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[Archived] Fire Mage 5.4

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Guest Res

Umh, Think for leg enchant Greater Cerulean Spellthread is a little bit better than Greater Perlescent Spellthread, because atleast last time I checked crit > spirit for fire mages.

Most likely just an error but you might want to fix it.

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  On 10/5/2012 at 5:26 AM, 'Res said:

Umh, Think for leg enchant Greater Cerulean Spellthread is a little bit better than Greater Perlescent Spellthread, because atleast last time I checked crit > spirit for fire mages.

Most likely just an error but you might want to fix it.

Thank you very much for reporting this :)

Actually, it turns out I was listing Greater Pearlescent Spellthread as the default leg enchant for every caster. I fixed that and added the cheaper leg enchant for all caster classes ;)

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Guest johhny

Are there haste cap numbers out yet ? This would be a very helpful post. Thanks.

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I just logged in and for some reason my PoM -> Pyroblast macro is no longer working. It's been just fine since I first copied it from the website. Is anyone else having this issue or know of a way to fix it? NOTHING has changed with my game or addons since I played this morning when it was just fine. Just to confirm, my macro is written as follows:

  • #showtooltip Pyroblast
  • /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
  • /cast Presence of Mind
  • /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  • /script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
  • /cast Pyroblast
help? I'm working with a pretty normal mouse so I can't just throw PoM on a button to use when its available. This was seriously my favorite macro and I'm super sad its not working now for some reason.

EDIT: The macro will now cast appropriately but if PoM isn't ready it will say "you cant cast that yet" while casting pyroblast. Is there a way to stop that?

Edited by Polyemtgirl

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  On 10/3/2012 at 3:49 AM, 'Ecke said:

I Found a good use of the alter time ability, especialy in the beggining of an encounter. In order to increase the chanses to get a big pyroblast crit right before doing combustion you should make use of Alter Time.

i will write my usual opening rotation

invocation/rune of power

pre pot

living bomb.

cast as usual untill all trinkets/spellthread procs

make sure to get a Hot streak

NOW pop Alter Time, and right after cast the instant pyroblast.

See if it crit or not. if it did crit then pop combustion on the target.

if it didn't crit, cast as usual untill Alter Time give you the instant pyro back.

Cast the instant pyroblast again. hopefully this time it did crit and if so pop combustion.

This opening rotation will increase your chanses of landing a great combustion with all prepotts and trinkets active instead of waiting for a Hot streak and risk the possibility of your prepot and int procs running out.

Thanks for submitting this suggestion, but would we not reach a similar situation by just following the rotation we give?

  On 10/8/2012 at 4:50 AM, 'Polyemtgirl said:

I just logged in and for some reason my PoM -> Pyroblast macro is no longer working. It's been just fine since I first copied it from the website. Is anyone else having this issue or know of a way to fix it? NOTHING has changed with my game or addons since I played this morning when it was just fine. Just to confirm, my macro is written as follows:

  • #showtooltip Pyroblast
  • /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
  • /cast Presence of Mind
  • /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  • /script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
  • /cast Pyroblast
help? I'm working with a pretty normal mouse so I can't just throw PoM on a button to use when its available. This was seriously my favorite macro and I'm super sad its not working now for some reason.

EDIT: The macro will now cast appropriately but if PoM isn't ready it will say "you cant cast that yet" while casting pyroblast. Is there a way to stop that?

Go to the your System options, then "Sound", and unchecked "Error Speech". ;)

  On 10/10/2012 at 11:21 PM, 'specialk said:

Hi, had this drop for me the other night. off the trash before Feng.


mind adding it into your gear list? Posted Image


It is going to be added soon, thank you very much for pointing this out ;)

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On the gem section of the guide, when having red socket you state that its better to socket it for 80 int, 160 crit. Considering the stat priority you give, wouldn't it be better to socket for 160 int right away?

Also, if the socket bonus is Mastery/haste, isn't it better to forget about it and socket full int (or full crit if its intended)?

Edited by Ati123

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Guest Gardibolt

The thing is 1 Int>1 Crit but 1 Int < 2 Crit. So the secondary stat becomes better since there's so much more of it.

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Guest Heatwave

So which are people using more Invocation or Rune? (I personally use Invocation)

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Guest Jaggari

So I have a question about your BiS list, you say that the stat priority is Crit->Haste->Mastery. So why are alot of the top BiS items Hit and Mastery. I could understand if one had more intellect on it. But there are alot of items that have equal stam/int and equal secondary stats. But the one with Hit/Crit will be lower on the list then the Hit/Mastery one. Does this make sense? I'm just wondering why the Mastery items are higher on the BiS list if mastery is the worst stat.

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  On 10/22/2012 at 11:59 PM, 'Jaggari said:

So I have a question about your BiS list, you say that the stat priority is Crit->Haste->Mastery. So why are alot of the top BiS items Hit and Mastery. I could understand if one had more intellect on it. But there are alot of items that have equal stam/int and equal secondary stats. But the one with Hit/Crit will be lower on the list then the Hit/Mastery one. Does this make sense? I'm just wondering why the Mastery items are higher on the BiS list if mastery is the worst stat.

The BIS list refers to the Best in slot items list found at the top of this post https://www.icy-veins.com/fire-mage-wow-pve-dps-gear-loot-best-in-slot

The items for individual slots are listed in order of ilvl and are not further sub-ordered.

