than running out of Demonic Fury or doing it manually) was casting spell_nature_rejuvenation.jpgRejuvenation.

You're right, that will be fixed in a few minutes. Thanks! :)

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Guest Kevink

You seriously need to change your advice on the tier one ability Harvest Life. It's my number 2 damage dealing ability in raids, preceded by Immolation Aura.

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  On 3/23/2013 at 12:06 AM, 'Kevink said:

You seriously need to change your advice on the tier one ability Harvest Life. It's my number 2 damage dealing ability in raids, preceded by Immolation Aura.

The advice is fine as it is. In Tier 15, the only fight where it may be useful is for the bats on Tortos, but even then, you shouldn't use it because you benefit from it only a few times during the fight, whereas you can benefit from the other two talents for the whole fight.

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Guest TheRobgoblin

Can i just ask why there is no mention of glyph of demon training? It just seems that demonology warlocks are fairly short of "nescessary" major glyphs to begin with, but training seems to be decent enough. For example, the felguard recieves 20% extra health, meaning that sacrificial pact would theortically provide a shield of 400% times 30% (25% of the current 120%) of the demons health, or am I missing something?

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  On 3/26/2013 at 2:58 AM, 'TheRobgoblin said:

Can i just ask why there is no mention of glyph of demon training? It just seems that demonology warlocks are fairly short of "nescessary" major glyphs to begin with, but training seems to be decent enough. For example, the felguard recieves 20% extra health, meaning that sacrificial pact would theortically provide a shield of 400% times 30% (25% of the current 120%) of the demons health, or am I missing something?

You're right, it's a very good glyph for Demonology. I've added it to the guide, thanks :)

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Guest Feegaro

Posted ImageGlyph of Imp Swarm grants you the Posted ImageImp Swarm ability, which has a 2-minute cooldown

1. Cooldown reduced by your haste. Outside of cooldown normal imp summoned on doom crit.

2. Damage of summoned imps affected by your SP and Mastery (in contrast to the normal demon will get a bonus armor) . For max damage delay cast Imp Swarm for DS:K, Int/Mastery/SP proc's.


Posted ImageDark Soul: Knowledge is your main DPS cooldown. It increases your Mastery by 12,516

18000 actually

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Guest undeadmuffin

I'm starting to find that demonology when played correctly can do the most damage for Pvp, now i know what you're thinking oh but aff is better for multiple and dots, and des because of the chaos bolt, but when dark soul is applied with the imps, you can do an incredible amount of damage that most healers cant even keep up with on a one on one, i don't know if they've made it stronger but my "Doom" effect was doing 400k damage in the battleground with my buffs and just some random other players, i know htis is off topic but it critted an 80k on a priest,which i thought, was funny as hell :)

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Guest Undeadmuffin

For demonology in pvp, should i be using demon training or not? as obviously it adds multiple abilities which are useful but DPS wise is it massively good, could i use something better?

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Guest Yolo

Under the suggested Addons , I feel that ExtraCD should be added to the list.

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Guest Guest

Demo is my roots but have not played it since MOP launched when I had to relearn the class, and just couldn't do any real damage you say, then you say do regular rotation, maybe I just don't under how you have it laid out, but what is regular rotation? Far I know you say keep Corruption and Doom up, but that doesn't really tell me what I should be doing

5.6. Opening Sequence

Without Posted ImageUnerring Vision of Lei-Shen (LFR, Heroic), your opener is the following:

With Posted ImageUnerring Vision of Lei-Shen (LFR, Heroic), your opener is the following:

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The "regular rotation" is presented at the beginning of the article. Is this what you are having issues with?

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Guest Guest
  On 6/20/2013 at 12:46 PM, 'Damien said:

The "regular rotation" is presented at the beginning of the article. Is this what you are having issues with?

Yes as it seems to hit everything in the open, yes as all it says for building is to keep Corruption up, use Hand when you got 2 charges, use with 1 charge, and shadowflame as 3-4 secs left, then SB - then something with Soul Fire(but that if DF is low) if you read more says Hand should be used then pop into demo before it hits, then to spend DF you do Doom touch of chaos, spam Soul Fire on MC procs, spam Touch of Chaos/

Maybe I just don't get it, but it doesn't seem like a rotation to me, 2x things you just make sure they up, and other is just spam

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Guest will

From my tests, if you haven't gor UVLS, the "old" 5.1 rotation (i.e. do not use Soul Fire on Metamorphosis unless you got trinket procs summed to Dark Soul) is far better than the new one. Both in-game tests and Simcraft show big DPS loss in using Soul Fire within Metamorphosis.

