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Whats wrong with bandaids?!


Oh wait they removed the realm firsts, I can't be super excited Realm FIrst First Aid guy anymore.

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Nah, it's just they were like 1/3 your health pool heal at the start of MoP.  Now it's like less than 1/6 with SoO gear.  Even the food is now just half my health heal at this point, I wish they'd scale it by percentage of health.

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Exhiliration still heals for 30% of your hp and can crit for 60%, its just theyve buffed battle fatigue and hunters don't gain healing on our heals from pvp power so our healing is crippled in pvp. If they get their stuff right with tweeking in pvp next expansion it should actually scale correctly.

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Well I'm not referring to in combat healing.  It's a habit I've had since before the current talents, I relied a lot on bandages for Wrath and Cataclysm.  Now with Spirit Bond I could just sit around and heal if I was low on health but I actually use Iron Hawk by default since I raid a fair amount.  But I used to be on a PvP server where bandages were a quick heal and then back to what you were doing.  Anyway, the Klaxxi amber food works well for that now but back in the day it wasn't so easy to heal quick.

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