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  On 10/23/2012 at 4:12 AM, 'Vladamyr said:

The BIS list refers to the Best in slot items list found at the top of this post http://www.icy-veins...ot-best-in-slot

The items for individual slots are listed in order of ilvl and are not further sub-ordered.

Actually a lot of the BiS gear IS hit/mastery gear. This is because at a low gear level you struggle to reach hit cap, and hit cap is so much better then the other stats whatever comes with it is almost unimportant. Any mastery can still be reforged 40% into crit (or your hit can be reforged if you are over the cap).

Check askmrrobot for a better idea of the BiS, that list does just list alphabetically and by ilvl.

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So of the entire BIS list, 4 pieces are listed with hit/mastery:

Wrists - The BiS is a 489, the next available pieces are 483 with 34 less Intellect

Waist - The only close alternative is haste/mastery vs the hit mastery that is suggested.

Ring - It's close between Seal of the Lucid and Simple Harmonius Ring my guess is that the extra hit outweighs haste vs mastery secondary.

Off Hand - There are no close alternatives yet.

The BiS list is made by running Sims to determine what the best set of gear is working with all the stats together and it can't be determined by looking at 1 piece individually. Good questions though and it's a good idea to always be looking at the BiS list to keep it updated! Posted Image

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If the BIS pieces had crit, we would be OP for sure and be expecting a major nerf. I remember the DS tier sets were so crappy, as far as the set bonus went, I opted for some crafted pieces, unless I was getting heroic gear. Those tier set pieces were probably better for arcane mages. In general, I do not weigh BIS based on other pieces I may or may not get but the individual piece I have the option of putting on atm. It is probably not the most logical way to do it but I can never be sure if I will be able to obtain all of what is on the BIS list.

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Guest MMA

Are you still sure this are the best in slot items. Have you considered the Heart of Fear Gear is better than the Crafted one?

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  On 11/6/2012 at 3:17 PM, 'MMA said:

Are you still sure this are the best in slot items. Have you considered the Heart of Fear Gear is better than the Crafted one?

Yes the BiS lists will need to be updated. I'm sure Vlad and Damien are on it but there are a lot of lists to update.

Update: I'm guessing, due to the raid release schedule and to save a bunch of work, that the BiS lists will be updated after Nov. 20th. All heroic tier gear will be available and final analysis will be much easier than iterating through the gear that is currently available in this staggered raid release.

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Guest Madtoad

I have a question about the PoM macro. It states on the firemage page that it won't go off if you already have an insta-cast Pyroblast available (IE, when Pyroblast! procs) but it does. I keep the PoM on a sidebar just so I can watch and see when it's cooldown ticks, and it goes off even when I have Pyroblast! procced. Did I do something wrong?

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Guest Gonerill

I am missing PVP gear in the BiS list - at least the dps trinket should definitely be included.

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  On 10/21/2012 at 12:25 PM, 'Heatwave said:

So which are people using more Invocation or Rune? (I personally use Invocation)

I tried Invocation at first. If I was able to start the cast and get the instant effect then cut it off to start dps it would be great but I had to finish the channeling each time to get the buff. I not only had a dps boost going to the Rune of Power but health and mana regen too. It has a shorter cast time to lay but it also makes me a little stationary. Where heavy movement is involved, perhaps Invocation might be a better choice but I am not sure. For heavy movement I may switch to Incanter's Ward. My mage is second to my main, warrior, so I do not have enough experience to say for sure on the Incanter's Ward yet.

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Didn't knew where to put this comment really, but i'm wondering..

Why does Askmrrobot.com gem for full crit?? :-/ not even Int +crit to get the socket bonus..

The same with my enh shammy, he would go for master + hit or hit + exp and i could get the cap needed without those gems as well..

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  On 11/26/2012 at 4:21 PM, 'Beeba said:

I tried Invocation at first. If I was able to start the cast and get the instant effect then cut it off to start dps it would be great but I had to finish the channeling each time to get the buff. I not only had a dps boost going to the Rune of Power but health and mana regen too. It has a shorter cast time to lay but it also makes me a little stationary. Where heavy movement is involved, perhaps Invocation might be a better choice but I am not sure. For heavy movement I may switch to Incanter's Ward. My mage is second to my main, warrior, so I do not have enough experience to say for sure on the Incanter's Ward yet.

I actually think the common consensus is Invocation > RoP. As a "flat buff" they both end up pretty much identical, but invocation puts less movement restrictions on you. As you mention, the only trick with invocation is making sure you don't cut off the cast early and miss the buff.

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  On 11/27/2012 at 4:08 PM, 'Shamphoo said:

Didn't knew where to put this comment really, but i'm wondering..

Why does Askmrrobot.com gem for full crit?? :-/ not even Int +crit to get the socket bonus..

The same with my enh shammy, he would go for master + hit or hit + exp and i could get the cap needed without those gems as well..

There are a few threads about this in the "Mage" section of the forums. Basically, the stat weightings are such that +320 crit > +160 int. So, by extension, +160 crit > +80 int, and so on. In a 1:1 exchange of stats int is clearly superior, but gems are weighted 2:1 secondary to primary stats.

I assume that is the same reason for your Shaman.

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  On 11/27/2012 at 5:16 PM, 'midgettoes said:

There are a few threads about this in the "Mage" section of the forums. Basically, the stat weightings are such that +320 crit > +160 int. So, by extension, +160 crit > +80 int, and so on. In a 1:1 exchange of stats int is clearly superior, but gems are weighted 2:1 secondary to primary stats.

I assume that is the same reason for your Shaman.

So you think it's better to go full crit?

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