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  On 6/20/2013 at 4:14 PM, 'Guest said:

Yes as it seems to hit everything in the open, yes as all it says for building is to keep Corruption up, use Hand when you got 2 charges, use with 1 charge, and shadowflame as 3-4 secs left, then SB - then something with Soul Fire(but that if DF is low) if you read more says Hand should be used then pop into demo before it hits, then to spend DF you do Doom touch of chaos, spam Soul Fire on MC procs, spam Touch of Chaos/

Maybe I just don't get it, but it doesn't seem like a rotation to me, 2x things you just make sure they up, and other is just spam

If you're looking for something that resembles a cycle or something that repeats (so, an actual rotation), that no longer exists in WoW. All classes use their abilities following a given priority, which is what the guide lists.

  On 6/21/2013 at 11:57 PM, 'will said:

From my tests, if you haven't gor UVLS, the "old" 5.1 rotation (i.e. do not use Soul Fire on Metamorphosis unless you got trinket procs summed to Dark Soul) is far better than the new one. Both in-game tests and Simcraft show big DPS loss in using Soul Fire within Metamorphosis.

I've talked to Gahddo about this earlier today. He's the one maintaining the SimC profiles for Warlocks. In his version of the tool, the current rotation is the best even if you don't have UVLS.

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Guest Steed

I gotta say this is prolly the worst Specc guide on ICy veins, for instance refreshing your hand of guldan doesnt increase the Dot dmg on the target it will only increase the slow, and alot of mistakes like this are made, u can really see Evrelia has never properly played demo

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  On 6/24/2013 at 11:12 AM, 'Steed said:

I gotta say this is prolly the worst Specc guide on ICy veins, for instance refreshing your hand of guldan doesnt increase the Dot dmg on the target it will only increase the slow, and alot of mistakes like this are made, u can really see Evrelia has never properly played demo

If you can specify all the other mistakes that you think were made, this would be very helpful.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 11:12 AM, 'Steed said:

for instance refreshing your hand of guldan doesnt increase the Dot dmg on the target it will only increase the slow

You sir, are silly. Using HoG with meta does in fact increase its damage. By a lot. And can I ask where you're getting this from in the first place?

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Guest Morgoth

Very detailed guide in my opinion :). Thanks Icy-veins but i have one question. I'm still leveling my lock so i haven't tried it on raid content but i can't help to notice that Terrorguard's Doom Bolt deals 20% more damage to targets below 20% hp. So considering the fact that its realistically used once per encounter, shouldn't it be used when the boss gets below 20% and not in the beginning????

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Hey all - I was reading this guide because I was looking for advice on how to talent/reforge/etc after getting my UVLS trinket. I am a bit confused on 2 things. I noticed that it was recommended to use Grim of Sacrifice for single target? How does this come ahead? I used simcraft and the numbers came out significantly less than Grim of Service. What am I missing? Also, with UVLS, is the glyph of imp swarm mandatory? Thanks in advance!

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Guest GuestGuest
  On 6/24/2013 at 11:12 AM, 'Steed said:

I gotta say this is prolly the worst Specc guide on ICy veins, for instance refreshing your hand of guldan doesnt increase the Dot dmg on the target it will only increase the slow, and alot of mistakes like this are made, u can really see Evrelia has never properly played demo

Has anyone ever claimed that the stacks deal more damage? You clip the dot to save time and by popping into meta before the 2nd HoG lands, it will get empowered damage from metamorphosis. You, Sir, is a douche.

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I made this macro, think it can be rather useful:

#showtooltip Carrion Swarm(Metamorphosis)
/cast [noform:1/2] Metamorphosis
/cast Carrion Swarm(Metamorphosis)
Edit: This is of course an interruption macro, and requires Glyph of Carrion Swarm.
Edited by Aproydtix

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I would like to suggest adding clipping Hand of Gul'dan at the last second for the second stack as well as gemming yellow instead of red (the latter to all three spec guides).

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Guest Ocean

Got a question here..


Guide says to have 8094 Haste + 5% Haste buff for 25% Haste Softcap.


I have 8158 Haste which translates to 19,20% Haste, meaning i'd have 24,20% Haste.


Am i missing something here?

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  On 9/12/2013 at 11:56 AM, Ocean said:

Got a question here..


Guide says to have 8094 Haste + 5% Haste buff for 25% Haste Softcap.


I have 8158 Haste which translates to 19,20% Haste, meaning i'd have 24,20% Haste.


Am i missing something here?

Yes, you are smile.png Haste is not additive, it's multiplicative. So, if you have 19.20% haste, with the 5% haste raid buff, you would end up with 25.16% haste (1.1920 * 1.05).

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